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RE: Why are people depressed, anxious or suicidal?

in #ungrip7 years ago

We are born into slavery from days long ago. Blinded by the fake justice to keep us in line into the workforce, feeding the grand masters with the money we make on a golden plate. We then justify that this chaotic mess is good so that we can provide for our families.

Place us on a lot, pay for the water to drink, put up bylaws, pay pay pay away our freedom to live and then call that living.

Monetary value is placed on everything, even a child born into a poor family is worth less than a child born into wealth. Why is that ok?

Rebel against such a system? Dare to take the leap? Then take the chances of possibly having your family torn apart, having the kids taken away so they can be put back into the same slaving society to keep the cycle going. Can't afford to have the odd one out says the system. Keep them inline, crack the whips, add some bricks, their loads are not heavy enough to carry. When it is then they will break. Then they will have a tighter grasp on the people when they start using the pharmaceuticals to help them pretend that they are happy.

Let them destroy themselves with such fake medicine. The poison will kill the weak, leaving us with an elite troop of good little soldiers. Disease will spread to help weed them out and we will fill them with more poison, call it the answer, the vaccine. Those who stand a chance will stand out and those who don't will die, doing our bidding.

That's almost a post right there. I apologise for such a long comment. You sparked something inside me that needed to be said.


I love the rant! Thank you for letting it out and sharing.

You seem to have that ability to bring it out of me :P