in #twentyfourhourshortstory6 years ago (edited)



I guess this is what happens when a man got nothing to lose, it becomes a never-ending void of emptiness, it even becomes easier to make the difficult choices, risks becomes rewards and the line between good and bad gets thinner by each passing day.

I sat down heavily on my old and dented leather sofa, my hand is busy rubbing my chin while the other holds a half-full glass of whiskey, I kept staring into the fireplace, it seemed to keep me in a hypnotised state as I felt heavy with sad thoughts of my loved one, even with my gin, I couldn't wash away the flashing thoughts on my mind, the pale face of my wife laying lifeless after losing her fight with leukemia.

I could barely feel my drowsy hands holding onto the glass of whiskey but I still managed to take a long sip from my now empty glass of whiskey, I slowly reached over for another fill of my dry gin when I caught sight of an already opened envelope, I had previously read from it. It was a letter from the space agency, they wanted to recruit a pilot to test a new craft that will break the speed of light, as a top-ranked air-force official with several tours and decorations, I was hand-picked by my superiors to be a part of this one-man mission. I was not always the daring type but ever since the passing of my wife, I've purposely gone on several high-risk missions, many people say I've got a death wish and maybe they are right, I could mix a poison cocktail with my gin right now but I don't want to go out like that, I want to go out fighting like she did, I want to die a hero. The whiskey finally did its job as I dozed off on the couch like I've done several nights before.


It's the fateful day of mission launch, I am sitting in the room for my pre-launch interview,

"How do you feel Mr. Smith, being the first man to board the Phantom X," A reporter asks sharply

"I feel proud to be chosen as the pilot in this solo mission, It's always a pleasure flying anywhere and I can't wait to board that craft," I replied with a broad smile on my face.

The questions came flying in as I dodged and bent my truth to suit the public appeal, the truth of the matter is that I just wanted to get it over with. I had secretly hoped that no one asks me personal questions about my life and thankfully no one did.

After the interview ended, I was ushered into the prep room for my final drills and shortly afterward I boarded the Phantom X. It was a liberating feeling, gripping the steering wheel of the craft. I loved the hollow silence in the cabin that was timely interrupted by machine beeps. I took a huge breath of relief as I pushed the throttle, the ride was smooth as I lift off into the earth's atmosphere, rapidly gaining speed, I could hear several booms outside the craft as I break the sound barrier, my blood began to pump as I felt the intense G-force in the craft, just one more push of the throttle and I broke the light-speed barrier, I can feel the adrenaline pumping in my viens, I didn't care if the mission was a success or not and I could care less about my life in this extreme moment, This was just another of my many dares of fate. I push the final throttle with a glimpse of a carefree smile on my face like I was daring the universe to give me its best shot.

I am greeted by a white light as everything seems to warp and change around me, the booming sounds and vibration of the craft had become dead silent, my vision clears with anticipation as everything faded out around me like they're being absorbed by this white light, I came out this vision into a clear space in a sunny blue sky, I was prompted by a rather enthusiastic voice on the radio.

"We did it, captain, return to base, wahoo..."

I made my route back to base and gently landed the Phantom X to a reception of cheering crowd, I took my first steps off the craft as I waved to the joyful faces, I made my steps down the already laid down red carpet into a rushing mob of reporters struggling to hear my voice.

"Captain Franklin, how do you feel right now...." "Captain, tell us, what did you see in the bright explosion of light....."

The questions came at me at an outstanding rate but what shocked me was the fact that they called me Franklin, My name is not Franklin, "whats up with that?"

I was ushered by the sergeants on the ground through the mob of reporters, they kept asking their rapid-fire questions and flashing their camera light but I was urged not to speak to them until my official report in the air-base, I was led to the evaluation ward on the base.

It was an empty room with bright white walls, I sat down and tried to organize my thoughts, I knew I was about to make my official report of Phantom X flight mission but one question kept boggling my mind, why did they call me Franklin, "Dumb reporters," I scoffed, "Someone probably mistook my name and the rest of them followed," I laughed to myself.

A superior officer walks in sharply, I stood up accordingly and saluted.

"At ease soldier,"

He stretched his hand as I shook it firmly, a reflection of pride shined across my beaming face, for the first time since landing, At that moment, I knew that my mission was a success.

"First of all, I know there must be a thousand things running through your mind but tell me, how are you feeling, Franklin,"

"That name again," I thought to myself, there got to be a mistake somewhere, I tried to wrap my mind around the situation while trying not to show the stress because I knew I was still in evaluation, even my mental state could be called into question if I showed a sign of delusion, so I played along and answered all the question, it was a long but detailed session in which I was glad when it ended, I just wanted to go home to my bottle of whiskey at this point.

I stood up and saluted the officer, he shook my hands one last time and smiled.

"Your wife is waiting for you at the guest section of the base, Franklin, thank you for your service..."

"My what...." I suddenly blurted in shock, the Colonel looked at me with surprise as he repeated again.

"Your wife, Franklin... she's waiting for you..."

Now I knew something was wrong, it's either I'm in delusion or in a sorry bubble of a mistaken Identity, "My wife is dead," I whispered to myself, I made my way to the guest ward at the base, my heart racing with each step, I had to put a stop to this delusion once and for all. I exited the personnel section of the base, I was just about to make my way into the guest ward when I was suddenly blindsided by a tight hug.

"Oh... Babe, thank God you made it," she held me for what seemed like forever as she seemed to be sobbing happy tears, she finally let go and was about to kiss me when I noticed that auburn hair, familiar voice, and angelic face, "This is Maria," I thought to myself, my eyes lited up like a man high on narcotics. I must be in heaven.

This is my entry into the 24 Hour short story contest by @mctiller, thanks for reading :-)


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omg, that was awesome. I was so immersed I wish it didn't have to end. waiting eagerly for the next one. if only I could vote it again.. and again...

you got me hooked. following to hopefully see future instalments.

keep up the good work.

Thanks for your kind words, I do try to put all my imaginations into one basket when creating which could be draining but I will try my best to continue this series. I'm so glad you connected with the story, that is one of my major goals.

Thanks for reading @dunstuff.

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

Alternate realities would be amazing to check out like one of my favourite shows, Sliders. But what a feeling for him seeing his wife alive and waiting.

Thanks for reading @thegoliath, I would be sure to check out that movie series. I love when my writing is likened to visual elements, I'm glad you enjoyed the read.

omg , you totally should. Sliders was EPIC. think Stargate, but without all the needless violence and special effects ;)

I'm even getting more interested now xD

Amazing, you should write for TV

haha.... If you say so xD Thanks for passing by :-)

Cool. Some of these stories deal with missing memories, interesting.

Thanks for enjoying my writing, :-)

It's all about perception - everything's changing.

Had wonderful time reading this peace!