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RE: The world is at war, Steemit the microcosm is reflecting the macrocosm
Great point about the size of the site(number of users) factoring into the percentage of reward pool being taken. Also, fascinating about the leftover reward pool going to those vested, I didn't know about this, but it makes sense. I didn't really understand the importance of using up voting power for the day to give people value before charging it up again. Think I lost a solid delegation for that mistake, so learned the hard way to use my vote wisely and actually USE my vote. Now I vote too much :)
Thanks for putting so much into your responses on comments, it increases the quality of this post. If I had more upvote atm I'd be spending some here
It is critical that we utilize our voting power. A million minnows can easily out vote a whale! The power always rests in the people and a single individual will always be swamped by that power if he / she tries to stand in its way, especially when it becomes consciously aware of what is going on. The powers that be are feeling that as well. I'm not concerned about a single individual. I'm concerned about the violence that has spread as a result of peoples reactions to that one individual.
That's a good point, you put me in mind again of the real world. We complain that the top miniscule percentage has the lion's share of the wealth while the majority go without and yet we are the majority. If we all turn around and say we're not supporting the behaviour that allows the wealth to flood one way, then it would flow in other directions.