Good morning, I'm from Ukraine! I have a dream!

in #ua3 years ago

Hi to all! My name is Julia, I am 28 years old and I live in Ukraine. I have a dream. You know, my dreams used to be so big. I wanted to earn a lot of money, buy my own home, travel around the world and look at it with my own eyes. I had such dreams until February 24. And the feeling is as if a hundred years have passed.


russian warship fuck you. Kyiv. Photo Source - Hromadske

And at 5 o'clock in the morning on February 24, my world changed to "before" and "after". The fact is that russia launched a full-scale military offensive on my homeland that night. Yes, I will write the name of the aggressor's country in lower case, because everything that happens for almost a month does not give me the moral right to do otherwise.


Me and the winter sea

Since February 24, my dreams have become much simpler:

  • Do not listen to the silence, which can end at any moment with a rocket shot;
  • Do not buy a huge amount of products to be enough in case of a blockade of the city;
  • Calling my mother to tell her how my peaceful day went, not to reassure her that my city is not under attack;
  • Walk by the sea and do not be afraid of air raids;
  • Sleep well all night, not waking up every few minutes;
  • Hear children from what they are playing, not their crying over the siren;
  • Don't worry about family and friends;
  • Don't worry about all the people and animals that live in my country;
  • I dream of not knowing where the bomb shelter is and how many minutes it takes me to get there;


Kids in the bomb shelter. Photo Source - bykvu

I don't think I want that much, do I?

I'll tell you a little about myself. I live in Odesa. It is a city in the south of Ukraine, located on the Black Sea coast. I fell in love with this city as a teenager and dreamed of moving here. A year and a half ago I succeeded.
I have a girlfriend and two dogs. A few days ago we moved to another apartment, which is 5 minutes from the sea. Before the war, I blogged about interesting places in Odesa / Uzhhorod and Ukraine in general that I saw. Today, my blog has become a platform where I cover what is happening in my country.

And yes, here I will also write about it. I don't care about earning money, I don't care if I'm hated here. But I can't keep quiet. I live in a relatively peaceful city, although every day I fear that active hostilities will begin here.

The world needs to know that we are being killed. The world needs to know that this can happen to any country! Because russia and putin are murderers.


Photo Source - Associated Press

On February 27, a 6-year-old girl was brought to a hospital in Mariupol after being wounded by shelling by the occupiers. She went to the store with her parents.
Doctors tried to save her, but the girl died.
The doctor who was pumping her oxygen looked into the camera of the Associated Press video reporter.
"Show it to putin," he said. "The eyes of this child and the crying doctors."

They are shooting civilians, dropping phosphorus bombs on cities, seizing nuclear power plants and trying to intimidate the world. They openly say that they will not stop on the territory of Ukraine. Almost 70% of russians support military aggression against Ukraine and the genocide of Ukrainians.


The rocket hit a residential building. Kyiv region. Photo Source - bykvu

Children die here, men and women die here. Some people are experiencing war for the third time! Because in our country there are people who survived World War II, who then came under fire in eastern Ukraine when the russian military entered the Donbas, and then these people hear explosions in the cities where they fled after 2014.

One day I will wake up and there will be no war. One day.. Until then, I will tell you what is happening. While I can. So far I am relatively safe.


Вітаю! Да, світ перевернувся з ніг на голову з цим гребаним геноцидом від рашки. З поверненням). Все буде Україна!🇺🇦🤗