JOKE TIME TO STEEM UP (Warning: Don't take this too serious)

in #ulog6 years ago


Good day everyone. The name is Kells, and am going to be speaking on three different issue I have witness upon joining "Steemit Family", which might also be a topic to be discussed by all of us.
This is going to open up our mind, for those who are driven by what they see around them.
This will also get some people so emotional that they will have feel pity for the writer. Lol
While it's also going to make some people feel like smashing the writers head against a rock, or better still punch him through the phone. Lolz

Either ways, these three things include:

  1. Have it come across to you while most people are registered on steemit? The reasons are definitely different, for those who already know the reasons why people are on steemit, do you know in a split seconds after being in steemit for a couple of minutes most people reasons are changed.
    A friend said "i joined steemit for the money involved but I started to enjoy the posts and I found certain ones helping me in my daily life to make more progress in most things I do. So eventually am making money somewhere else with good information here".
    A friend of a friend joined steemit for just the sole purpose of making money, either way he is stucked with so much low steem power that he needs more steem before his engine can go any further 😅. The point is please show that brother some love cause he really needs it, just saying lol
    Others joined steemit to make new friends and meet new people around the world.
    Well is a good one and a good thing but it becomes really frustrating when you meet new people that don't want to meet you, you just end up meeting yourself and you are like "hello my name is Ben can we be friends" and they are like "Do you have steem to spare, if you have we can be friends" and you are like "No I just need new friends" and they are like your Steem power is too low for us to be friends" no power no friend". And their dreams of new friends just fades away. Hmmm. My heart bleeds for you young man.

  2. I notice the way people capture informations here. When I say people, I meant those with the steem power, they just write somthing and boom! dollar everywhere, upvotes everywhere and I am like yeah my steem power is so low but what's the harm in trying to resteem and at the end I resteem and get no steem.
    Is just like asking for an answer from a collegue during an examination and then he gives you a paper and when you open it, what you found was a caption "why didn't you read". Lol

  3. Actually there's no third Issue. Let's enjoy the whole steemit thing just help a brother Or sister by Upvoting on their posts. The world need help man, let's start from here. I see alot of steemless hands, please those with the steempower, do the honours. The hands are ready to accept some push.

May he grant us more steem and more power beyond our reach and our power, So we can power up our steem and help those in need of steem. Someone say a big Amen to that.


And a friend of yours is just looking at the whales eating up the steem every where and thinking if you can't beat them why not join them

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

Is just like asking for an answer from a collegue during an examination and then he gives you a paper and when you open it, what you found was a caption "why didn't you read".
It should be colleague instead of collegue.

Thanks typing error. Was using a mobile phone