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RE: The Great Tron-Steem Debate - Is A Preemptive Strike Ever Justified?

in #tron5 years ago


(IFF) you subscribe to "the rule of law" (THEN) "special" "emergency" "temporary" "powers" should NEVER be implemented.

Live by the law, die by the law.

Making up new rules for fabricated "emergencies" is a core ethical violation (patriot-act).

Everybody knew the ninjamine was a "problem" but their fundamental mistake was to "trust" ned. Never trust a human to do anything except act in their own personal self-interest.


If ned was so trustworthy, they would have VOLUNTARILY divested the ninjamined stake. They could have EASILY done this by slowly dumping at least 50% of the ninjamine onto the OPEN MARKET (and transferred the proceeds to steemit or whatever he promised to do).

sURE this would have lowered the market-price of steem tokens (better reflecting the TRUE-market-value), but this is not necessarily a "bad" thing. A reliable micro-payment system is a major paradigm shift away from traditional models and a low market-price of steem would lower the bar for new accounts (allowing regular people to "compete" with the "big-fish" (oligarchs).

@themarkymark and @freebornangel and @tarazkp and @abh12345 and others have repeated told myself and others,

"if you don't like it, then start your own blockchain".

They should take their own advice.


Looks to me that that is exactly what the witnesses did.
Then tron did it, now it is the witnesses' turn, again.

Nobody started their own blockchain yet.

They're quibbling over control of the existing blockchain.

Yep, if tron wants to disband steem, let them get a fork to do it on.

Sign me up!

Why not both?

Just to be clear, I want absolutely nothing to do with a TRON-STEEM hybrid.

If "the community" moves to setup some sort of "steem-classic" FORK with some new rules that safe-guard against any future centralization efforts (generally, without targeting specific accounts), I'm 100% on-board with that.

Yes, but I didn't turn down bsv just because bch is a better coin, IMO.
I would've taken the bch from btc, too, but all I had was steem.
Now I got even more.
All hail, the steem reward pool and any forks of it that give me free coins!

Good point.