in #truth6 years ago


How many of you can accurately predict the future?How many of you think you
have the knowledge and ability to expose those predictions to the public on a
mass scale?How would you do that?Would you write a book? Would you write a song?
would you paint your predictions,make a movie,a television series?I got it a
video game right?But, what would be the intent of doing this? Would this be a way
to warn people about things to come?To desensitize them to the stresses of
incoming events.To give those who are awake an edge in the real world or is it
intended to normalize evil,to get people used to immorality,to accept defilement
and embrace the darkness.

So I want to write about this because predictive programming seems to be a topic
that keeps popping up and with all the clutter the things that are being presented to
you may seem quite confusing,but we're going to try and straighten that up right now.

What we have here folks is a mess.I mean should we really concern ourselves
with the minutiae of every single piece of media that is put out?One would be a
fool to ignore it all.So how do we discern the difference between good
old-fashioned entertainment from what people label as predictive programming?
Because some things are not always what they seem to be.Now I want to define
three terms that I believe should be understood when it comes to this subject.


Number one.Predictive programming although it has no official definition
it is a term used to describe reoccurring elements,intentionally
placed in media as a reference to a future event,usually tragic events.These
are subtle references that are intended to subliminally desensitize you so that
when the event occurs your reaction is passive.
For example references to 9/11.If there is any movie,TV show,music out there
that has predictive programming in reference to 9/11,prior to 9/11,then
that idea didn't work at all it? Didn't stop 9/11.No one would have
been able to recognize the warning and it sure didn't sweeten the blow.The only
thing that anyone can get from those references today is that perhaps it was
a planned event,not a predicted one.And you still have to consider the
possibility of coincidence in the equation.Also keep in mind that many
artists,producers and creators tend to model their work after others.Which is
why we see many themes repeated.

Now a psychological operation or SyOP is
somewhat different.It's interesting because the US Army provides an overview
for the job of a psychological operations specialist."As a member of the
Army Special Operations community the psychological operations specialist is
primarily Council for the analysis development and
distribution of intelligence used for information and psychological effect". It
goes on to state under future careers,"the training you receive may prepare you for other
fields such as publicrelations sales marketing and advertising".Wikipedia has their own
definition of this and it is written that the purpose of psychological
operations executed by the US military is to induce or reinforce behavior
favorable to US objectives.
So what this really is is a tactic to communicate
selected information in order to influence an audience toward a desired
reaction or behavior. And we see this all the time.For example you want to get
people to donate to sick hungry children.You show them sick hungry children.You
want to get people to stop smoking,you show them people in the hospital broken
down falling apart.Don't worry I'll spare you that imagery lol.

Now,there is one more term that has not used that often,and I think this is what
some people mean when they discuss predictive programming and that is the
drip effect.Unlike predictive programming the drip
effect does not prepare you for an event.It is designed to mold one's character.
In the Oxford reference library the drip effect is defined as in theories of
media effects the notion that the mass media contribute towards gradual changes
in the long term,either in individual attitudes or behavior.For example among
heavy viewers of television or in the form of social changes alongside other
social forces I mean this is really what we're talking about here folks
long-term effects right you see it's one thing to have satanic imagery in a music
video.It's another thing to have that theme repeated over and over in a very
short period of time.

So make no mistake these methods
are real.This stuff is out there.Mainstream news uses these techniques
most effectively.The trouble I think people are experiencing is trying to
interpret.If the message is dripped into mass media are intended to simply help
us or hurt us.I know people say well they want to desensitize us and get us
used to things we would normally have difficulty accepting.Yes,that's exactly
the point.But keep in mind none of these things would be possible without us
making them trendy.

Anyway guys ill leave it here for now but have lots of proof and info on this topic.
So stay tuned,follow,upvote and comment.I always like to here from you guy's
