Tune out the tyrannical noise and ATTACK the ROOT cause!

in #truth2 years ago (edited)


It can be very, VERY tempting to spend most of ones time exposing and calling out all the bullshit of any number of agendas being shoved down humanity's collective throat by the so called "powers that wannabe", believe me I know.

Be it wokism, the scamdemic, vaccines, climate change, geo engineering, UFO's or the current war(s), by primarily focusing on the psyop/agenda of the week you are merely playing 'Whack a Mole' with the myriad of agendas that the parasite ruling class throws at you, and by focusing most of ones time, attention and effort onto those, as a result the ACTUAL root problem to all of this can get missed and I would say thats EXACTLY what the ruling parasites want.

That root problem is the belief in the legitimacy of so called "authority" in man, the belief that some people are "authority/masters" that must be obeyed, aka government.

It is this ONE continually shared belief system held by the bulk of humanity in the form of government/statism that keeps all of this tyrannical insanity ongoing.

The parasites could not continue all of these ridiculous agendas and tyranny were it not for the masses of obedient and compliant people continuing to go along with what "authority" tells them to instead of just disobeying them ENTIRELY.

The very thought of humanity doing the latter absolutely TERRIFIES these psychopaths because once that happens, their entire "pyramid" comes crashing down and it all comes to an end.

Because of this, they are more than happy to have all of those in the "truth and freedom movement" focusing on all these MANY individual agendas and psyops instead of a mass collective effort at striking the root cause by spreading the message about "authority" being illegitimate, illusory, down right immoral and to disobey it!

Until enough of us make this the primary focus rather than getting caught up in each and every new agenda, we are just attempting to patch up leak after leak on a sinking ship instead of realising that the ship is actually one giant plantation run by a small group of parasitical psychos who duped everyone else into thinking they had "authority" over them.

If you really want to see an end to all of the increased clown world insanity, strike the root problem and spread the message for others to do the same.
This all comes to an end when enough of us DISOBEY!!!!