The US State Department launched a $ 40 million worth of service to fight foreign news

in #trump7 years ago


The US State Department has launched a $ 40 million ward of the "Information Wars" department, which will be in charge of spreading misleading information and US propaganda on the Internet
The department that will be funded by taxpayers will employ mercenaries who will be online to fight against the subversive content of social media users and the creation of false news that will be distributed by major mainstream outlets.
As assessed, this sum will be awarded to the State Department's Global Co-operation Center and will be used for the purpose of granting financial assistance to civil society structures, academic structures and organizations involved in the creation of media content.

The Pentagon will put millions in the center of the State Department in order to combat the campaigning and disinformation campaigns of foreign nations because it wants to be "offensive" and react "aggressively" to attacks.

The State Department announced on Monday that it has signed a memorandum with the US Defense Ministry to invest $ 40 million in the Global Global Engagement Center (GEC) to fight against malicious content on the network.

#These resources will be distributed among different groups of civil rights, creators of media content, non-governmental organizations, as well as state and private research entities that will broaden their veritable truth and blame other disinformation media
Funds will be allocated to those who present the best ways to combat propaganda and disinformation.

The Information Access Fund, to be established for this purpose, "supports public and private partners working to detect and counteract propaganda and disinformation of foreign nations".
According to State Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Steve Goldstein, the resources the Pentagon has set for what is expected to become a major campaign is "key" to ensure Washington continues "aggressive response to malignant influence and disinformation."

Goldstein has suggested that protection from such attacks can only become one of the many aspects of this initiative, adding: "It is not just a defensive position that we should take, we also have to be offensive."

The money was transferred to the State Department's Treasury after US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson requested a $ 40 million transfer from the Ministry of Defense last year.
Assigning $ 60 million from the US defense budget to combat disinformation campaigns run by overseas states like China, North Korea, and Russia has been approved for the defense of the Pentagon, which was all signed by Barack Obama in December 2016.

The law expanded the scope of the Center's activities, which previously focused solely on the fight against terrorist propaganda and provided for $ 60 million in funding for the Pentagon and for fiscal years 2017 and 2018. (CAPE)