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RE: #Ulog 001: My seminar presentation

in #ulog7 years ago

Congratulations on your Project Seminar defense.

Glad to have you back posting and starting with the Ulogs paradigm. Keep the spirit going and we'll be waiting to see that project come alive and being used also.

Cheers to a successful defense. Keep being amazing, and know that

Everyone has something to offer


Thanks dear, I'll surely make you proud and you're my number one customer already. My machine will soon be available in the market.


Number one customer? Thought mine will be free of charge to help test run, so it can get main stream adoption.

No, I have to sell it to you. I can't be biased
Business is business 😂😂😂

Okay oh, good luck with that 😂😂

Thank you dear. We're in this together