Steemian my identical twin GIRLS:) Soo adorable!!

in #twins8 years ago


     Ok, I said my next blog would be my beautiful Iva and Hazel's 7 month photo shoot!!

     First, I wanna say HOW MUCH FUN this photo shoot was!! (LOL, I'm being sarcastic because of course both babies were super cranky the whole time!!) They were in such great moods the whole day before we met up for the shoot.   It was a super hot day though, so I can understand being cranky in the hot, humid air.  But I am super surprised that any photos were taken of happy babies!:) 

                  This first one here is my little Iva Rae....she is our miracle baby. 

                    Iva means....."Gift from God"

                  She LOVES to play with her tongue and so you'll see that it's usually always out of her mouth, LOL!!  She is such a little sweetie!!! :)

                  This little angel is almost ALWAYS happy, and her smile brings so much happiness to my soul!!!

                  Iva is always making the cutest little babbling sounds!!  Some of the noises she makes I've never heard a baby make before, LOL.  Like I said before, NEVER a dull moment!  I'll definitely be sure to catch some of them on video and share with you all:)

                   This one is soo adorable too!! Iva and Daddy:)  Watching the girls bond with their dad is so precious and special!!  I love watching huge grins sprout on their faces when he walks into the house after a long day at work:)  They know who their Daddy is, that's for sure!!  It definitely warms my heart.

                        Alright, so those were all of Iva.  These next few are going to be of my Hazel Ruth......

                        Hazel is named after my grandmother who passed away a little over 2 years ago.  Her and I were super close and she will always hold a special place inside my heart!

                       This girl is my momma's girl by far!  Although, Iva is starting to become one as well as of late....

                         One of my favorite parts of the day are cuddles from my Hazel.  Hazel is very cuddly, I lOvE it!!

                          See, she doesn't really look too happy here, LOL, but she's still damn cute!

                         Here are a few of them together.......Hazel is in the bluish colored dress and Iva has the pink one

                             OMG, aren't their eyes TO DIE FOR??!!  They seriously have the most beautiful big, deep blue eyes.......would love to say they got them from me, but nope...(they do have my eye shape though;) just sayin')

                             Then one with mommy and daddy:)  Those cute little faces, I seriously just can't get enough!  

                          K, I'll leave it at that for now.......that might even have been too much cuteness!! Sorry!

                        The story of my "LONG" pregnancy will be coming very soon in another blog, or 2 or possibly 3... so stay tuned!  (It really was actually shorter than a typical pregnancy, it just felt like forever...LOL).  It's actually a  very good story and if you are a sceptic of miracles, maybe you will believe after you read about our many miracles along the way:)

As always, thank you all SO VERY much for your continued support  and encouragement since I'm still a newbie and still learning how everything works around here!!! If anyone has any suggestions or comments please feel free to leave me one!!  I would love to get some feedback that will help me to prosper and reach higher goals and build this community UP!!!  Thanks Steemit for all your LOVE and opportunity!

Love Always,



**VenusBrownPhotography... she does an amazing job!!


Super beautiful :D

Aww thanks so much @bontonstory! Thanks for taking the time to check out my blog:)