Trump and the Great Reset Scam

in #trump4 years ago (edited)

Coordinated & Orcustrated Attack

This is a Coordinated & Orcustrated Attack by a select people conspiratorially known as The Elite and Elite that are trying to prevent Trump from having a 2nd term in office, because they want to accelerate plans for this thing called "The Great Reset" proposed and being aggressively pushed by the World Economic Forum. Known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Research it According to my research based on non-compromised media outlets and sources, part of this reset is to eliminate ownership of everything, and bring about a Renting socialistic society under 24/7 human surveillance (ID2020 | DNA Altering Vaccinations | Vaccine Passports | Agenda 2030 etc.,) If Governments allow these Socialistic Idiots to prevail in this Great Reset SCAM you will no longer own homes, cars, hockey cards, cell phones, computers, earphones, tools, etc., just to give you an example. You work, you rent you own nothing, you have no rights, no freedom of choice, etc., and they will sell this to people with roses and delights deceiving many people.
They will claim equal rights for all, regardless of race or colour, hiding the truth to all this. You can also forget about Religion, because in there fairy tale world, Religion won't exists Attacks on Freedom & Christian values.


Do you want to live in an aggressive Socialistic Society that's masquerades itself into something in line with the Garden of Eden? Absolutely Not. How might they succeed? Orcustrating a PLAN-Demic, scare people into change, Countries can no longer do it on their own, it’s a Global thread, we need one entity (One World Order) controlling all countries so we have better and faster response times etc., that is one way they are trying to succeed.

Will the Great Reset succeed?

Will the Great Reset succeed? Absolutely, because most Governments have been setting up for this, secretly passing legislation, making constitutional changes, etc., all designed to remove your individual rights to privacy, free speech and free thought. Schools have been rigged for years, an assault on our children by means of brainwashing so they are extremely more sensitive, accepting of ideologies etc., Just look at the nasty Smear Campaign that started in 2016 against Trump. The Fake Media convinced many women and children (through Schools) to hate this guy’s guts with a passion. People, all the accusations are FAKE, FALSE against this man. Sure he's not the most likable individual, but they've lied about him, and many people gobbled up these lies as fact. Everything, even his NEGATIVE PERCEVED Presidential Performance is FAKE. He's actually done America very good. Yet they LIE!!!

If the USA falls into the hands of these Socialistic Communists, then there 2030 addenda will be greatly accelerated. TRUMP stands between them and us, and he needs our support, every single Social Media platform should be well aware of this GREAT RESET SCAM. Let the world know.

Pay attention to the wording used about the Great Reset by Klaus Schwab They keep using the word "Opportunity". Everyone needs to reject this Reset SCAM at all costs.

His Delusional Comments

These are his delusional comments, now when you read his comments, this is for people, but not for him not for the elite and filthy rich, its only for the people so they can control and own everything:

  1. “You’ll own nothing” — And “you’ll be happy about it.”
  2. “The U.S. won’t be the world’s leading superpower”
  3. “You won’t die waiting for an organ donor” — They will be made by 3D printers
  4. “You’ll eat much less meat” — Meat will be “an occasional treat, not a staple, for the good of the environment and our health.”
  5. “A billion people will be displaced by climate change” – Soros’ Open Borders
  6. “Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide” – “There will be a global price on carbon. This will help make fossil fuels history”
  7. “You could be preparing to go to Mars” — Scientists “will have worked out how to keep you healthy in space.”
  8. “Western values will have been tested to the breaking point.” – “Checks and balances that underpin our democracies must not be forgotten”

What's interesting is the fact they deliberately manipulated capitalism to enrich themselves, to cause inequality, deregulation, and so on. And the same people are now pitching to us a better future?

Countries that Openly Supports This Great Reset!

  1. Canada
  2. Denmark
  3. Davos 2020
  4. More Info

Here's my Answer: No Thank You,

NOTE: These are my Opinions & Observations, based on my Research & Life Experiences!

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