TribeSteemUp Question Of The Week - How Much Control Do You Feel You Have Over Your Life?
Control is a funny old thing, and I tend to have very strong opinions about it, about what it means for us as individuals. For one I do not like the idea of anyone having control over my life, we leave ourselves powerless if we let others take control. And yet so many people happily walk around out of touch with their bodies and their minds, because they have put their faith in other people solving their problems for them. How much control can we have if we do not know ourselves?
Of course there are times in our lives where we may need to see certain professionals, but some have become so dependent, so used to turning to others, that they no longer know how to turn to themselves for the help and guidance that they need. How many people today take full control of their own well being. We have access to so much information now, unless you have been living under a rock, you know that a lot of the food that is produced today, has no nutritional value, it just tastes good. But yet people continue to buy it, to consume it and when they fall ill, they turn to someone else to fix it. This is something we can all take more control over.
We also have choices that we can make, choices that really allow us to have more control over our lives. Of course there are lots of things, that we have no control over and that is just a part of life, it is something we need to accept. We can not control, who we lose or who suffers. But we can control how we react to that loss and that suffering. And yet here is the funny thing, because I believe that the best way , is to not try and control how you respond, but to just let all those emotions come out, all that anger and sadness. You need to open yourself up and allow yourself to feel, allow yourself to express it all.
I know, that the only way that I have managed to cope with losing my sister, is because I let and continue to let everything come out, through my tears, my screams and my writing. I open those gates and I leave them open until I feel empty.
I really believe that so much illness presents itself because we have created too many blockages within our lives. Growing up in a culture where we were told to keep our chin up, to push on through, to just keep going. Being made to feel uncomfortable if we get upset or angry in a public place. Yes happiness is great, lets all gather round and laugh together, but pain and anger are huge parts of our lives, why can we not express them together too. Why is it only acceptable to display joy, why do so many turn the other way and ignore the pain that so many suffer.
How many times have we heard the saying
you need to control yourself or to get a grip.
We have more control than we think, control over what goes into our bodies and into our minds. Control over how we choose to interact with the world. Believing you have no control, lets you then believe you have no responsibilities. In a way, it kind of lets you off the hook.
Us human beings have a long history of exerting power and control over other beings. This seems to have started around the same time that we exerted control over land, when we decided to try and control the environment that we live in. When suddenly all that was within our fences, our walls was safe and secure and outside of that was not. We drew a line between us and the wilderness, that which could not be tamed could not be trusted and it is along that route that so many became disconnected from their natural self.
Welcome to the beginnings of the civilized world, where class and race came into play and with it, more and more segregation took place. When we no longer stood together, instead we stood apart. We become weary of those that now stood outside the borders of our towns, of our countries. There was no more, coming together as clans to celebrate life, to celebrate unions. Once land got divided up and ownership took over, other people where seen as a possible threat. Divide and conquer came into play.
But even with all of this conditioning, we can choose how we react and respond to what comes our way , we can choose how we treat ourselves and others. It is up to each one of us to decide what control we have . Indeed I quiet like the idea of not always being in control, nature has it's own natural law, natural cycle and I am happy to surrender to that. I wish only to live simply and naturally, too much control can cut us off from the many gifts that come our way, especially when we trust, that what we put out into the world is what we create.
Control stunts our own personal growth, because when we try and control things we leave very little room for creative expression and what are we if not creators!
How Much Control Do You Feel You Have Over Your Life

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp

This is going to be a good question to tackle. I will happily take on this topic. Thanks for the suggestion @trucklife-family
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thank you @steelborne xx