Steem Trivia #6: Holy Week Special

in #trivia7 years ago (edited)

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Steem Trivia #6: Holy Week Special

Hello everyone! I just want to share with you some knowledge I learned about Holy Week. By the way, if you find wrong info in this blog, please feel free to correct me in the comment section below. I’ll be happy to be corrected and discuss with you.

So this is my continuation of my steem trivia blog series where I share random trivia and facts about anything that comes out of my mind. This blog series was supposed to be random but this time, since it is Holy Week, I'm gonna have a special episode. Let's begin.

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Two more days and the 40-day period of penance called the Lenten Season will soon be over which also means that one of the most important seasons for Christian, which is the Easter, is just two days away from celebration.

Easter Sunday is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the first day of spring (source CNN). On this same day, Christian all over the world will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, three days after His crucifixion.

Basically, Holy Week is the week just before Easter but for us Christians, it is more than that. It brings back memories and reminds us the basic foundation of our faith in Christianity, the story of the crucifixion of our Christ Jesus.

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Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday which commemorates the arrival of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem prior to his capture and crucifixion. This day is often celebrated with a procession and distribution of palm leaves. Palm Sunday is mainly the last Sunday before Easter.

The next important day of the Holy Week is Maundy Thursday which commemorates the last supper of Jesus Christ with his apostles. Usually, this day involves reenactment of the washing the feet of the apostles by Jesus which will be done by the presiding priest.

And so today is Friday or as what we Christians referred to as Good Friday. If you guys didn’t know, Good Friday is the last Friday before Easter and for us Christians, it is the day that we commemorate Jesus Christ’s crucifixion.

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But why is it called Good Friday when this day is remembered as the day where Jesus is crucified? Well according to some source, the word “good” in Good Friday actually refers to a day or season which is observed as HOLY by the church. Thus the context does not really mean that there is something good in it.

On this day, Christians around the world commemorates the Passion of Jesus Christ by performing Stations of the Cross. In the Philippines, devotees observe this day by reenacting the sufferings and struggles of Jesus Christ in carrying the cross.

The next day is Holy Saturday, also known as the Black Saturday or the day between Jesus’s crucifixion and resurrection. It is also the day before Easter Sunday and it commemorates the whole day where the body of Jesus laid peacefully in the tomb.

That’s all for this Holy Week trivia blog and I hope that you guys are having a good time in this special week. If you want to share with me some of you holy week adventure, then please feel free to talk to me in the comment section below!

Thank you everyone for taking the time to read my post today!


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