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RE: When the Spiritual and Physical collide

in #ungrip7 years ago

Hi limabeing!
I'm finding I agree with what you're saying, as to how things 'are' now, and have been, however when I read the article I felt that's exactly what wwf was addressing. Have you followed his work much? I've really been impressed by his classes, and writings on reconciling relationships, and I think that's where he's sharing his experience here from.
I read it as a call out of the narrow minded, probably priviledged, controlling forces to drop their judgments and violence against those who are different. Only then will they recognize their divinity regardless of the human body form, and each side be able to find peace.
He speaks often about the affects of violence, and the work needed to achieve peace. There are many many wounds in this world, and any person, or group who has been attacked & suppressed of course can act out in violence, sometimes they may have even had to in order for self defence. This is the cycle many are trapped in though, victims - abusers, pendulums and chaos reactions that create awareness thank goodness, but not healing for all. It's a tough cycle to break, but many of us have committed our lives to doing just that. A big job! Thanks for sharing & connecting.


"Make no mistake, the LGBTQIA community engages in violence of their own. There is a war going on and this too must stop. The state has the claim that they are the only ones that can resort to violence and coercion, so everyone is fighting for their right to participate, gain recognition and receive benefits and privileges from that system. People seem to have no issues with engaging in force and violence, especially with the state to back them up. This makes the war very public and brutal!"

Okay maybe I'm missreading? Pls explain.

He literally says

"It does not matter if they are gay or straight, black, red or white, rich or poor, Christian, Muslim or Jew, tall or short. These attributes are irrelevant. What is most relevant is whether they love themselves and can express that love outwards in peace, respect, honour and dignity. If they can empathize with compassion and maintain healthy boundaries, then that is what matters most! If not, then I will do what I can to help them heal so that they can!"

  1. Its not his job to help anyone heal, infact true compassion be to let a person heal , if and when they can. But healing often doesnt happen when persons are trapped and oppressed.

  2. Everyones identity is relevant!!! In order to truly see a person, respect and honor them-- you must respect and honor their identies and their struggles within society based on the current and past systems of oppression.

In fact i think anyone who puts peace before justice is probably very privileged.

Hell I'm privileged in many ways. And I habe had to fo a lot of work to u ravel that and become aware of my miseducation.