TribeSteemUp Tie Up Post-What Does It Mean To Be A Light-Worker?

What Does It Mean To Be A Light-Worker?
This question was put forward by the wonderful @eco-alex, a question that I think, I can safely say we all enjoyed answering. It really caused some of the members to dig deep and share their life journey with us. A journey where they all embraced the dark that came into their lives, embraced it, honoured it and learned from it.
For some light worker is a term they did not really identify with, even though they themselves are beacons of light. In this day and age it is common for some people to latch onto a term, to try and identity with it, without really understanding what it means. Only wanting to embrace the light, and ignoring, pushing away the dark. But we are not whole if we do not embrace our true selves. The darkness carves us, moulds us and gives us our fire, our passion.
So much wisdom has been shared in all these posts and as a result I have a greater understanding of what It Means To Be A Light Worker or Light Warrior and with that the opportunity to get to know each member of the tribe a little bit more.
Happy reading and please do get involved, by leaving a comment or writing a post yourself. You can also show your support by following the TribesteemUp Curation Trail, this way you are supporting all the great authors who are creating quality content.

What does it mean to be a light-worker? (@TribeSteemUp Bi-Weekly Question)

Many light-workers manifest their purpose here on Earth as healers, by uplifting & empower the downtrodden & oppressed, as musicians spreading powerful life-changing messages, or maybe as those folks you see with signs that say "free hugs".
As with any part of our lives and the effects they have in the world, I feel that the most important focus of light-workers should be to live by the adage: "Be the change you want to see in the world". By healing & integrating our own trauma, by taking responsibility for our lives, by staying grounded in compassion, and by doing the things that we love, the things that bring us joy, we are having the most positive effect we possibly can.

What Does it Mean to Be a Lightworker? - TribeSteemUp Bi-Weekly Question

It means so many things, played out in how we live and how we are. Being a light worker means a particular way of 'being'. It definitely exists, but it is hard to define. Being a light worker is perhaps more of an energy than a social or political movement. The two things are related though.
You feel it inside yourself, you know it.
It means giving a damn, and thinking about things beyond ourselves. Being a lightworker means noticing things that aren't 'right' (feel wrong) and changing your lifestyle. It means giving a little extra effort to break your patterns and change the systems. The light-worker has an optimism about the future, and they want to create that future.

What does it mean to be a light-worker? (@TribeSteemUp Bi-Weekly Question)

Out Of Light Into Darkness
I grew up without my father which has effected me up until today. It didn't work out between my parents and when I got born he was living in England, while my mother lived in West-Berlin, West-Germany. I entered this world in 1980 and went through 9 years of allied occupation, living the Coca-Cola and McDonalds life. Living at the frontline of the cold war, only a few kilometers away from a wall surrounding us entirely did its part on me and everyone else there without a doubt, although I was lucky to be on on the "free" side where I was allowed to travel wherever I wanted.

What Does It Mean To Be A Light-Worker?- TribeSteemUp Bi-Weekly Question

For me a true Light Worker is someone who is no stranger to the dark, for one leads to the other and we can not fully understand what it is to be in the light if we have not been in the dark. We need both in the world. The balance between the two is where acceptance comes into play. In order to move into the light we need to accept the part of us that grew in the dark, accept and honour it, because it sculpted us into who we are today. If we can not do that, then we can not move forward. With acceptance comes love and understanding and these are the things that take us into the light.

TSU Question of the Week - Being a Lightworker

The idea starts for me with a dichotomy between light and dark, in which light is good and uplifting and dark is bad or oppressive. In general I try to avoid such dichotomies because I think they bring a lot of harm to our way of thinking.
They cause us to reject a necessary part of experience, which is the withdrawal, the stillness of the dark womb, the dangerous and fear-inducing, the facing of that which is troubling and hard to face. They also cause us to reject people who we associate as dark, projecting all these same ideas onto those people at great harm to them. (Which I think you'll better understand later when I describe how we "heal" others.)

Finding the Spark in the Dark Cave of the Mind: We Are All LightWorkers

I guess it was tough because I've not really encountered the term before, or if I have, I've ignored with some some cynicism - it smacked of glitter and unicorn poo to me. I guess I'm a little abashed about that confession now, but hey, I'm all about honesty! Even then, google the term 'lightworker' and most of the first searches that come up don't gel with me - it all is far too new age for me and my spirituality is far more practical and grounded in neuroscience and yogic philosophy so terms like 'star seeds' and 'angels' and 'psychic resonance' just don't resonate with me. In fact, I find a lot of the writing to do with 'lightwork' gobblydegook and jargon. I don't identify with the label, so I struggled a lot with this question and have had to mull it over for longer than I usually would.

What does it mean to be a light worker?

Some years ago, dear reader, you probably wouldn't have liked me very much.
My whole life revolved around how angry I was at the time.
I had been raised by a dad that threatened violence at the drop of a hat.
His only problem solving skill, when it came to me, was to threaten to hit me with a belt, again.
Now don't get me wrong, my dad didn't really abuse me like some I have seen, but the threat was certainly there.
Combine that with boot camp, and suddenly anger looks like a completely normal means to my ends.
Carrot, or stick?
This was a very difficult philosophical hole to climb out of.

What Does It Mean To Be a Lightworker? The @tribesteemup Bi-Weekly Question

I had to think about this question a lot, as "lightworker" is not a term that I resonate with generally.
For me, it brings to mind the new age (or new cage) woo-woo.
I've often seen people proclaim to be lightworkers and it's from a position of superiority and disconnection - both from those "sheeple" in the darkness and from their own bodies.
This is because they tend to be focused on higher realms and paying a lot of attention to light-beings, angels, Pleiadeans etc.
This is without being grounded and connected to nature and their place as part of it.
By escaping into the mental realm, they are able to avoid looking at their own unhealed wounds and everything is "love and light".

What does it mean to be a light-worker? TSU Bi Weekly Question

Love & light she said in parting, but what did she mean by light? When we talk about the light are we just talking about the sunshine or is it something else? This world is full of light and darkness, and one of the best ways I've heard it described was by none other than Yoda in the all time classic star wars! It was said that the dark side seeks to control things externally, whereas those that use the force seek to understand and control things from the inner.
"Close your eyes. Feel it. The light…it's always been there. It will guide you." – Maz Kanata
When we are working with the force, we should know that we are tapping into powers and knowledge that are far greater than we possess individually. Those that choose or are chosen to be a light worker are the ones that live and honour life, and seek overall harmony and balance in the world.

Love and Light, Y'all

Light, of course, has loads of spiritual references. Most people who've had near death experiences have seen some kind of light. Pictures of God are usually surrounded in light. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Jesus is the light of the world, etc. I was raised in Christianity, so it's what I'm most familiar with. I know there are other cultures and traditions that associate gods with caves and underworlds, but I think the God/light theme goes through many faiths.
Essentially, that is what I think a light worker is. It is someone working with God energy. It is a channel, a hollow bone for God energy to flow through. A person able to get out of the way enough to let God do their thing. A person able to see the divine, whole, healthy perfection of all beings.

Shine On: What does it mean to be a Light Worker? [Dabbing with a Mage episode 168]
It's time again for the @tribesteemup bi-weekly question! This week's question is "What does it mean to be a lightworker?" This is a topic plush with different points to discuss, especially since it is a subjective definition for this term. Join me in today's episode where I discuss what it means to me to be a lightworker!

What does it mean to be a light-worker? (@TribeSteemUp Bi-Weekly Question)

If you look online, there are many definitions as to what a light worker means. Some claim to be "earth angels" or "indigos", or have "psychic" abilities. There are many beliefs about being from some alleged "spiritual" source or plane that favors them as being special "souls" in some way. But are these things demonstrable? Are they real? Maybe, but maybe it's all made up too.
I've met some people who claim to be light workers, and they often wear a positivity mask that makes them only look at or deal with the positive they want to acknowledge in the world. Some have beliefs that if you look at the negative, or learn about it, then you focusing on the negative, giving it energy and power to exist, feeding the negative to let make it grow.

What Does it Mean to Be a Lightworker - Day 201 - (Semi) Daily Haiku - Tribesteemup Biweekly Question - UPDATED

I'm not certain how old I was when I was first outed as a healer and lightworker, but the first instance I recall clearly was when I was seventeen, and was attending a party at the home of a friend of my dad's.
One of the guests was a woman who read palms, a talent I had read about but had not seen in action previously. At one point she looked into my eyes, as I was standing a few feet away, and asked if she could read my palm. I looked at my dad, and at our friends standing with him, and as they were all nodding encouragement, I said yes.
I remember that, when she took my hands, she looked startled, and was silent for a long moment.

TribeSteemUp BiWeekly Question -- What does it mean to be a Lightworker?

As I said a few days ago in the TribeSteemUp channel, I was planning to skip this bi-weekly question because of the original slant I had on it. "What does it mean to be a lightworker?" As I said in response, I never thought of myself as a "lightworker," so I didn't think I had much to offer on the subject.
But then @riverflows suggested another perspective -- which ironically I had independently hit on -- which gave me a different approach to understanding more about this term -- and these people. As a learning experience, that was significant.

What Does it Mean to be a Light-Worker? A Tribe Steem Up Question

Light-work is a concept that I have associated myself with ever since my spiritual awakening in my early 20s. To be a light-worker is to carry with you the wisdom of the ancients, and apply that wisdom to spiritual missions that are bestowed upon you by the universe along your path. It is rising up to one's spiritual calling, and wielding your strengths through action in the face of fear and doubt. Its showing love and compassion for your fellow man, and defeating those that seek to destroy the good in people. Being a light worker also means taking care of your Earth mother Gaia, speaking up for her, and defending her.

A big thank you to @hungryhustle for creating the amazing infographic of the 8 Pillars Of TribeSteemUp and For @eco-alex for creating the tribesteemup banner and logo.

What a great question and it is really good to see all these different responses which are all very interesting and it's great to see all these different perspectives of what does the light-worker mean.
thank you @joalvarez it is a great question and so good to have so many people answer it and bring new light to it xxx
Most people live in a cave, so dark, that they do not see themselves, they do not have time to see themselves because the tangible, the material, occupies time. Without a spiritual north we are empty beings. And look for that essence, that light should be the end of all people, just not everyone feels that call.
that is true, we need both to live in balance. It is the dark that propels us, but yes we do need to wnat to reach for the light xx thank you @tamaxadi xx
Lovely post, these answers are all fittings and coming from different angles that merge into a a bigger complete spectrum. Every one has a potential to lean towards the Light or the Dark, but a light worker comprehends both and rise above to give something special and selfless at the same time.
Thanks and enjoyed the read.
I am less than a week old on the steem platform, and I am looking for community(ies) I would fit right into based on what I do and I'm passionate about. I am a happiness coach, writer, and part time motivational speaker with a drive to change the world by the side of other beautiful souls and minds.
It would mean a lot if you can direct me to some communities where my spirit can align with.
I appreciate this article. Its insightful and give a lot great ideas to spread love a joy. Thanks for writing.