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RE: "My Propagandist Wouldn't Lie to Me, Would He?"

in #truth6 years ago

Another marvellous and razorsharp piece of writing my friend. Your eloquence is beyond most things I have read anywhere and you flow so well in words.

While I certainly am not immune to swallowing new lies when coming off the old ones, I can say from experience that the more often I had to reconsider my cherished beliefs and operating assumptions, the easier it gets to do so again the next time I stumble upon critcism for my "flawed worldviews" - and the less agitated I get when my current dogmas are tested with valid questions. It becomes easier to take the position of the inquirer and try to honestly gauge whether I can explain my position or whether I am being a stupid fanboy of a worldview.

We all go through the Alex Jones phase at one point or another ahahaha, many others like him as well.

Ditching illusions we once held true is a very humbling process to go through and - as I'm sure you know from experience - it actually becomes quite the kicker after a while, because it's marvellous what can be discovered once we start trusting our own discernment and merely taking other people's "truths" as consideration, not longer as gospel truth.

Really happy to be in your tribe man, I completely agree to what you have written here and it was a pleasure to read.

Looking forward to eventual disagreements, ahahaha ;)


Thank you.

"I certainly am not immune to swallowing new lies when coming off the old ones" I think it is like that for most of us and I have done it too. People with something to "sell" will put enough truth in their pitch to make it seem like they are on the up and up but just because they are right about the other guy lying doesn't mean that they are right.

Haha yeah Alex Jones is the easy target these days but he is talented at what he does. While I don't think he is being honest in what he says, I do respect his showmanship.

I saw that you submitted my post to thedailysneek. Thank you. That means a lot.