Dumb: poll shows that 27% of people are MORE likely to vote for Trump after guilty conviction. Well, duh!

in #trump3 months ago

I don't know exactly what it is that compels some news outlets to produce 20 new stories a day regardless of what it is about and I am not singling out Conservative Brief individually on purpose, but they are just as guilty as their liberal counterparts of pushing just any ol' bit of "news" out there regardless of whether or not the information actually makes any really sense to anyone.

This particular article is a few weeks old but since I don't pay much attention to propaganda machines such as CB, I don't look at it very often and when I do, it is only to see what sort of dumb thing they decided to focus on in order to fill their apparent daily quota of stories. It must just be protocol kind of like how TV series these days have to be 8 episodes long regardless of whether or not any of the episodes actually end up being any good.

In this "study" they found that 27% of Americans are more likely to vote for Trump after his guilty conviction in NYC in the case that is widely known as the "hush money case."


Now I think for most people not addled with a political bias that this case is obviously very politically motivated, as is the result of it. I believe it will be overturned and the timing of everything does seem a bit suspect. That being said my opinion about the case doesn't matter: The legal system in the USA is broken and favors the wealthy and people in power - this is nothing new. The only thing unusual about this one is that it is a very wealthy guy that is the target. I don't care to discuss this matter any more than that because people get really worked up over this topic even though the words they use are normally not their own but are just some sort of groupthink. Regardless of what anyone thinks of this case, it will never amount to anything other than some temporary talking point that will be interpreted completely differently depending on who the observer supports. That's the bottom line. Sorry Trump-haters, but the Don will not be going to jail for this.

What frustrates me so much about the linked article above is the fact that it is just bad journalism especially when you consider that there is absolutely nothing surprising about the result they came to.

Of course around 30% of people are going to say that (insert random bad thing that happens to Trump) is going to increase their likelihood of voting for the man because that is around how much of the US population would support Trump no matter what the guy did. These lines were drawn a long time ago.

Here's another "news" article that probably exists but I didn't read: 27% of US citizens say the conviction makes them want to vote for Joe Biden even more!

If they truly wanted this piece of news to be newsworthy, they would have only surveyed independent voters, not registered Republicans or Democrats. That would be interesting to see because I believe that independents are really the only voters in America that are animals being lead around by their masters. If you are a Republican or Democrat I mean you no harm, but I challenge you to take honest appraisal of your life and at least try to notice if you are being brainwashed by your party. Just think about it for a second ok? Have you, in the past 6 years or so, ever disagreed with something that your party said or did? If not, there is a good chance that you have been intentionally mislead by your party and the news organizations and social media that support them.

Just like this article that I am referring to might embolden Trump supporters to continue "the fight", which was likely the intent of writing the article in the first place, there are dozens, scores, hundreds, probably thousands of articles produced by leftist organizations that come to the exact opposite conclusion using the exact same data as a source.

We are being lied to on a regular basis on all sides and the way that these organizations attempt to keep the blinders on our eyes to this fact is to constantly accuse the other side of what they, themselves, are also guilty of. If you are focusing on one particular news outlet, especially if it is in the form of an app on your phone, you are slowly but surely being programmed to think a certain way. You have to break out of that and learn to think for yourself. Look for lessor known news outlets or even the comment section of a meme site as a better source for real information. We have gone too far to turn back in the States as far as news is concerned and the only thing you can do to become a free thinker is to completely ignore them. This is the sad reality of media and politics these days and it seems that no matter where it is that you get your news that in order to keep their readers, which are slowly fading away, these organizations must constantly come up with grand stories filled with lies, intentionally misleading information, and almost exclusively op-ed pieces which do not have any accountability associated with them.

There is no real news anymore, and at this point I question if there ever was.
