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RE: Modern Society is a WAR MACHINE

in #ungrip5 years ago (edited)

Thank you for this WWF! What do you think about Sovereigns starting private societies? Or becoming a secured party creditor?

As an activist and conscientious objector I've become one of these people who has rescinded all his government forms of ID. Which means that I'm one of these morons that goes driving down the road without any ID, registration, or insurance and then gets arrested for it HA HA. I've even signed up for the World Passport going stateless. I know several people frown on the World Passport because it is through the UN and some believe the World Passport is the New World Order and blah blah, etc. The way I see it If we must live in a world where having papers makes life easier then I choose to have papers that say I'm stateless.

As an activist I claim to be an American Refugee. My country has been taken over by a lawless tyrannical Neo nazi de-facto corporation posing as government in my free country. So now my country is the world! The fact that I have to live everyday of my life risking being a political prisoner in order to live free is what makes me a refugee.


Hi there @hippie-wina-gun. Your questions are important and if you want the long answer, then I highly recommend my book 'Graduating Life with Honours' which can be found in my blog for free or you can download the pdf through my account with the new Homesteaders Co-op.

For the short answer:

Private societies are fine, as long as they are private and not registered! I refuse to use the war machines statutes and regulations to secure creditors, debt or anything like that as it violates the peace by using the war machine. One must be very careful. I refuse to sue or use the state for any actions against others!

Conscientious objector is a private soldier refusing to perform his / her own duties using protocols set up by their feudal master. I also don't drive as driving is a commercial activity. I engage in my God given right to travel, but I must do so with extreme caution so I limit my activities as a result. I've never been arrested or put into jail as a result of my actions because I must maintain my peaceful status and behaviour at all times. the moment I engage in an activity that is war, I'm done and they will come to collect my vessel, dead or alive!

I have no passport either as the UN and all that infrastructure is all part of the war machine. My authority and power is spirit based, not reflected in any fictional construct. I have no papers.

But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil. - Matthew 5:37

I am not stateless. I stand in a spiritual jurisdiction which trumps all fictional constructs. The Kingdom of God is within me and that is the jurisdiction upon which I stand. I pray that this helps answer your question.

Living up in Canada, have you heard of Dean Clifford? He is in Manitoba and is starting a private society. It is called the Earth Stewardship Cooperative. I'm a member and have been networking with him and his members since before I joined Steemit. A few of them are here on Steemit as well as including Dean. Except Dean hasn't been active in over a year.

I am very aware of Dean. I refuse to follow others, instead I chose to walk my own path. I felt that Dean has yet to find peace within himself, so it seems to me he is still at war. I pray all goes well with you within that coop. May you find peace within yourself along your journey.