TribeSteemUp's Weekly Gems

Hello beautiful people of Steemit. I hope everyone had a wonderful Lughnasadh and that you all celebrated the abundance of life all around you. We are right in the depths of summer where I am currently residing and things have been heating up somewhat. With the heat, we find that lots of things get pushed up to the surface, making us take stock of where we are in life and what we are doing. When this happens it is always good to reflect and seek out some guidance.

So Today I am really happy and eager to once again share some great Articles with you all, that really embody what TribeSteemUp stands for. Each week the members are writing really high quality articles, where they continue to share their wisdom and knowledge, helping to guide us towards a better world, a world where we are more aware and mindful.

The TribeSteemUp community, was created by @kennyskitchen. It is a Community Abundance Generator which supports authors who write articles that look at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.The authors that were chosen to become part of the TribeSteemUp community are all writing content of high quality, which are based on the following topics:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness |
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |

The TribeSteemmUp community also has 8 Pillars/Principles that each member has agreed to adhere by and you can find The 8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp at the end of this post

I have 21 articles to share with you all today, articles that are all about inspiring us, educating us and motivating us to become more aware in our daily lives . For me, life is all about learning, evolving and being mindful in all that we do. By coming together and engaging with one another we can all share our wisdom and empower one another. We can create the world in which we all wish to live. Happy reading and remember to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting. You can also, go one step further by following the TribesteemUp Curation Trail, this way way you are supporting all the great authors who are creating content of high quality.

Walk With Me: Part 2 .. Hiking, Philosophising & Wild Camping In Dartmoor National Park ... Into The Dart Valley



Dartmoor derives its name from the beautiful River Dart, the source of which is to be found on the high remote northern fells. Its crystal clear water then cascades over stark open moorland and deep wooded valleys, eventually feeding into the sea at Dartmouth. Today we are going to venture into the upper (and lower) reaches of an ancient forest, a place of gnarled roots, dancing piskies, whispering trees and profound beauty. Are you ready? let's go!
As I walked through the forest it's spirit felt palpable .. it's energy reinvigorating my world-weary mind and body. I tried to memorise it's every tree and flower, remember the warmth of the sunlight cascading through the trees and the sound of the bubbling river ... one day (when I'm old) memories will be all I have, but in my mind's eye .. I will be a rich man. ;)

Sexual Predators in the Spiritual Movement


When I was younger, and I first started to go to bars and clubs my Father would warn me about ‘Lounge Lizards,' it's a British term for men who prey on young drunk women. When I started to do my inner work in my late twenties and involve myself heavily in spiritual circles, I was never aware of what I call ‘Circle Snakes.' I naively thought everyone would be pure and all love and light, there to progress to a higher state of consciousness. I was lucky enough not to be involved too much with these guys, but when I did get involved with one, I got the nastiest love bite I could imagine. A toxic poison that purged me so hard, it broke me. It's not just sexual transmitted diseases we need to be wary of, but also sexually transmitted demons.
In one sense I can see how these toxic relationships work, one party is often so needy for love, that they are their own elusive lover. The other often is so elusive to others, they also are suffering from a lack of love. If both can learn from the encounter, then I guess they have become each other's medicine.

Self-government is the only legitimate form of government


"The only power tyrants have, is the power relinquished to them by their victims". - Étienne de la Boétie
Politicians (ALL OF THEM) essentially believe that the masses (that's you and me) are incapable of governing their own lives and must therefore submit to government rule. That's how Royal families ruled (and still do, in some parts of the world) for so many years; they convinced the peasants that they were not worthy of freedom and independence. Rather than taking responsibility for themselves and governing their own lives, the masses relinquished their power to the so-called 'elite' Royal families and, in doing so, denounced their right to freedom and self-determination.

A Lesson From My Son


From the discovery of my pregnancy with my 3rd child (pictured above), my partner and I decided that we wanted to home educate our children.
After a disastrous attempt at traditional homeschooling my daughter when we moved to Mexico, I was determined to learn from my mistakes and not try to recreate school at home.
When I returned to the UK later that year, I began collecting books from thrift stores and second hand bookstores. Books that I thought may inspire my children's imagination and spark their inquisitive minds.
In the last 4 years I scoured the internet to discover about the many different ways to home educate, found many an idea on Pinterest of activities to do and read books covering topics from parents own journeys to the famous John Holt's Learning All The Time.

Dimensions & Transdimensional Beings [Dabbing with a Mage episode 141]


As huemon beings, we are capable of comprehending reality up to the fourth dimension. We experience each of the previous dimensions (1D, 2D, 3D) in order for reality to take shape as we know it. But what does this all mean exactly? What is a dimension and can we visit these as places? Are there entities of any kind that live there? What are transdimensional beings? Join me in today's episode as I cover all of these topics and more!

The biggest social network ever! No, it's neither facebook nor steemit.


People want to get in touch with other people. They want to socialize, to make new friends, to interact, to share, to take care of other people, to love and be loved. In order to achieve those purposes, human beings have always chosen to belong to communities. Nowadays, the internet is offering new structures of social networks, bigger and larger than ever before with much more opportunities and potentials.

Facebook, LinkedIn, and Steemit are all online social networks who have (together) billions of members from all around the world. If you read this message you are likely to have or had a profile on at least one social network website.
But there is an even bigger network; a much more profound network that you check upon at least once a day. It contains at least eight billion people (and counting), no one can avoid not being a part of it, but most humans have no idea how to consciously use it.

Natural Mamas: Home Birth Series - Why Home Birth?


I know this is going to be a big decision for most mums to be. We have been conditioned to opt for hospital births by so many influences in our lives...friends, family, doctors and midwives. But lets look at our bodies and our history as birthing women. Women are designed for this wonderful, empowering, magical act of child birth!
Women are often told the many reasons why not to have a home birth, but how about “the why the hell not? “ I totally understand that some women have to have their baby in hospital due to medical reasons/health conditions, but if you and the baby are healthy, then surely home is a great option.
“The first intervention in natural childbirth is the one that a healthy woman does herself when she walks out the front door of her own home in labour”. Michael Rosenthal OB/GYN

Cultivating Self-Awareness and Evolving into a Relational Anarchist


Communication in any area of life is vital. In the anarchist and libertarian space it is indispensable. If we cannot communicate ideas effectively, we lose ground and fail to convince people of the inherent truth in liberty.
Tragically, I notice a lot of poor communication in the anarchist and libertarian ecosystem. It's not just that our communication is unclear or inaccurate. It's that anarchists often deliver their message with vitriol and hate. Many spout insults rather than arguments from compassion or concern.
To me, this makes anarchists appear to lack self-awareness, and does not contribute to the spread of good ideas. It represents the breakdown of communication. George Bernard Shaw once said, "The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place."

Age Of Abundance: Benefits Of Early Adoption


We are ushering in a new era and everyone reading these words is part of it. The world of scarcity that humanity was mired in for most of the last few thousand years is about to come to an end. While it will not happen overnight, the process is started. For this reason, it is incumbent upon all of us to help bring it to fruition.
A large part of this process is the shift in money supply that we saw with the introduction of the Bitcoin white paper a decade ago. As many of you are aware, this took the creation and distribution of money from the hands of a few and gave it to the many. Today, anyone can create money with a bit of technical know how.

Permaculture Radio Show: Catch & Store Energy


Last week we kicked off our hosting of a live radio shows through the Global Homestead Collective (@ghscollective) every Tuesday from 4-5pm CST and are digging into each of the 12 permaculture principles. Check it out here on the Global Homesteading Collective, but if you can't make it, do not fear for we will record the posts each week.
Last week's show focused on the principle of Observe and Interact. This a key part of any intelligent and harmonious design, as it informs ALL aspects. The phase of observation is critical to any efficient design as it allows us to carefully and thoughtfully consider the subject of our attention.
We stand behind permaculture concepts and design strategy to increase health, wealth and abundance! Today's episode is focused on principle #2:

Getting out of the drama triangle is our ticket out of third dimensional consciousness!


Getting out of the drama triangle is our ticket out of third dimensional consciousness!
Are you familiar with the drama triangle?
It is a very handy tool to see which part of our ego we are currently feeding.
There's probably more then three archetypes, but it is remarkable how we can almost recognise anything we do, that is ego based, in one of these three archetypes: Victim, rescuer, persecutor:
It works like this:
In the interaction between two people, both tend to pick one of the roles, at a moment when they are not heart centered.
Say one of them picks the persecutor role and says to the other in an accusing way: " You didn't wait for me after school! and then I had to walk home and then I twisted my ankle.'
The other person can then choose between picking the role of rescuer or victim or even also prosecuter.

Spread Kindness - Give Three Compliments Today (And Every Day!)



Good morning, friends!
So it's Saturday, arguably the best day of the week... A great time to chill out, reflect on the last few days, and take a moment to reconnect with yourself and the ones you love.
I work Saturday mornings so my chilling comes later, but you get the point :) I still like to start my day with a little targeted reflection and begin my day with as much warmth and enthusiasm as possible - who doesn't like that?
To make today even better, and to help establish a feel-good, healthy, mood-boosting, beneficial habit going forward, I would like you all to try something with me:
Give out THREE compliments today.
They can be anything, directed toward someone you know or a stranger, as simple or as deep as you see fit.

Get Out of Your Head and In To Your Heart | Practical Exercise with Sasha and Becca Tzigany


Today we have a BONUS video featuring Sasha and our favorite Tantra and Transformational Breathwork therapist, Becca Tzigany.
During the Infinite Man Summit last month, Becca lead the attendees in a short, but powerful breathing and self-love exercise.
We’ve had so many requests to post the exercise for everyone to enjoy it again! So, sit back and relax as you take the time to follow your breath and follow your heart.
Have a great weekend!

Matrix Soulutions Reloaded - Every Day Magic - Creating Positive Daily Rituals



In today's post, I explore how you can create a magical life by consciously creating daily supportive rituals.
One of the most amazing ones is to practice gratitude.
This is a simple way to find more and more to be grateful for!
Sam x

Introducing Natural Medicine Unearthed!



Here at Natural Medicine we've been AMAZED at the quality of your posts this week, and we realise how many great posts you've written which have gone beyond the 7 day post payout that we may never get to see.
How many of you have great content down in the depths of your blogs, that earn potatoes or less? Some of you have written FABULOUS posts, only for them to disappear underneath a whole lot of other content, or you just weren't visible enough at the time - not enough followers or not enough know - how to promote your posts.

Magical Witchcraft Scientology Journey of Bobaphet - Part 1


In this episode, Kurt interviews a good friend @bobaphet about the organisations he has been a member of across his lifetime, including the Australian navy, a large Australian church of Wicca, and the Church of Scientology, among others. We start by talking about his childhood, his unusual experiences as a child such as astral projection, and later his brainwashing during his time in the armed forces, and how that later helped him to see through the intentions of media influence. We talk about the valuable lessons he learned from being a high priest in a church of Wicca, about the egotism that can be common in certain magical orders, and about the techniques of auditing used in Scientology.

Government Created The Plastic And Oil Pollution Problem By Banning Hemp


The recent ban of plastic straws in numerous municipalities throughout California is a striking example of how the government passes revenue generating laws in a frantic attempt to solve problems of their own making. There is no doubt that plastic pollution is a serious problem that needs to be addressed by the people of the planet.
According to a report published by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, by the year 2050, there will be more plastic in the oceans than there are fish. Right now, one garbage truck of plastic is dumped into the ocean every minute. This disturbing reality is underscored by the recent discovery of another giant patch of plastic—bigger than Mexico—floating in the South Pacific Sea. It was discovered by Captain Charles Moore, who found the North Pacific Garbage Patch in 1997.

The Medicinal Cooking Collective Week 5 Finale Guidelines: Cooking For The Kidney / Bladder / The Water Element


Welcome to this fifth and final week of the medicinal cooking collective challenge! We are cooking according to the Chinese 5 Elements, and this week we focus on the Water element which is associated with the Kidneys and Bladder and resonates with the energy of the winter, wisdom and contemplation and the vastness of the ocean. The Water element is associated with the colour blue and black, a salty flavour, and the feelings of fear. When the kidneys are out of balance they can be helped by eating foods that embody these traits, and help you to restore balance to the body. These days many people are dehydrated and have stressed kidneys due to excessive sugary, caffeine, and alcoholic drinks. Most people also don’t drink enough water during the day.

How to Make the World a Better Place


A lot of people have the urge in some way or another. We witness suffering in ourselves and others, and we desire to change things - We want better things to happen for more people.
It's a beautiful quality that humans have, and within this yearning is the seeds of some amazing outcomes. Unfortunately it rarely works out how we want it to.
This quest often gets subverted into a fault finding exercise. I know that I certainly go down this road more often than I would like to admit. We say "these things don't work", and this is why. These things are wrong, and these people are wrong too. We state or imply that life is not OK as it currently is, it needs to be different.
It's an interesting set up - the thing that makes us change is not being OK with things. Our quest to make the world a better place is an expression of our dissatisfaction, and we act on the world through our dissatisfaction.

If Sameness Was Meant - Day 177 - Daily Haiku - - 100% of SBDs pledged to @rhondak's #tarc dog rescue - and the tale of the "pet" black widow


This is my fourth post in a series where all SBDs rewarded, for the next several days, will be donated to @rhondak's #tarc dog rescue, with the hope that others will follow the example and show her some much needed love, and help feed and vet the many dogs under her care.
For those who don't know, @rhondak runs a volunteer dog rescue from her home in Virginia, damned near singlehandedly, and could seriously use our help. She currently has forty dogs in her care, my understanding is that they are mostly larger breeds such as Walker Coonhounds, and she is paying for their care herself, without the benefit of local donations.
All of these dogs require daily feeding, proper veterinary care, to be spayed or neutered prior to adoption, and LOTS of love, time and attention.

Strange Interchange With A Person In A Blue Uniform


Anarchist courageously speaks truth while being coerced on the side of the road.
Anarchist is driving car and sees the unmistakable flashing lights of a rights violator in a blue uniform, known as a “police officer” or a “cop”. Anarchist stops his car and is approached by the person in a blue uniform.
Uniformed Person: Do you know why I pulled you over?
Anarchist: You wanted to congratulate me on driving faster than the extortion-funded sign says is allowed?
Uniformed Person: Oh, funny guy, eh? License and registration.
Anarchist: By license, do you mean a violently imposed driving permission card and tracking number for me? And by registration, do you mean a violently imposed tracking number for my car?

A big thank you to @hungryhustle for creating the amazing infographic of the 8 Pillars Of TribeSteemUp and For @eco-alex for creating the tribesteemup banner and logo.



Big Big Thank You To @byn for designing my logo.


So many great posts, will have what to check out, thanks!

Thanks for another great roundup. My reading list is queued up.

you have very welcome @indigoocean, enjoy xx

Lot's of interesting perspectives for sure...Thanks for posting!

you're very welcome @andrewmarkmusic, definitely some food for thought x

Very empowering posts and I still have few more to check it out. Thanks for sharing this awesome list with us.

you are very welcome @joalvarez, enjoy them all xx

Thank you kindly for another mention @trucklife-family!

It was a great article @mckeever xx

Thank you so much for including my post amongst such an esteemed group of writers/creators .. I really appreciate it. Such a wealth of talent on display here and I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone's work.

Your post was the perfect way to start the weekly Gems @perceptualflaws, it was one of my favourites xxx

Proud to show my support for these wonderful content creators by following the tribesteemUp curation trail and encourage others to do the same. :)

thank you @evernoticethat for your support.