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RE: Ulog #14: My Bed Time Thoughts about Friendship

in #ulog6 years ago

"You can’t impose your friend to prioritize your friendship before her principles and values. Respect to these differences is important."

very true, and its in these differences that we get to be free and who we are in our friendships or any other ship.
we cant always agree on everything now can we?

"They just need someone who’s willing to listen without judgement."

you will be lucky to even find friends that give u a listening ear these days, or even if they listen, do they REALLY LISTEN?? or just hear what you have to say. most of them could care less really, probably the reason why i keep just a handful of friends, that i know are real to the borne.

" Because of this belief, I usually have negative thoughts about people who avoid confrontations"

one thing i have noticed, especially here in the Philippines is that people take confrontations personal, as if you are attacking their personality or second guessing them . But then again i have come to understand that it could also be in the way you present an issue to someone. there is a way you can confront a friend in a loving way that will not come off as harsh and actually make them see the real problem.

"How about you? Have you been a good friend today? Life is short. Let us keep our friends close."

i couldn't agree more to this statement, and its funny because i said something similar to this on @sunnylife post.
or even if we are to end friendships, let us end them in a way that will leave us both with good memories of each other. life it very short.
everyday alive on earth is -1 closer to our deaths.


wow Thank you for your comment. You make my heart melt.

Yes, the problem in the Philippines is that we view confrontations as a gesture in provoking conflict not realizing it is an important tool to solve potentially deeper problems early on.