New Type 1 Diabetic

in #type1diabetes7 years ago

Two years ago, at the age of 41, I went to the emergency room on December 26, weighing in at 85 lbs (I am 5’2)- in August I was 125. 2 days later, I left with the diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes. My father was diagnosed at 28, so I grew up knowing (or so I thought) what it entailed. Boy was I wrong!
Giving up sugar is not big deal. I am a self- proclaimed Diet Coke addict, and sweets weren’t a big part of my life- although I do love me some hot Krispy Kremes! Giving up bread, pasta and onion rings, well that was almost more than I could handle. I have always been what some call a foodie- and I love to cook and try as many new foods as possible, and loosing the freedom to do this without thought really sucked. For the first 6 months or so, I followed the SAD (Std American Diet)- per my doctor’s instruction, and hated the fact that giving myself insulin caused me to be ravenously hungry, when then caused me to over eat which led to high blood sugars. It was a vicious cycle, caused me to shoot up to 145 lbs. I decided there had to be a better way, and I found Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution (, which started my obsession with low carb cooking. This led to the discovery of several low-carb cooking blogs, and the eventual discovery of the Keto WOE. While I am not a Keto purist, I will say that it has allowed me to simply take Metaformin w/meals and take one nightly shot of insulin. The down side is that I must make almost everything I eat from scratch- and while I like to cook, sometimes I just want some hummus and crackers.
Anyway, for any of my fellow T1D’s out there, here are a few of my favorite sites for low carb food:
All Day I Dream About Food (written by a T2 Diabetic):
Maria Mind Body Health:
Ruled Me:

A good site for Type 1:

Any fellow T1D’s out there who want to share low carb favorites, or medical info, please share!