TrumpCoin and the very best review ever made ever

What the fuck is TrumpCoin?
According to, the goal is to, "support President Trump and his powerful vision to Make America Great Again" and purports to be the "First True CryptoCurrency CauseCoin". This means some crypto-savvy Republicans or Libertarians (probably Libertarians) started this coin in an effort to raise money to fund building big walls, big military, and chasing out Pablo.
What is the difference between a Republican and a Libertarian?
I'm not a Libertarian, Republican, or a Democrat. So if that offended you, jack off into your hand and eat it.

Should I buy this coin?
Fuck no. There are only 2 reasons you should buy this terrible fucking coin.
- "I want to support Trump!"
This coin isn't endorsed by Trump, it just raises money for him via a SuperPAC. So if you're a dense fucker, donate directly to his campaign. Cut out the middleman who has made more money than I care to know off this.
2."This coin is going to make me rich!"
Stop eating crayons. Put them down. Now.

However, I suspect this coin will be around for at least 3 more years. The only time it will see any action is if Trump mentions it in some rant while calling BitCoin a "FakeCoin". If you want to take that little gamble, go right on ahead you trickle-down economics wonderboy you. I'm sure you'll become rich.
Is TrumpCoin a scam or a Ponzi scheme?

Is the TrumpCoin wallet software actually ransomware?
CNN and MSNBC would say yes, yes it is. If that doesn't convince you, I'm sure the National Enquirer will.
In Conclusion
The TrumpCoin is never going to cause a trade-war. Never.
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You remind me of this meme:
jk dude please don't hate me
Haha, I totally get it. I'm riding that fine line between going into political bullshit with endless circles where no one changes their mind... and writing an entertaining review about a cryptocoin that has strong political views tied to it.