The Road To Marxism

in #trump8 years ago (edited)

After observing the Democrats behavior lately, I started to serious think where this party stands today. If the Democrat Party had no opposition at all (which is what they seek in absolute terms); they were in control of the presidency, all of the senate and all Supreme Court judges, where would we be?

  1. What would be the status of our Constitution /Bill Of Rights?

  2. Gun Ownership?

  3. Freedom Of Speech?

  4. Freedom of Life (government interference)

  5. Target Demographics (immigration) in the USA ?

  6. Outside governmental influence within our country? (United Nations)

  7. Conducting business in the USA ?

  8. Internet Censored?

  9. What would become of the suburbs and the affluent? Filled with Political elites?

  10. Would McDonald's still exist?

I believe the answers to these questions would be chilling.


have you ever seen film from the cultural revolution in china? some of it looks just like the anti trump protests after the election.

Absolutely , its a very scary to watch. Its just like listening to people talk about political correctness , and not realizing the origins of the phrase. It dates back to Stalinist Soviet Russia, when individuals who would express ideas or opinions that were not keeping with the party line. They would be rounded up and sent to re education camps to be educated on how to be politically correct.

If you really want to understand what it would be like , look at some of the posts here on Steemit by socialists, Marxists and people who claim to be anarchists (yet they do not understand what anarchy is ) . A lot of millennials and gen x types have drank the kool aid , that socialism is wonderful. The we is better than individualism and that people who worked hard for their wealth should be forced to pay their fair share.

A sizable portion of Americans actually think free speech should be censored now to avoid hurting the feelings of someone who never learned proper socialization skills.

Everything the Democrat party stands for I stand against, because they advocate a platform which ultimately harms innocents and advocates theft .

The world has close to 100 years of failed socialist experiments, and yet we are expected to try them again because they will work this time when they have failed every time.