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RE: A Question to people in UK!

in #uk3 years ago

tbh I think that they all knew about it ages ago and are trying to smear campaign Boris now so he has to resign. I actually want Boris to stay, at least he hasn't bought in vaccine passports or any more lockdowns and we live pretty much as pre pandemic here in the UK. I fear he may be being pushed out to bring in someone who is more draconian. I am very happy with how things are in the Uk right now in comparison to the rest of the world, and really only idiots didn't realise everyone was breaking the rules the whole way through, I never put such high standards on anyone tbh and just lived my life.


I had high hopes when he took office but to me it's been a disappointment from the whole idea of lockdown which was an absurd he gave into under public pressure and for which we will be paying a long time
Slogans like we are all in this together ?
I spent lockdowns 2 and 3 working in an Amazon warehouse like many other working class people while office workers got a year long paid holiday many of them ended up working in the same warehouses only difference they were getting double or triple wages compared to mine thanks to furlough If they choose to work
for people like me there was nothing I was about to start a new job when lockdown 1 started try living on £360 a month of universal credit( good I put all my savings into btc when it all started otherwise it would have been a right miserable year

As to the fact of everybody breaking the rules yes ,but they made the laws then broke them while police was literally watching (CCTV etc) at the same time sending out cops to give massive fines to people doing the same as they were?

Police are to uphold the law not serve politicians!

Lockdown Protesters being charged with riot police a day before announcing the first rave party? Wtf

All the new laws brought in denying the right to protest , making it illegal to publish information contradicting the official government narrative?( Kill the bill)(fake news legislation) ( add to that the fact that we have now also thought crime)(for real!!)

Not that I'm saying I think sunak or Kramer would be any better if sunak would get elected I'm out of here the next day as to Kramer I don't know anything about him tbh at least we could count on good relations with china considering the most recent hoo-ha about him getting paid over 400k by the ccp .

Add to that the sheer incompetence of the governments actions like sending all the sick people back into nursing homes without any testing at the beginning of the pandemic..

It seems like somewhere after the year 2000 we reverted from being free citizens of a free country to being medieval feudal subjects to her Majesty only somebody forgot to tell us about it.

I think I'd better stop here or this will turn into a never ending story of corruption shortsightedness and stupidity

Lol yeah well I was self employed and got hardly anything from the gov and zero work at all so I feel you. It was the furlough ppl who wanted the never ending lockdowns for sure. It was actually crypto that saved me rly and I jsut started building a new career. To be honest I never listened to Boris or cared about any rules. I neve rrly put any expectations on any leader. Of course everyone’s not in it together even now if you have a private jet you can fly without the juice etc or spent any lockdowns in a house with a pool or cinema. Of course everyone was having parties, I don’t know how anyone didn’t realise it at the time, the sensible people had parties too.

I don’t think anyone ever actually paid a fine did they? Anyone who challenged them certainly didn’t as they were never legal.

To be honest I don't know anybody who got or paid a fine so can't say for sure but
Sending out police to harras citizens with fines that aren't legal that would defo be a sign of insanity so quite possible these days( not to mention a massive waste Of public money

I don’t think any got through I think they all got kicked out of court tbh

Still lost time of having to go to court and such
A bit like a fixed penalty fine even you weren't in the wrong it's cheaper to pay the fine than go to court and loose a days wages and potentially not get the fine.

Do you remember that case where the copper went into somebody's private garden and started telling the people from the house that they are not allowed to be there?

Mind you that was Yorkshire :) ( I've lived there quite a while and it doesn't surprise me, in my twenties I discovered time travel I moved from London north and went back by about 50 years!

I never got a fine either and I mean I won’t put anything public lol but I basically thought I would rather risk £200 that I probably won’t even ever have to pay than have no life for two years. I mean here they fined people for sitting down with a take out drink hahhaha

They had to generate the money for furlough somehow :)

I just feel like the whole world has gone batshit crazy and not in the fun way at all.

How's life u still here?

I think the best way with all people in gov is don't put any expectations on them lol I think ultimately we as people need to take more control.

Fully agreed but how?
To me it seems that the gov has more and more control just look at spending, having been self employed I'm sure you also noticed the growing pay gap between the private and government sectors not to mention the difference in workloads add to that people on benefits and u have a massive % of voters for whom the government is supposedly doing a great job only everybody is getting poorer Cause there is only so much you can squeeze out of productive members of the society like yourself ( I used to be a productive member of society but Ive simply decided to no longer participate in the shitshow and refuse to pay taxes if it would ever come to it id sooner burn all my possessions than let those greedy pigs get their hands on what's mine)