TribeSteemUp's Weekly Gems

Hello Beautiful People

Welcome to another wonderful week here on Steemit, where things seem to be back in full swing since the Hard Fork. I didn't do a curation for the Tribe last week, as not many were posting and most seemed to have taken a wee break until everything settled back down. So I am very happy to once again, be able to showcase some of the great content that has been created by some of the TribeSteemUp members, content that really embodies what the Tribe stands for.

The TribeSteemUp community, was created by @kennyskitchen. It is a Community Abundance Generator which supports authors who write articles that look at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world. The authors that were chosen to become part of the TribeSteemUp community are all writing content of high quality, which are based on the following topics:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness |
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |

The TribeSteemmUp community also has 8 Pillars/Principles that each member has agreed to adhere by and you can find The 8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp at the end of this post

I have 20 articles to share with you all today. Articles that speak truth, that help keep us informed and that inspire us and motivate us to become more aware in our daily lives . Life is all about learning, evolving, creating and being mindful in all that we do. By coming together and engaging with one another we can all share our wisdom and empower one another. We can create the world in which we all wish to live. I have also included the latest animated video from @flauwy that really simplifies what the 1up project is all about. These sure are exciting times! Happy reading and remember to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting. You can go one step further by following the TribesteemUp Curation Trail, this way way you are supporting all the great authors who are creating quality content.

Re: Generation, Let's Work Together For A Change


Dear Children of the Wars.
You have lived through and actively partaken in the greatest pain we could do to ourselves as a race. We organized a number of mass killings of human beings, and that has released enormous amounts of grief and negativity into the world. You are the generation that lived this, and to say it took some resilience is an understatement.
Your middle name is resilience, stiff as a board. Sometimes it makes the younger folks sad to see you so brittle, in body and mind now. A conversation is almost not possible. This world has broken you and you've suffered deeply for all of us, you have laid the foundations for everything to come. You need our compassion and understanding, we need to take care of you despite anything and everything.

As Monsanto Fights $289 million Jury Ruling a New Study Finds Glyphosate Harms Honey Bees


As a new study finds that an ingredient in Monsanto's popular herbicide is harming honey bees the corporation is seeking to have a recent $289 million jury award thrown out of court.
A newly published study from researchers at the University of Texas at Austin points to the popular chemical glyphosate as a culprit for harming special gut bacteria in honey bees. The study, "Glyphosate perturbs the gut microbiota of honey bees", was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and points to exposure to glyphosate as disrupting the gut bacteria and making bees more susceptible to illness. Glyphosate is the main ingredient in Monsanto's popular herbicide RoundUp.
"Bees rely on a specialized gut microbiota that benefits growth and provides defense against pathogens," the researchers write. "Exposing bees to glyphosate alters the bee gut community and increases susceptibility to infection by opportunistic pathogens."

1UP Tribe Vibes Airdrop Contest - 100K Up Tokens in Prizes


How do you support your Steemit communities? Whether you participate in you Steemit sub-community's writing challenges, create community engagement challenges yourself, run or participate in contests for your group(s), manage a group or groups, or are just a well rounded Steemian participant engaging in various groups' activities, this is your chance to shine your light for the community, and really make people aware of how one person can have a great impact in our Steemit space and world.
If you are wondering what #TribeVibes represents, allow me to provide a short explanation. This tag/account was created to unify all the Steemit tribes and groups that support quality, professional, conscious content, and help advance the Steemit platform with positive evolution

Lunar Folks in a Sun Sign World -- When the Moon is your guiding light


It would seem life in "the outer world" is built for Sun Sign folks. Maybe that's as it should be. Even mainstream Astrology ... the kind most people know, at least from the dime store Astrology books and daily horoscopes that pass for "Astrology" in our culture ... casts Sun Sign energy as the lead player in life's drama.
But as I've written in a number of places ... and as I keep on saying ... your Sun Sign is not the whole story. There's a whole supporting line-up of other actors and inner personalities that make up the complexity of every human being. The different planets ... other than the Sun ... in the horoscope define them.

Internship Program at Mountain Jewel | A Center for Earth Connection: Permaculture, Homesteading, Natural Building, Wildcrafting


Greetings Steem Fam! I am writing to create a potent seed bomb strewn out into the universe. I am looking both for collaborators, inciters, gestation, vision and input, as well as planting seeds for actual interns to make their way here!
It has long been a plan and purpose to invite cocreators here to our homestead, Mountain Jewel, specifically and initially in the form of interns. Ini and I, Wren, learned most of our foundational earth connection skill base from similar internships (informal or formal) that we did by traveling and visiting homesteads, ecovillages, wwoofing, intentional communities, sustainable institutes, small farms, etc! We've also learned a lot from permaculture & university courses, trial and error, books, videos and nature herself.

Our Children Reminding Us How To Listen to Ourselves


I have written many times, about how our children are here to guide us, to help us remember, that in order for us to really thrive and be happy we need to listen to and trust ourselves. To Listen to our bodies, when they are trying to communicate with us, it seems such a simple thing really, I mean how can we expect to really listen to and hear others if we don't do it for ourselves.
Is it because we don't value ourselves enough?
Where does that come from, this lack of self worth. How did we get to this point in our lives where some of us deny ourselves one of the most basic animal needs on the earth. Love, Self Love.
Everything we do for ourselves comes from a place of love. Either we do love and respect ourselves or we don't and ignore our own needs, ignore our own self, when it tries to reach out to us.

Bringing Balance To The World - My Powerful Libra Birthday Astrology


The Steem game is accelerating and dApp mushrooms pop up quicker and quicker all over the ecosystem. More importantly though, the communities are growing closer together and it feels less and less disconnected to be on Steem. Discord is full of people and entire radio shows happen on various channels by the day, bringing everyone closer together. To me, Steem is all about community and empowering each other and @tribesteemup and #tribevibes embody that more than anything. In fact, this is what I, myself, stands for with my entire being and that I try to bring to Steem via the 1UP community voting dApp.

Natural Mamas: Home Birth Series - What To Expect - Birth Story 1


Every labour and birth is totally different so it's very tricky to tell you what to expect. I would love to share my birthing experiences with you and hope they offer you some in-sight and guidance.
My main aim is to show you that you can birth at home and that your body has the strength and power to bring your baby into your own arms without any medical intervention. I had two very different home births, my first not really going as I had hoped due to unsupportive midwives and the second going amazing from what I had learnt from my experiences during the first birth.

Our original innocent blueprint


What are your thoughts on this? How are we wired? Are we wired as innocent beings with a strong tendency for love and happiness? Or should we beware of our 'evil' nature and strife for the good as we are inherently sinful?
There are many ruling thoughts on this, one of the main ones being the bible story of original sin.
This is the story of Genesis about Eve eating the forbidden fruit and thus casting Adam and herself out of paradise. Read out of our original paradise DNA coding.
I am not going to say that there isn't some truth to this story of how mistakes have been made in human evolution which has altered our DNA coding, but these mistakes are in my opinion part of our story and can be overcome.

In Helping Others - Day 207 - Haiku - on helping others, accepting help graciously, and the eternal value of kindness


It always amazes me how so often those of us who are into helping others, while we have no problem asking for help on behalf of others, are loathe to ask for help for ourselves, even when badly needed.
And although I have seen this trait play out in both men and women, women seem to be far more often afflicted, and often to a far greater extent.
Although there is a psychological element to it, much of the issue is societal, as much of society still sends messages that girls are less important than boys, that women are objects rather than individuals judged on their own merits, and an unfortunately large percentage of women harbor a version of these messages within, preventing them from fully stepping into and owning their own power.

Ionic Silver versus Colloidal Silver [Dabbing with a Mage episode 173]


Ionic silver and colloidal silver have recently become a center of attention within the realms of natural medicine as they are rather effective as an antimicrobial agents. But what are the differences between these two things? For starters, one is in ionic suspension while the other is in a geometric suspension. Join me in today's episode as I explain what ionic and colloidal silver are and why they are effective antimicrobials.

Ylang Ylang - Tropical Medicine and So Much More Than "Just" an Aphrodisiac


Once people find out you're great for the libido (and officially an aphrodisiac) they often stop trying to get to know your deeper, more serious sides. You get pigeon-holed into spa packages, Valentine's romance massages and the oil burners in relationship counselors' offices. Sigh And so it is with the gorgeous, exotic, tropical Ylang Ylang.
Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata) has been one of our best selling Pure Essentials fragrances for nearly 12 years. Blended with Cold Pressed Sweet Orange. Sales start to rise before Christmas and definitely peak around Valentine's Day. People ask for "soft, sensual, romantic" and walk away happily with it in their hands. And they come back. Happy customers. And buy more.

Fruit it up Baby! - Medicinal Cooking Collective Diets For Ailments & Disease Week 4


Oh fruits! Are they the only food that nature intended us to eat? Some people think so, but either way our beautiful fruits have some of most incredible colours and tastes that nature has to offer. Many people lack fresh fruits in their diet, and substitute them for frozen, concentrated, or otherwise adulterated fruits. There are many nutritional benefits in fruits, and especially antioxidants.. but only when they are fresh! So this week the medicinal cooing collective is here to seek and discover new ways to enjoy fruits without desecrating them!
Fruits have many health benefits that help prevent health complications like heat stroke, high blood pressure, cancer, heart disorders, and diabetes. They effectively fight skin disorders and promote healthy hair growth. It is always suggested to eat raw, fresh, and ripe fruits to experience the health benefits.

Matrix Soulutions Reloaded - How Your Thoughts Alter Your Brain, Cells, And Genes


Today, I continue exploring epigenetics and talk about how your own thoughts can be an environmental factor that changes cell expression.
You can literally self-talk your way in and out of health and the more aware of this you become (along with a true subconscious belief around this), the more powerful you become as a self-healer.
Sam x

From a slave to a master, chapter # 29 - the key of beliefs, Part VII


The reservoir of beliefs that each of us holds within, is the main factor that influences what happens to us. If we deeply accept this axiom we automatically free ourselves from major psychic blocks.
The personal beliefs that we hold regarding our daily lives form each moment and second whether or not such a moment is happy or tragic. If, for instance, your personal beliefs took you to a place of self-esteem, absolute certainty in the existence of TrueLove and undoubted knowing that you are worthy enough to experience it here and now, then TrueLove would definitely and instantly manifest in your life. The fact that such thing has not happened yet only means that your beliefs have not been fined enough, have not become accurate enough, to reach the necessary level to allow that. Anyhow, this is what we are here for.

"The Irrefutable Argument Against Vaccine Safety". I Require You To Respond To the Points Made Here Before I Will Listen To You Tell Me I am 'Unscientific' About The Dangers of Vaccination.


Thanks to @crescendoofpeace for pointing me to this relatively recent video from the creator of the 'Vaxxed' documentary - speaking on the subject of the terrible state of vaccine 'science' in our world and particularly in America. If you think you are certain about the 'safety and effectivness' of vaccines and that any dissenting voices are simply ignorant - I literally require you to speak to the points raised in this video before I will engage with you as so many waste my time on this topic thinking they know it all already.
To be clear, I am pro science - I hold a Batchelor of Science Degree and have even, for a while, worked for a pharmaceutical corporation (when young and before I understood what these corporations are really doing).

The Deadpost Initiative - Week 42 - Share your most undervalued work ($15 SBD rewards last week)


What is the Deadpost Intitiative?
The Deadpost Initiative is an attempt to give love to some posts that were overlooked during their short 7 day life span, a chance to bring your old posts back to life and maybe make some friends in the process. The goal is not only to share some love with SBD but also by engagement to generate discussion.

13 moons, a time for reflection


Yet another milestone in my life has come and gone. I've written, on average, over one post a day on this blockchain while my vessel traveled the stars on this space ship we call Mother Earth. 940 million km later, I find myself sitting here, contemplating, reflecting and remembering.
So what can I say about my time here on the steem blockchain? I took a picture this morning that I think reflects it all so well.
That is our pineapple flowering with snow on the ground just outside the window. Yes, we grow pineapples north of the 54th parallel and the last one that we ate was THE BEST I ever tasted. My wife and I have worked hard over the years to be as independent as possible, for better or worse, through sickness and good health. We made a commitment to one another and we stick to it!

The Desperate Need for Parenting Education


There is nothing more important than raising children. The older I get, the more I'm sure of this. Violence, rape, war, and more are direct failures of parenting. Children do not raise themselves, and they're not born evil or hateful. They're born full of love and joy.
Of course there are tons of parenting books, but relatively few people actually seek them out. Most people have the idea that raising a child requires no more instruction than making one. People just do what their parents did or make a few adjustments here and there based on their experiences. Many don't want to acknowledge their parents may have fucked up. To begin, they believe this reflects poorly on them. If their parents didn't do it right, then they didn't turn out right. You see this insane justification for spanking often. People also believe saying their parents missed the mark means they don't love their parents.

[Hae-Joo] Fruits for Evolution: Are Frugivores the Most Advanced Creatures on Earth?


I have recently made many changes to my diet and experimented with a whole host of foods and food combinations I had never really envisaged doing so ever before. I’ve been inspired by the various philosophies of food, ethical and health arguments made by proponents and advocates of veganism, plant-based diets, fruitarianism, and even by some of the latest reviews of the scientific literature. (In particular the work of Michael Greger.)
Yet the lens I find most interesting to come at the question of health and diet is from the angle of evolution
There are just so many great arguments on every-side, so much critical thinking and fascinating debates raging on; be it in the spiritual, moral & ethical, economic, socio-political, ecological, and even scientific realms. Waow.

The 1UP Introduction Video - A Steem dApp For Communities With Special Voting, Rankings & High Curation Rewards


Communities are the most important element on the Steem blockchain and the driver behind basically everything that is going on in the Steem ecosystem. They are lacking community features so far and 1UP is coming to safe the day. New voting system, new rankings, more curation rewards, better content and an exciting new Smart Media Token, that is specialized on voting other Steem projects and community efforts. And the best part is that you will get a handsome amount for free via our various airdrops.

A big thank you to @hungryhustle for creating the amazing infographic of the 8 Pillars Of TribeSteemUp and For @eco-alex for creating the tribesteemup banner and logo.




Big thanks as always for all your curation.

Thank you lovely one xx

A wonderful.collection..luckily I have already read most of these so I can rest easy! Thanks.for putting them x

Posted using Partiko Android

my pleasure beautiful xxx

beautiful features and thank you so much for doing this, certainly helps through the sifting 😆🙌🏽

you are most welcome, I enjoy getting to see what the tribe has been creating xxx

yes it is so very interesting for sure. :)

Thanks for throwing up the #TribeVibes contest in here. There are some hefty prizes but not many participants so far, only one day left to enter too.

the entries so far are great though, maybe extend it a little more and we could ask if some of the tribe would resteem that post, but you really do have some great entries xx

Oh yes we do... just posted the winners announcement.

its so nice to read a magazine that I didnt make! full of surprises and missed reads! great curation as always!

thank you @eco-alex that means a lot to me coming from you master curator xxxx

All are just wow! Love that so many people here have such valuable skills and information to share with the community!!

yes indeed Niina, very well said xx