Why Do I Write? | On Writing #1

in #triptolemus6 years ago

So recently I’ve been diving into the world of writing more and more heavily. Writing has become such a significant part of my life - I typically write thousands of words each day for posting on Steem and for myself.

What you see on Steem though is probably about half of the writing that I do each day. A lot of the writing just goes into my daily notes and is for me to look at and improve upon.

Sometimes I take these ideas and want to expound upon them further and sometimes I just like to rewrite the ideas altogether.

Writing is a really tough process. It requires a lot of discipline and patience to write thousands of words each day. My belief about writing is that it changes the way that we think and articulate our thoughts.

The process of coming up with an idea, putting that idea on paper (or in a virtual notebook, as I do) and then taking the time to expound and expand upon that idea is such an interesting ordeal.

Sometimes it’s painful, sometimes it’s “easy” and the words just seem to flow. Sometimes I want to just take my laptop and throw it out of the window. Other times I wish I could just stop writing and watch tv like a mindless drone of society.

I just can’t stop. I have so much to say. I have so many ideas floating in my head that it hurts not to let them out. It’s like an overflowing closet - when I open the door to take something out, everything tries to fight it’s way onto the page.

I often feel overwhelmed. A sense of perfectionism maybe. I don’t just want to throw my thoughts onto a page, I want them to flow out and be beautiful. I want my ideas to give my readers (you) a sense of being in my mind - seeing the world as I see it.

I most often feel writer’s “flow” when I’m writing about topics such as Steem, cryptocurrency, investing, writing itself (like this post, for example) and books/podcasts that I’ve consumed and thought about.

I feel as though my writing has continued to improve at a rapid pace, but I still feel like there’s so much more to do. So much more to learn. So many more words to add to my vocabulary. Storytelling techniques that I’m not aware of. Practice to be done, diligence to be had.

So that’s why I’m starting this new little mini-series called “On Writing”. The title gives it away - I’m going to continue to learn about writing and then share my learnings with all of you.

I’m going to practice the craft of writing while also learning about the craft of writing.

I have so many ideas that I want to write about, but a lot of times it’s just really hard to articulate them in a beautiful way.

I have short stories and novel ideas and fiction ideas, but I’ve never written fiction before, I’m having trouble even getting started on a fictional piece.

I’ve written so many “page 1’s” of fiction ideas that I’ve had, but none make the cut for me. None are good enough that I’d share with the world. I’m going to keep at it though. I’m going to write as many “page 1’s” as it takes until I get it right.

Do you love writing as much as I do?


your posts are really brilliant. Thank you for bringing us that kind of post, it motivates alot

How give upvoted from appreciator user bot?

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As a pro writer flow is weak without structure!

You can have the flow of of sun light in nature, but if you don't have the ozone as a structure then we burn. All flow of creativity must be channelled through structure. Structure and flow work together.

Sure, it didn't have much structural importance but the writer admitted to that. The post was meant to sound like a stream of thoughts imo. Each "paragraph" could turn into another post or become something bigger. I'm not a professional writer but it's easy to see the op wasn't trying to convey a professional atmosphere yet

Motivate to create from reading this type of post is so good that it is a tendency at the first moment to leave greetings and my respects my support with my vote

the writ let us thinking more and depth! Support.

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the writing let us thinking more and depth. Support.

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Amigo @triptolemus a mi me encanta escribir y es vedad lo que dices o plasma en esta plataforma, escribir no es sencillo; porque debemos tener mucha disciplina; que implica un procedimiento a seguir. En mi caso, a veces en la noche cuando estoy acostado y el televisor apagado, pienso, me imagino cosas y algo dentro de mi, me dice escribe, apurate, anota rápido e inmediatamente me paro y escribo la idea, el otro día, en un tiempo determinado, leo las ideas; mientras esto sucede me traslado a esa noche de pensamiento y de imaginación, para repasar la visión, el sueño o lo que imaginé y visualizo con mayor claridad lo que voy a escribir. Regreso al borrador y ya mi imaginación conectada al pensamiento o al sueño, me da imágenes e ideas, que brillan en mi mente y las escribo, tipo borrador. Una vez hecho el borrador lo leo varias veces en silencio y después leo en voz alta, para detectar pausas cortas, largas. Hecho esto, inicio el proceso de corrección de la ortografía, redacción y estilo: en este momento si debo añadir o quitar algo lo hago; sin que pierda coherencia el escrito. Finalizado el proceso, antes explicado, procedo a publicar en steemit y a veces en el face. En consecuencia, escribir no es sencillo pero es muy agradable canalizar nuestro sentir a través del lápiz, para luego verlo plasmado en el papel.


Your title and first few paragraphs made it seem as though this was going to be your first instalment in the planned series of how you write and your learnings based on the use of "#1' in the title, but this wasn't really about anything other than announcing something.

I think you missed a good opportunity to make this post your first instalment.


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