I hope I'm wrong, SO WRONG!!!
IS TRUMPlestiltskin a NWO Rothschild stringed puppet who plays to the tune of his masters
while he and family occupy, [THEiR MASTERS] gold and white towers of power?
Is TRUMPlestiltskin's 8 year job to keep, keep [WTP] sheep, sheep grazing peacefully?
Is the Donald using his wit, good looks and promises spreading a little NK hope or fodder
unto our field of dreams for MAGA green, not more brown and yellow manure stinking pastures?
P.S.> imply put, can 1 little golden hair puppet become an elite multi b iLL ionaire shining star
without his master's BANKiNG BABEL TOWERS of POWER in his background, OR CAN HE? period
One simply can not be the crime lord (president) of a violent organization (government) while also living as a morally sound individual.
Being an admitted b iLL ionaire who rules from a gold walled tower and house of power, has mucho to prove he's any different than all thee others.