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RE: All those broken cell phones..

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)
Estimado amigo @meno La tecnología nos arropa, ella nace de la necesidad del hombre de cubrir sus prioridades, sin embargo poco a poco esas necesidades se volvieron mas y mas extravagantes jajaja.
Yo vivo en un pais donde la teconologia esta (todavia) en pre jajaj ya han llegado telefonos inteligentes pero son super costosos y solo los pueden tener personas con grandes sueldos, entonces me dije a mi mismo ''no tengo opcion'' o me preocupo por ganar dinero para comprar un buen telefono, o no me preocupo en absoluto por tenerlo y anoto los numeros telefonicos mas importantes en una agenda. jajaja pues asi lo hice jajaja, algo obsoleto, pero real.
Espero no extraviar la agenda jajaja.
Dear friend, the technology wraps us up, it is born from the man's need to cover his priorities, however little by little those needs became more and more extravagant hahahaha.I live in a country where the technology is (still) in pre hahahaha, smart phones have already arrived but they are super expensive and can only be used by people with high salaries, so I said to myself, "I don't have a choice" or I worry about making money to buy a good phone, or I don't worry at all about having it and I write down the most important phone numbers in a diary. hahahaha, I made it hahaha, something obsolete, but real.
I hope I don't lose the agenda hahaha.