Living Authentically as the Divine you.

in #truth7 years ago (edited)


Greetings Friends…..We all have questions… ??? ’s that need answers, and I believe, Truly in the 1% that is you. That you will be willing to ask the questions that lead to your truth.  That you will step up and own the good and the bad of you.  That you will address your toxic nature and come to its root. I believe that the answers to all toxic questions require us to examine our beliefs.  Belief in yourself is demonstrated not stated.

Is there a single part of you… one single part that thinks. The Way of the Consumer {buy and throw away?} World Expressing itself today…. that world that you, hustle and bustle around in… in hopes of locating the rabbit with your date.. (lol) no really… in hopes of what>? Keeping up with the neighbors or another City, State, country or planet… must we always compete… must we always rival against? Or shall we Rise to this Occasion? 

13 Step Template  for Creating Your Sacred Being

> |Try before you Deny.|< 

1.  Individuality (BE the 1%)

Becoming One Interconnected Being

Awaken your Breathe awaken to your Soul-Self.

Individuality: the particular character, or aggregate of qualities, that distinguishes one person or thing from others; sole and personal nature: a person of marked individuality.  Defined

Individuality is the master key to becoming a sacred being,Freeing one to create their inner sanctuary.  In this space you are one with all that is. It unlocks the doors to alternate realities and absolute opportunity.  Drawing one into the conclusive nature that redefines life and the laws of attraction. When you become a individual you are indivisible. Everything you create takes form with your Intention. This means you can not be divided amongst yourself.  As you come to know this, it allows you the ability to become invisible and thus not be seen by that which does not serve/resonate with you.  

We are then to daily ask ourselves;

  • What uplifted me today?
  • What lets me down? 
  • We start by taking the time to do a personal inventory.  
  • We make the choice to let go of what lets us down and return our focus to the uplifting aspects, allowing the space for this energy to multiply in our cells and to manifest again in our many tomorrows. 

The Law Of One is Activated here.

There comes a time when you have to stand up and shout:

  • This is me! 
  • I look the way I look, think the way I think, feel the way I feel, love the way I love! 
  • I am a whole complex package. Take me… or leave me. Accept me – or walk away! Resonance and Residence are the nature of my day.  I allow that which resonates to take residence. 
  • Do not try to make me feel like less of a person, just because I don’t fit your idea of who I should be and don’t try to change me to fit your mold. 
  • If I need to change, I alone will make that decision. If you wish to use Kindness and gently guide me to understanding some greater wisdom.  Then I welcome you, and remind you the War is over and so is the world of mandates that socializes behavior.

When you are strong enough to love yourself 100%, good and bad – you will be amazed at the opportunities that life presents you. You will no longer be lost in patterns that divide you.  Patterns are for those who live in Duality. Let us address it.

2. Duality

Cleaning up the Residue 

Duality is all about the parts of ourselves that mirror the truth, the shadow and the facade.  

The truth is the natural way, un-detoured from arising within us, we simply allow it to emerge. 

~The Shadow is the part of us we have denied and it shows up in many ways in our life.  

Ripples Don't fade they grow into Tidal Waves

The facade is the mirror mask we wear to please a person, place, idea or event. We show up as one or the other, meanwhile an inner struggle wages for peace inside us.  

  • When you look in the mirror today, what do you see. The truth or a facade?
  • When we approach the nature of duality, it is important we observe and do not participate.  That we release the facade and keep coming back to the mirror of truth. That we work through the shadow and discover the light that harmonizes.
  • We understand that duality has to do with more than we may have considered.  Perspective changes and we can see the energetic extension to family, friends, mentors, teachers, masters, villains, enemies and self.  A fabric weaving the golden thread and that yarn/story are as one.  
  • As we unravel the yarn/story we must also fill those lines with Love, Gratitude,Harmony, Joy and Peace.  This will Create a Melody in the collective and bring about the form equaling  a Divinely Driven Life.  

ONENESS Can be found amongst this place in our reflection.

It is: Harry Potter looking in the mirror

Neo realizing “There is no Spoon”

Our Digital Self Looking at our Physical Self or Vice Versa 

Look inside and Find yourself. 

Then emerge as a community of one.

3. Triad/Community

Joining the Collective

When you understand a Pyramid you understand all of life.  On a universal level it is the Cause and how it effects the Physical and the Energetic all at once. We may have different triangles we associate with; Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Victim, Hero and Villain.  These are the common mans world.  Wake up and realize these are not your own that these feed the construct and separate you from the ONE (individual indivisible self) That these were fed to you and formed a early addiction.  

Try this Triad in your Life

So now that we understand this natural occurrence from the Individual stand point we can begin to draw in our community.  Creating a triad of perfection.  So we can see now, that our Individuality, basking in the truth of our resonant self, attracts a community that completes us.  

We are now clear and concise, no matter if the person, event or idea has been a part of Reality for eons. We are WILLING to release it and move forward on to the path of harmony and perfect peace.

Much like Alchemy there is more to life than we consider.  All elements play a part. Every choice, even those spoken in nonchalance and those never spoken but only thought.  

  • We are either building a legacy for the sustainable future or tearing apart legacies that do not sustain the future.  
  • We have the collective to gain insight from, wisdom, knowledge, truth, and direction, however in the end it all boils down to choice. 
  • When we make our choice for the highest good that harms none,  we benefit not only ourselves but the whole. 

It is, in my opinion the ultimate pay it forward.

4. Elemental Design

Becoming one with the Force of Nature that designed youA lot of my clients ask me about ‘Elemental Design’ and how important a part it plays in developing a Sacred Being.  Your elemental design has some what to do with your Astrology. Somewhat to do with your place and time of birth, some what to do with DNA and ancestry and somewhat to do with Divine intention and soul Purpose!

We can gain strength in understanding what elements we are naturally drawn to (i.e in relationships,spiritually, physically etc.)  Do we always find conflict as a Fire sign with Water? Or have we learned to transmute this misunderstanding into a loving response to our inner-selves and make it a strength? This way makes and ally instead of an enemy.  Think about this and allow it to be applied in your current reality.  You just may be surprised by the confirmations and learn to start creating better relationships with all aspects that come to you, are you, or are outside of you.  Thus becoming a Master of your elemental Design.I invite you to take a look at the chart to the right, but to also research everything on your own.

There are many that agree with the concept that we are each born with certain elemental inclinations:

  • Water: Ruling our Subconscious, intuition and creativity
  • Earth: Immutable truths, Loyalty and Stability.
  • Air: Kind, Joyful and Communicative, intelligent and diligent
  • Fire: energetic, enthusiastic, daring, stubborn, faithful
  • Wood: Mental Activity (Right and left brain balance)
  • Metal: Orderliness and Rightness Coming into conscious contact with Nature on a Elemental basis is the Doorway To the Divine allowing us to move to the Deeper Connection.

5. Spirit/Divine Connection

Many will agree that when we are perfect resonance miracles happen undeniably and more often.  It is my experience that this crescendo building harmonic is directly connected to the divine (in whatever form in presents itself to you) and that it is only through surrender that we come into conscious awareness.  This allows us the ability to be guided, inspired and healed.We are able to become one with our higher selves. Our expressions no longer based in ego and our ability to let go of all that does not serve the highest good and Divine resonance is returned to Source for a full refund on the energy that may or may not have been sold.  We learn that we can eat, think and drink in accordance with the intuition provided and that the miracle is in the results.  When we remain in Spirit and connect to spiritual guidance we have more to be thankful for and that Gratitude is an attitude that synchronises on many levels.  Creating a life of abundance and inviting us into our prosperity.  

  • We can then Move forward with the knowledge provided in the truth and learn to deal with any obstacles, obstructions or hidden detours.  
  • We learn to let go and be safe.  
  • We learn that spirit is always with us and available to listen.  This allows 1 to start to deal with our past mistakes, make amends, take inventory and be the change we wish to see. Thus taking full leadership Response to our abilities (newly found even)

Remember everything is an exchange of energy.  The more that we give, the more that is given.  All things complete a circle called life, from the Microcosms to the Macrocosmos.  Even the movement of heavens effect us on a physical, emotional, spiritual and psychological level.  This is the true path to ascension.  Becoming lighter and more able to work with all that is as it is and as it comes to be.  Being a part of our Ecology and creating absolute balance.

6. Dark side of Reality (Evil opposing Live) the Snake biting its Tail

Addressing, assessing, challenging and releasing all False Beliefs.

This is the stage that usually requests the most support.  Ask for it and be compassionate.  

  • This is where it feels the most real for some. 
  • This is where we become humble and surrender to the process. Where some give up and lose courage.   
  • This is the level where you face you and all that you are and may be attracting. 
  • This is where we learn about things like: Self talk and gossip.  
  • Where we see the nature of our being and get honest about all things.  What we eat and how it effects us.  
  • We begin to be faced by our denials.  The great Alchemical Wizard constantly creating around us and in us.  How each action is designed,  how certain things, people and imagery affects the architecture of our mind. Sometimes causing us to act without thinking.  Projecting like puppets on a string.  Symbolically falling into stress and static.  
  • This is the level of Grounding, where the authentic self can arise out of a ritualistic pattern. 

It is not uncommon for us to have beliefs or knowledge at one level of consciousness which are in direct opposition to that of another level.

7.LUCK =Labor Under Correct Knowledge

Defining the Path and Setting Course.  YOU are the 1 Choosing to be the ONLY Captain of this Ship you call a body and this Vessel you call a soul chose to labor (expend your energy)Under (Inner and Outer as above so below) Correct (resonant) Knowledge (Research to show approved).

At this point we have the opportunity to walk the talk.  

  • Aligning in Harmony with all that is. From the inner to external.  
  • We stand alone on ground with the integrity and honor that we are one with our Chakra’s, aura, energy, soul contract and declarations past, present and future.  
  • Our Sacred, Quantum Understanding leaps us forth into more expanded consciousness.  
  • We create habit through practice setting protocols for life that remind us to stay in harmony.  Finding more reasons on a day to day basis to be kind, not just to ourselves but to all aspects of life. We become INVOLVED and ENGAGED.

8. Yin and Yang ( Maintaining Balance in infinity)

So what does it all mean?Man, Woman, black, white?  What is with our levels of Separation?  The WORDS of it all?  What is it teaching and how do we maintain Balance now that we under/inner/overstand our personal truth?  ∞===What I have learned===∞INFINITY IS BUT a loop looping into a concentric loop.

  • We open our Tool Chest and our Treasure Chest Every Moment to see what is in store for us and our future.
  • We Think ahead by asking "What do/did I know had to happen for this to be achieved?" Look back from the future and vision from there.  
  • We know that a balanced life leads to a grand design and we choose to align and allow this.  Creating the window of Expression that is a New Being, blossoming and expanding with all that is. 

This is the Natural Order of the Universe, we must always be ready to rise out of conflict, stagnation and confusion and let go of the past. So that we may Rise up, as a Phoenix being Born again and again until finally we need be borne nor more. Supremacy is a Perfected Being.

9. Rebirth (phoenix rising from the ashes)

Becoming one with the Ascension Frequency. 

Birthing the Divine Human

We have all heard about the Phoenix rising from the ashes being reborn.  We are that same thing whenever we choose:

  • Life over death.  
  • Empower to Serve over server who cowers.  
  • Joy over fear 
  • Peace over war
  • Happiness from sadness and any other choice that we are entitled with.

╠∞∞∞∞        Free will.∞∞∞∞Begin the teaching of Sacred Sound.  Allow Sound to speak to you from Silence for here is where we rise from the ashes.  Here we care about the past to become good stewards of our future.  Sometimes listening is the hardest thing to do.  So let this help make the task a bit easier on you.  Just be You.  Just stay Centered and be Grateful for the time you have now been given back. Ashes to Ashes everything we do we feed the fire.  Let us resolve to solve the mysteries of our existence and fire up the kiln of our so we may Dive Deep into our Infinite Diamond self.≈T╚ƒ

10. Bonded Being

One with your Essence (LIGHT and SOUND) 

It is here that we can be trusted with the Divine plan. We can be trusted with our own divinity. We may declare and decree:I commit to live with my SOUL bonded to the SPIRIT of All that is Divine, Making the choice to seek out mentors/masters in my life and commit to share our discourses with other men/women personally and spiritually, so that they to may taste the natural state of their evolution and begin the steps as Individuals.

11. Perfect Relationship

aum cume servut

(i came to serve)

12.Completed Karmic Cycle

The Game Called Survival is over. Those who have ears to  Hear Hear the Higher Calling!

We live in Cyclic circles where we allow external forces to separate/control us in life. Rather its our Politics that Isolate us (Or keep us in Conflict) or some other form of our Confused state of Being.As a teacher now (and we all have something to teach)  it is this point in our Life when we get to look at our Dualities and find a Reasonable Cause for Balance. Then learn to Come from the Heart (not our minds) with our Intentions.  We get to look at our Feminine side (perspective) the moments of love and kindness (some may say this is the Right Brain) and see how it has helped us in life. The Masculine side gets to look in the mirror and the left brain comes out to see what it has done for us lately.  It is a sad truth to admit our current Societal Structure has been hell bent on turning us into this species that wars against everything and so that has driven us into a very left brain Mind. 

A gift to me is now my gift to you.  From the Treasure chest
I Invite you to:Listen to this:  Quantum K

And Watch this:

Brain Matters

13. Sacred (Sanctuary) Divine Providence

A Harmonic Divine Being Emerges and Your Ready to be It.  Now your Community is a Human Unity Builder and my friends are the Newly Awakened Avatars and Jedis.  Write your codes, share your souls and bring your genius and unique gifts into the present.  MUCH LOVE and LUCK>><<

WE are Evolved Beings. 

Ever Expanding our life force to become the sustainable luminous Humans that Honor  ALL and Harm None.  


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I am loving the Gamification.