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RE: Adult Children: How "Slippery" Terms Serve the Authorities and Harm Kids, Teens, and Everybody Else

in #truth7 years ago

I agree that a line has to be drawn but that is a separate (but related) issue.

I cover these topics as stand alone pieces of work but the overarching theme is the an examination of the "abuse" of language and argument with the intention of generating a predetermined response in the target audience. These terms are supposed refer to that legal definition but in practice that is not how they seem to function.

We can see the same type of thing elsewhere to. I also covered the use of overly broad categories because that seems to essentially serve this same purpose as these slick terms but in that case, I chose to use the term "drugs" as my example.

I kind of view these types of things as a cleaver and semi-organized (I don't believe in any grand conspiracy but I do think that the established systems of order do all act to protect their interests, even when that action is harmful to the rest of the population) emotional manipulation. If someone chooses the right words and uses them in the right way to color a conversation, he or she can paint a very inaccurate picture of reality that is also convincing and moving enough to lead people into viewing issues in ways that aren't to their benefit of the benefit of the masses. Words like "child" work well in this capacity because we have a lot of emotion tied to their meanings.


For sure, just look at how the correct legal term is "illegal alien" but some years ago the media started calling them "illegal immigrants" and then "undocumented immigrants" and now just "immigrants" and sometimes simply "migrants" like anyone can just migrate wherever the fuck they want, like birds.

There there are a bunch of those terms. Now anyone who is kind of a dick might be called a Nazi (so much so, that when the media is referring to someone who really does support that ideology they have to say "actual Nazi" because the term has been so watered down). They also will classify suicide by gun shot as a "shooting." Technically, that is a "true" statement but the image the word conveys is misleading because when people hear shooting, they picture an act of violence committed by one person against another person. I briefly mentioned "enemy combatant" in relation to teens but that term can be applied to anyone for almost any reason but people picture will a "terrorist" in their minds when they hear it.

they call Nazis right wingers when "socialist" is in their name! What they did is created "white nationalist" which is anyone who is white and loves America but it also a synonym for "white supremacist" which is also used interchangeably with "Nazi". So if you are white and are a non globalist or any sort of patriot you are basically a Nazi. You hit the nail on the head with the terms "gun violence" and "gun deaths" which are all the suicides, accidents and murders and sometimes even legit self defense that involve guns added together. To inflate the number but also to control the debate. Suicide and gang murder and accidents and domestic violence are different problems with different solutions but the only solution to "the problem of gun violence" is more gun control or what they are now calling "Gun safety" or "commonsense gun reforms"! Apparently common sense suggests working the hardest to ban the guns that are the least often used in crimes and suicides.