Thompson was a cog in a system engineered by the Democratic party.

in #uhc2 months ago


I know that nobody sharing this unironically and uncritically has a functioning brain or a conscience; but, let's cover this.

First of all, by definition, a murder is an unlawful killing. Like it or not, there's nothing unlawful about what Thompson was doing that resulted in anyone's death. No, you can't attribute contract disputes or claim denials to murder. No, you can't attribute breaches of contract to felony murder.

That should be enough; but, I know it's not.

So, scarcity isn't a product of capitalism. Scarcity is a product of nature. Every system deals with rationing of resources. Hell, Canada is advertising assisted suicide services in a clear attempt to ration resources. By any logic coupled with reality, anybody in any system who is tasked with making decisions about allocation of resources is a murderer. That's nonsensical. It's not only essential that we do that, it's impossible to not do that.

Finally, y'all who voted for the government to get more involved voted for this system. Even if it was a compromise vote, you moved us further away from freedom. When the ACA was being passed, I was taking the libertarian side that it's wrong for the government to force people to pump money into a corporate system, while Democrats were passionately supporting the system that we're in.

Thompson was a cog in a system engineered by the Democratic party.

If you're looking for a murderer in the system, look at the government.