in #ufo7 years ago

Hello my dear steemians, today I am going to give you part of a piece of work that I did two decades ago, without any hope of a serious publication on my part due, in a great way, to its content: very controversial. If we put it that way, it doesn't mean anything. But the controversy drags along with religious dogmas, scientific dogmas and even racially based dogmas or beliefs. Now, with a different world scenario, with similar proposals through magazines, books, television and finally internet, I dare to go where it is useful and fruitful; even more so when my intention is to publish for a group that expects news, whatever it may be, if they are supported by good sources. And my source is one of the best: The BIBLE and the theme is about Jehovah, how Jehovah, the envoy, became the GOD OF ISRRAEL, and how we assumed that JESUS, a Jew also, heir of the promises made to his ancestors Abraham and Jacob, became the SON OF GOD and, in time, GOD HIMSELF.
I will start with a "A WARNING MODE" which is like the preamble of the book, followed by an "Introduction". If I see your interest and acceptance, I will make weekly chapter deliveries until its completion. Do not be careful, it will be a simple reading and contains only ten chapters:


                 A WAY OF WARNING

The content of this book is not what it seems at first glance. Its title suggests a religious theme because it is based on the history of the Jewish people, taking as its source their SACRED SCRIPTURES. It is only an example of the continuous manipulation that the relevant events of a society make their leaders, interested in being interpreted in a certain way, at their convenience, hiding or adulterating reality, ignoring the importance that it can have for future generations.
This was done in antiquity, when it was very easy to convince people with theocratic governments imposed by the priestly class of these tribes (in our case, the Levites) governed by laws emanating from "God" (as given to Moses) and " Mandates "revealed in dreams or apparitions to prophets. God, the concept of God, was used to justify invasions, massacres and exterminations against people who had something they needed or who might lack it in the future, proclaiming the right that God supposedly granted them to subjugate and possess, through of the Faith or by means of the arms.
Today, with another format but equal principle of domination, through ideas, faith and patriotic sentiment, invasions against defenseless nations are sustained, assuming the right that assists to the defense of its territory, in the case that is they feel "threatened" by those nations which, in no case, could be any threat to anything or anyone. It is necessary to scratch only a little the frosty surface of the "noble purposes" that manifest the great powers with an imperialist vocation to see what is hidden under the tint of peace, love and truth.
It is a political issue because I try to interpret and clarify for the "gentiles" (non-Jewish people, as we do) that endless domination of the Israelites of the past, the Israelis of today, the Masonic Jews or the lay Masons under Jewish influence. Why is it a divine mandate for them by basing themselves on the supposed promises that Jehovah God made to the prophet Abraham? Why, through them, does Jehovah give the land for an inheritance? And why do they think they have the permission to snatch from their owners the lands they get in their path, such as among hundreds that can be named, the taking of Jericho, that land where honey and milk flowed, that none of them cultivated or cared for? Their dispersion and infiltration into the governments of almost every nation in the world, the recovery of the right to inhabit the land they themselves left behind, and the ancient practice of expanding their territory by force, assaulting and bombing their neighbors, legitimate landowners. The land they inhabit and therefore their owners, those who stayed and looked after it: A question that no one can deny because it is public and notorious. It happens every day and appears "live" on all major world news.
It is sad to see, with a brief glance at maps, dictionaries, world almanacs, atlases, etc. that the territory of Palestine is not described in any way as a country or nation. It is only referred to as a region of Asia (near east) located south of Lebanon, between the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean, comprising the Jordan Valley and the northern part of the Sinai desert (Small Larousse, 1921, previous edition to the creation of the State of Israel) and, in a more recent edition, the Great Universal Dictionary Larousse, like "Historical region of the Middle East, between Lebanon to the N, the Dead Sea to the S, the Mediterranean the O and the desert from Syria to the E, which encompasses the present state of Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip." Let us look at the location and geographical boundaries of the last referred dictionary for the state of Israel: "State of the Middle East between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River, limited to N by Lebanon, NE by Syria, E by Jordan and SO by Egypt ". It goes on to say that Israel is "the result of the partition of the old Palestine." So it is an anachronism that this territory and its people do not have a legal status that protects them, because it remains a space in limbo, which does not exist in reality. Even though they have their identity, history, gentleness and the right of ownership of their lands, they have not been recognized as such. The principle of uti possidetis iuris resolves by the date or chronology of the documents that attest to that possession. However, recognizing the limits established in the creation of the State of Israel, the State of Palestine still faces the invasion of its territory and the violent aggression of its citizens by the Israelis. This situation is initiated, developed and maintained with the consent, technical support, legal and Material from a Godfather (See Chapter IV): The United States is not aware of the October 31, 2011 Resolution issued by UNESCO, where Palestine is admitted as a full member state, number 195, under the threat of withdrawing its contribution to the Budget of that Organization.
But the United States' protection of the people of Israel is not for free. That nation, like others, is plagued from the inside by the same Jews, infiltrated and established conveniently, occupying government positions, and taking possession of powerful companies, of the banking, of the presses, of the industries, of the communications, etc. obeying the command: "Wherever the Jews are established, they must become masters; And, as long as they do not possess absolute dominion, they must be regarded as exiles and prisoners, even though they may dominate some nations, until they have dominated them all, they must not cease to cry: "¡What torment, what indignity!" In Chapter X).
Without any pretension other than to warn anyone who wants to see, hear, feel, or intuit the danger that lies ahead of us, I lead them through the past of the Jewish people through what is "written" contained in the Holy Scriptures, whose principal protagonist is Jehovah God.
At this point I must clarify that, despite the title, I can not to say with propriety that Jehovah was the First Envoy, at least for the rest of the planet, because this "phenomenon", alluding to the appearance of "Gods" and their permanence in Earth, is recorded in almost all the roots of the history of diverse ancient civilizations. The chronicles of them refer to Gods, messengers or messengers coming from outer space, fallen from the sky using transports that descended and then ascended, described with different figures of the language that they used to use in the daily life of their existence, typical of the place or region where it arose the event. In connection with these, authorities of the Catholic Church of the highest hierarchy, in the last decades of the last century and until the present, have made a series of statements about the possible existence of extraterrestrial life. This is the case of those made by the Director of the Astronomical Observatory the Vatican, Monsignor José Gabriel Funes, published on May 14, 2008 in the official Vatican newspaper L'Obsservatore Romano, "Man can believe in God and in parallel hold a belief in beings from other worlds. This does not put into question the Faith in Creation, Incarnation and Redemption ... "and May 14, 2010:" The extraterrestrials are our brothers"
As also the opinion of Monsignor Corrado Balducci, who was a personal assistant to Pope John Paul II for sensitive issues such as these, with no apparent scientific explanation, on August 17, 1999 in Vatican City: "The angels of yesterday are the aliens of today”.
The views of his Holiness, Pope John Paul II, very interesting, are outlined in Chapter IX.
As for Freemasonry, the Jews have used it by exploiting its character as a secret society, conducive to the gestation of all sorts of conspiracies and, therefore, revolutions. This is their secret: they give material and moral support to the outstanding revolutionaries who are active members, at a cost not imagined by these but very well thought out and calculated by the most hierarchical position within the confraternity, Jewish Masons who ALWAYS claim their share of power, if not power itself.
Fortunately, the Liberator Simon Bolívar, with his enlightening understanding, once belonging to that society, realized or evidenced the payment he had to make to the "Protectors" of his emancipatory management and hastened to issue a Decree, which until now many Are unknown and, of the few that do, none explains the reason for that decision:
"Simon Bolivar
Liberator President.
Having proved the experience, both in Colombia and in other nations, that secret societies serve especially to prepare public disturbances, disturbing public tranquility and established order; That, by hiding all their operations with the veil of mystery, they make a reasonable presumption that they are neither good nor useful to society, and therefore excite suspicions and alarms to all those who are ignorant of the objects in which they are concerned; Having heard the opinion of the Council of Ministers,
Article 1 - All societies, or secret confraternities, regardless of the denomination of each one, are prohibited in Colombia.
Article 2. The Governors of the Provinces, by themselves and by means of the Police Chiefs of the Cantons, will dissolve and impede the meetings of the societies, ascertaining carefully if there are any in their respective Provinces.
(Article 3 and paragraphs omitted)
The Minister Secretary of State of the Office of the Interior is in charge of the execution of this Decree.
Given in Bogota on November 8, 1828.
The Minister Secretary of State of the Office of the Interior,
J. M. Restrepo
The reason set forth in this decree is confirmed years later, with the publication of THE PROTOCOLS OF THE WISES OF SION, of which I copy verbatim, in Chapter X, excerpts from some of the minutes that compose them, as an example of the aspirations of the Jews of those times and the procedure to follow to achieve them, equal in idea and to proceed to the Israelis of the present time.
It is my duty to communicate what is expressed here so as not to commit a sin of omission. The Jews have slandered God, by doing so in His own image and likeness, they have established that God belongs to them, monopolizing their divine protection, so we do not have access to it, we Gentiles. And the Jewish followers of Jesus, Christian Jews, also heirs of the promises of Jehovah, created an even greater and more widespread dogma: Christ is the Son of God, who together with his Father, God Himself, and the Holy Spirit conform to the HOLY TRINITY. This three-fold divinity overthrows the monotheistic conception of which so much Christianity speaks, especially Catholicism, when it says with pride that we belong and worship one God. Will God, the true one, be interested in clarifying this condition?
I do not think so, each of us must and we have to find the truth. It will set us free, free thinkers.
The author.

Caracas, Venezuela, June 2015
From the above, from the beginning and the end, it might give the impression that I am an atheist. ¡Nothing more uncertain! I believe in a GOD that does not appear in the BIBLE, it is an unknown God, enigmatic vagabond, who leaves in its passage the certainty of its existence; he is an unthinkable God, but foreboding; I are not his image, nor his likeness, but I may be a tiny part of Him...
I also believe in Christ, not as the ONLY SON of God (We all are), not even as GOD. He is the BROTHER (in the sense expressed by Monsignor Joseph Gabriel Funes) sent from "heaven" to rescind (break) the covenant between Jehovah and the Jewish patriarchs, which was sealed with the blood of the circumcised (Genesis 17: 7-11). For the reasons I point out in Chapter IX, I deduce that he offered his own blood in return.
I would believe in Jehovah, the envoy, but he assumed to be the God of the people of Israel. I am not Jewish.


Psalm 51: "Have mercy on me, O God, according to thy compassion: according to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions.
2 Wash me more and more from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.
3 For I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is always before me.
4 Against thee, I have sinned against thee, and done evil in thy sight; So that you may be recognized just in your word, and held pure in your judgment.
5 Behold, I was formed in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.
6 Behold, you love the truth in the inmost, and in the secret you have made me understand wisdom.
7 Purify me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me and I'll be whiter than snow.
8 Let me hear joy and gladness, and the bones that you have destroyed will be re-created.
9 Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all my iniquities.
10 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
11 Cast me not away from thee, and take not thy holy spirit from me.
12 Let the joy of thy salvation return, and let my noble spirit sustain me ..."
Psalm of David, when after the arrival of Bathsheba, Nathan the Prophet came to him.
Psalm 51 is the most beautiful and pure act of contrition I know. In this act is summarized the intimate tragedy of man: the struggle against sin and guilt, daughter of sin. Sin does not escape to the wise (the wise Solomon committed innumerable sins), nor to the sovereign (King David), nor to the mighty (Samson) nor to the naive (Eve), nor to the innocent (Adam). Sin is universal (2 Chronicles 6:36).
Sin is a transgression of an earthly or divine law. For both the Hebrew and the Greek, the verbal form of sin means to err. Righteousness means going straight (not to err), not turning to sin. When righteousness is maintained, virtue appears, and virtue is opposed to sin. From this confrontation we derive the concepts of evil and goodness.
Nowhere on earth is there a clear and unequivocal view of what is evil and what is good.
Criteria for rating this kind of behavior vary according to cultures, climate changes, seasons of the year, type of government, population density, economic changes, military preparation, folklore, history, tradition family, the exercise of authority, religion ...
Society uses religion to enforce security, order and subsistence controls. Because God establishes, according to men, the difference between good and evil. Then the criteria of goodness and evil come from God. If man deviates from good and transgresses some divine law, he commits sin. Sin, like crime, must not go unpunished because punishment is the only form of real and effective control that exists.
Now, society subjects the individual through fear of (real) punishment, and uses God (religion) to introduce and Keep the fear beyond the limits allowed and achieved by law.
Then, as God questions human behavior, approving what in his judgment is good and disapproving and censuring what in his opinion is bad, if there was no sin, in fact, God would disappear, at least from the conceptual inventory of man; Because it is God who identifies himself as custodian of good and as guarantor of punishment for the commission of evil.
Man, in order to avoid the suffering of the knowledge of his sin, somehow attenuates the gravity of his action by seeking and finding arguments, mostly valid, to the detriment of his objectivity. It justifies and qualifies its error.
It justifies by means of the intellect, which takes from the circumstantial elements the bases to support its arguments and uses its reasoning to interpret the fact at its convenience. It does not count in this reasoning for anything (except to bother and disturb) its feeling, which it mutilates, closed and hidden from itself.
But the feeling is what remains, subsists, after reasoning, and what the intellect justified, with malice or without it, the heart (it is the commonly accepted assumption that it is the generator, producer and depositor of feelings, although science places it in the brain, and the digestive apparatus as a partner in the process) qualifies it differently (good, bad, worse) because it is rooted in the demand for punishment for sin; and if it does not resolve the situation of punishment, the feeling of guilt appears as a proclamation of sin. Then there is no justification that is worth it and man continually revolves about this feeling, seeking to revive the moment to understand more the error, why he was wrong and what could have done to avoid it.
In Psalm 51 appears, but not in strict order, the sequence of the act "sin"
First, the recognition of sin (verse 3), secondly, in confession, assumes its responsibility for the commission of sin before God and the identification of Him, God, as the only aggrieved (verse 4); Thirdly, the plea of forgiveness, because it is God who gives the measure of the gravity of sin and therefore the measure of punishment or mercy to grant forgiveness (verse 1).
In the last place, and typical of man, he discharges the gravity of sin in order to bear suffering through guilt. Then he says that sin is part of human nature, because in sin he conceived his mother (verse 5), accepting the general belief that every man is a sinner:
2 Chronicles 6, 36 "If they sin against you (for there is no man who does not sin), and you are angry with them ..."
Romans 7, 17 "So it is no longer I who do this, but the sin that dwells in me."
I will transcribe part of Chapter 7 of the Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Romans because I believe there are no better words to express the inner struggle of man (or woman) to control what by nature is; Nor to describe the stupor and discouragement that comes from verifying that any attempt to get rid of sin is completely in vain:
Romans 7, 7 “¿What shall we say? ¿Is the law sin? In not way. But I did not know sin except by the law, for I did not know covetousness, unless the law said: "You shall not covet."
8 But sin, taking occasion for the commandment, produced in me all covetousness; because without the law sin is dead.
9 And I without the law lived in a time; but the commandment came, sin revived and I died.
10 And I found that the very commandment that was for life, was to me to death;
11 For sin, taking occasion for the commandment, deceived me, and slew me for it.
12 So the law to the truth is holy, and the commandment holy, just and good.
13 Then what is good, became death to me? In no way; but sin, to be sin, brought about death through me through what is good, so that by the commandment sin might become sinful.
14 For we know that the law is spiritual; but I am carnal, sold to sin.
15 For what I do, I do not understand; for I do not do what I want, but what I abhor that I do.
16 And if what I do not want, this I do, I approve that the law is good.
17 So it is no longer I who do this, but the sin that dwells in me.
18 And I know that in me, that is, in my flesh, good does not abide; because to want good is in me, but not to do it.
19 For I do not do the good that I want, but the evil that I do not want, that I do.
20 And if I do what I do not want, I do not do it, but the sin that dwells in me.
21 Therefore, when I will do the good, I find this law: that evil is in me.
22 For I delight in the law of God according to the inward man;
23 but I see another law in my members, that rebels against the law of my mind, and that takes me captive to the law of sin that is in my members.
24 ¡Miserable of me! Who will deliver me from this body of death?
25 I thank God, through Jesus Christ our Lord. So, with the mind I serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin."
Is sin inherent in the human condition and what qualifies sin as sin, that is, the law, overestimates the ability of man to control his sinful tendencies and repress the commission of sin?
So, is sin a creation of God because He formed man like that, with sin as part of his human nature?
Thus, knowing God's impotence and invalidity of man before sin, establishes laws of a repressive type for the non-commission of acts proper to his nature, as St. Paul says, that respond to the "law of sin that is in my members".
It is the laws that "discover" sin because if it were not for the law that identifies and forbids sin, sin would be, would exist, but without any de facto connotation. The law "qualifies" the fact as sin, then the law is responsible for the existence of sin.
Remember: the law discovered sin for man and the law (that of Moses) was established by Jehovah God. We live in sin because we are not able to fulfill this divine law, surpassing the law of the carnal body to which we are attached. And, with sin, we are life prisoners of guilt.
In making decisions we risk making mistakes. We will not know for sure if the decision is correct or not until we see its results. For fear of making new mistakes, doubt appears. Doubt either paralyzes us or moves us quickly in search of alternative solutions.
Fear, doubt and guilt are passengers in the same train car that we take to any destination and their company leads us, little by little, to be part of that overwhelming wave of stress statistics.

  • What motivated all this?
  • Who caused it?
  • How its origins?
    By scrutinizing the scriptures we will find the answer, the only true one: Jehovah God is in the beginning of all these things.
    Thanks you for your attention, and I hope you like it. Until the next delivery.