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RE: Donald Trump wants to plunge the world into a world war

in #trump6 years ago (edited)

This breach of contract is only in the interests of the warmongers in Israel

This has been maintained by the Zionist regime and specifically the war criminal Netanyahu for more than 20 years

Trump wants a war against Iran, just as Bush wanted one against Iraq, both in the name of Israel, with lies until the bars turn.

Trump is a villain and jumping jack who is carrying out the Zionist orders to cancel

Where and how does Israel factor in here? I am not Trump's biggest fan, but you here make baseless blanket accusations.
By the very language that you use, such as 'Zionist regime', 'war criminal' prove to only just be anti-Israel.
Trump is president of the most powerful country on earth. Why would it do the bidding of Israel?
If we are going to judge Trump (and i personally judge him harshly), but we must judge him and his country, and not factor in Some other nation without prove.