Don't let Covid be a pan-excuse for the government

in #underfundedpensions4 years ago (edited)

Do even a casual internet search on under-pensions and you'll see a ticking time bomb that has been municipalities have kicked the proverbial can down the road for many years. When will the crisis unfold? That's a prediction I haven't heard yet, but you can't find a rational person that doesn't see it coming. Illinois is the worst offender. Their credit rating tells you all that you need to know. Specifically, Barry's hometown of Chicago and Cook County is to blame. Irresponsible fiscal policy and corruption will drag down the rest of the State. Fed bailouts are forthcoming. Wealth transfer at its finest, parasite city bleed it's state dry and then taps the Federal government. Woke politicians enrich themselves at anyone and everyones's expense while denouncing the evils of communism - It's so ridiculous it's almost hard to believe. Think I'm crazy. Venezuala is economic hell on earth. Country ran into the ground by communism. Chicago Teacher's union is nutz. Dare you to do an internet search on Venezuela and the CTA. Around the world countries in Asia and Eastern Europe are thriving economically by embracing capitalism: reducing regulations and taxes. The Marxist CTA is going to Venezuela, a country 90% of people living in poverty for advice? Fucking crazy you say? Dare you to do the internet search, don't take my word for the farce. A Greggory Mannarino likes to exclaim "People, you cant even make this stuff up!"