Ulog: The world is green

in #ulog6 years ago

Why do an Ulog

They are everywhere but was never quite sure who the tag is for and what it's about. Until I read @dreemsteem's post and thought, yeah, why not. Sometimes it's nice to just let what's on the mind flow through the fingers without having to research and fact check any details.

I am, however, a little conflicted. On one hand steemit is all about quality content, but then it seems that quantity is also important? The lines are blurred and I deduct from this that the platform needs both and it is the sum of it all that matters.

I enjoy reading the short little ulogs plucked out of people's lives but I worry a little bit that I will soon have too many ulogs in my feed and might miss some other awesome high-quality posts that I like reading. Again, like many things on steemit, I guess it will be a matter of finding my balance and what works for me.

Anyway, moving on to my green world...

Guess what my favourite colour is...

(Photos taken by me)

Correct! But it wasn't always green. I used to think my favourite colour was red. I think my mother picked that for me when I was little. Everything she had to be able to separate between the three kids (facecloths, toothbrushes, blankets etc.) was blue for Martin, my oldest brother, yellow for Jean-Claude, my middle brother (who calls himself J.C. these days), and red for me, the youngest. So all the years growing up, I believed I liked red best. Until I realised there was a colour that spoke to me much more.

Green made me feel something. Red never did that for me. Red was just a colour. Green, however, makes feel calm when I'm surrounded by it. It makes me feel connected with nature when I touch it. Green is a colour that amazes me with the sheer number of shades and tones and the even greater number of plants and trees that carry these magnificent shades and tones with grace and modesty. In other words it just makes me happy. I realised that quite early, I'm sure, but I only officially changed my favourite colour from red to green after I moved out from home. I don't know why, it probably wasn't that important, as long as I knew which made me happier.

Needless to say that I love trees. All of them, but big ones especially. They have something about them that is hard to describe. An energy that emanates and moves through you if you let it. I let it. I sit under trees, I touch trees, I hug trees. I know they are good for me in some way.

Co-incidence that I live where the world is mostly green?


There isn't enough green in Switzerland where I grew up. Summer is ok but I disliked the winters with a passion. Grey and somtimes white, but mostly grey. And the cold lasts too long. That was not for me. There were many reasons that made me want to leave and move to Australia instead, and particularly to the tropical part of Australia where it is always green. I have no conscious recollection why we picked the Far North, we just loved it (so glad my other half felt the same).

Did that have something to do with the fact that this place is soooooo very green, all year round? I like to think so. I've never looked back, always loved living here, and appreciated my wonderful, calming, soothing, grounding, GREEN surroundings. Every single day, for the past 24 years.

That was my Ulog for today. Looking forward to reading more of yours.

As always, thank you to @welcomewagen and @dreemsteem and everyone else who ever did something nice for me here.

May peace be with you (try the colour green, it works)


Great #ulog. Yes, I agree that #ulog is a quality content but the quantity matters also. Let's say, your #ulog in a day is not that little. It has a lot to write about our daily activities so quantity is very important as well.

I think a beautiful, thoughtful ulog like this is one of my favourite types of post to delve into. It's a snapshot of the person behind the account, and this makes it precious in building the relationships here on Steemit!

I love green too... though I don't think I have a favourite colour, what I'm drawn to fluctuates with my mood. But certainly being surrounded by green creates some kind of balance, a calm, a feeling of "re-setting". E x

Yip I hear you on green - I love being surrounded by it - its my happy place :)

Natures glory can be well explored through a camera lens. Good pictures to suit your post.
Ulog rocks

Another awesome ulog content. Posts like this always make me feel good to be a ulog reader. You all make ulog the way it is.

i always with u my dear dont worry and i try green colors green colors likes as sucess

Wow, I posted this just before I had to head out for work and I was running a bit late and forgot my phone at home, so I couldn't check and respond until now. I'm overwhelmed by the number of upvotes and lovely comments, was not expecting that at all. So glad so many people love trees and the colour green as well :) I will try to produce many ulogs and read as many as I can. What a great initiative. Thank you @ulogs, @welcomewagon, @teamaustralia and the many individuals for all your support! As usual I'm blown away.