A self-governing individual does not constrict or limit themselves in anarchy
For years I taught the basics about contracts and it's components. I covered simple high level principles like how contracts require an offer, both parties then provide consideration and then proceed with the final acceptance. I mainly focused on the consideration phase in regards to banks as most people don't realize that banks don't provide consideration in their contract agreements.
consideration: 6. (law) anything regarded as recompense or equivalent for what one does or undertakes for another's benefit. - Oxford Unabridged Dictionary 1958
In the system, the courts frown upon bullies who take advantage of the vulnerable. You know, the bullies who try to get everything for nothing ... like banks. Except the banks are protected by the government or perhaps in bed with them or some would suggested that the banks now own the government. Either way, I'm not going to get into all of that today. I'll save that for another post. My concern with this tool runs into a very simple but often over looked issue.
contract: 2. (law) an agreement enforceable by law - Oxford Unabridged Dictionary 1958
The concern I have is with the word 'enforceable'. Why would we sign agreements when force is the underlying principle of the agreement? Have we got to the point where we don't trust anybody anymore? Are we so paranoid that we are willing to engage in violence at it's most covert? We are telling others that I don't trust you so do as you agree or else I will bring violence upon you! Some people think this is a long standing social way of doing contracts, but I suggest to you that this is an offspring of feudal governance.
Many people who work with freedom issues believe that the relationship between us and the state is a matter of contract. I rebuke this suggestion or idea. When we make an oath of fealty to the Queen, it is a surrender, not a contract. If it was a contract then the Queen would be bound to provide equal consideration and in fact she or any of her minions don't even sign anything, so how can it be a contract. However, a feudal oath of fealty and surrender it definitely is!
When we apply, register, vote, etc we are surrendering to be governed by somebody else. It is her law that then dictates how we govern ourselves with one another. One of those laws is Contract Law. That is why they are enforceable by law, because we are deemed vulnerable and as such are not capable of self-governing. If we were capable of self-governing we would not have surrendered to her in the first place. The fact that violence and coercion is okay, even when we as individuals could not engage in such violence ourselves, tells me that this is a function of feudalism and NOT a custom of ours. Our customs do not involve violence as it violates spiritual principles that govern this planet through natural law.
So when a self-governing individual leaves the system, what are they to do? Do we enter into contracts and submit to this social perception of what contracts are all about?
"But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne: Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool:" ... Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black. But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil. Matthew 5:33-37
I've shared in the past that your signature is an attestation, which means an oath! The pen is indeed mightier than the sword! Monsters have used our ability to sign as a weapon against us for years. We swear oaths all the time and don't even realize it. When we swear an oath when dealing with the government, we are surrendering to his / her authority and jurisdiction through an oath of fealty, not contract! I suggest that we are not to swear oaths at all but instead go back to a point where our word is good enough. Our word is our reputation and if one has a poor reputation then people will not trust that individual. He / she may have a hard time trading with people as a result.
But if our word is impeccable, then our ability to acquire the things we need becomes much easier. Does Steemit have such a device? Sure, that is what our reputation scores are all about. As our reputation builds within Steemit, so too does peoples trust in what we are saying. New people to the platform have work to do to increase their reputation.
Those who wear the masks of the state are sneaky and look for any way to get you to agree even without you being aware. They use words as weapons, threats, intimidation and any other mode possible. That is why I've told people
Don't talk to the police!
That is why I warned people that police is anybody with investigative powers for the Crown. If somebody calls you on the phone, don't answer their questions, don't agree to the name or identify yourself in any way. Tell them to put their concerns on paper and mail it. Slow their game down. Get it in writing so that a paper trail is now established. They need to make that connection between the flesh and blood and their corporation to create that corporation sole. Without that joinder, they are done. Joinder happens in court, police encounters, CRA, WCB, CPS investigations, etc. They need to prove that you are their subject and the connection is between you and their records as recorded on their rolls, which the courts are responsible for maintain the accuracy -- all rooted from the doomsday book of William the Conqueror in 1085.
What is a doomsday book?
doom: to pronounce judgement or sentence upon, to condemn - Oxford Unabridged Dictionary 1958
doomsday: The judgement day. A day of final dissolution. - Oxford Unabridged Dictionary 1958
The book was a census of all people, land and animals. Does that sound familiar? It should, the census of today is the EXACT SAME THING! It is a judgement, sentence and condemnation!
I wrote a document to reflect what a new agreement would look like should we abandon the feudal system and start to work together peacefully. It reads very differently than a modern legal contract. You can read that agreement in my next post.
Caution: If you are having a hard time following along with what I'm writing about, I suggest going through my blog to catch up on principles that have been covered in previous blogs.
It is best not to answer any questions to any authority or presumes authority. A friend took her daughter to a doctor who wanted to vaccinate her against the flu. My friend said no ad the doctor threatened her with child protection! The doctor then began asking all sorts of questions, she refused to answer and then left. Now she is concerned that the doctor my report her any way.
I agree. I spoke about this in a blog not too long ago where the term 'police' is not limited to those guys with guns and a uniform, but applies to ANY individual who has investigative authority within the state. That includes doctors, teachers, social workers, etc. They are all under statitory obligation to report to the armed police. That means that we have a right to remain silent on the grounds that anything we say can and will be used against us, but NEVER for us in their courts. Most people do not comprehend the full scope of what that means! Your friend now does. Thank you for sharing that!
This is an admitted fact that this system is the production of Feudal lords and ultimately the system is favoring them in anyway. It is impossible for a man to seek benefit from such filthy and corrupted system. There are other options confront them or avoid them but yes remember violence is not a choice to eradicate the evil practices within a society.
Your slogan regarding Police is quite new for me but i have been yelling the very same point at different forums, because police is not working for the masses in fact police is bound to project feudalism, so i second your thoughts about it My Friend
Don't talk to the police!
This is the best advise i came across,
Thank you so much the genius of Spirituality aka @wwf <3 <3
That simple paragraph has saved us from MAJOR headaches countless of times. It is astounding how conditioned we are to comply with authority. We are taught that right from kindergarten on through the state indoctrination system. That is why the force kids into their school. It is to train the slaves for being obedient. To de-program ourselves takes considerable effort, time and stress. It is a tough process. Even after doing this for well over a decade, I still feel stress and anxiety when dealing with authority. It is ground deep and takes a lot to heal from that trauma.
I don't understand who gave the system power to control the Creature of the Creator. As He blessed them freedom but some greedy and evil minds bullied the innocents and created a sense of fear, unfortunately. Yes, in our education system we are producing the slaves who are ready to serve the system with open arms, how sad. This is the time to make them aware that they are actually demolishing themselves by serving the feudal system.
Need to spread this message all over My friend,
You don't understand who gave the system power to control you? You did! You abandoned Creator in favor of the state. It is up to you to reverse that and return to Creator and abandon the state. That is the whole premise behind my entire blog my friend.
Yes it is up to us how we deal with the power, whether we kick the greed and lust or we embrace these temporary things, depends upon our intentions.
A very well written blog with some awesome tips to confront the feudal approach. You are a genius indeed My Friend @wwf
Plenty food for thought here!
I appreciate your wisdom about slowing things down by refusing to confirm your ID etc by phone ~ this is genius.
Think about it. If somebody calls you, how do you know who is on the other end of the phone? There is nothing they can say that would prove that they are who they say they are. So why talk to them? Whether it is CRA, debt collectors, police, etc. Shut it down and get them to put it in writing. Their word means nothing but they use your words against you! Remember, police can lie! Everything you say can be used against you but never for you. So there is nothing to gain by talking to them over the phone.
Absolute truth!
Here in the UK, when you ring official thems whoever thems may be, most have a recorded message to start off any communication that states that all calls are recorded for training or legal purposes!
Rick and I now have apps on our phones, to protect our interests, that record all conversations and often repeat their dirge to them for a larf!
They don't like it!
One rule for them etc...
We also have a court case pending against the DWP, Department of Work and Pensions, who outright lied about a health assessment which we actually recorded after advice from a disability services group. Everything we said was ignored and twisted in their favour. Of course this recording is not deemed legal!
So much corruption.
I cannot speak for the UK but here recordings are okay as long as one party is aware of the recording. But you are right, by recording the calls and telling them that it is recorded, their demeanor and attitude changes right away. It is another way to protect oneself from them. Great point!
absolutely brilliant!!! I will definitely look up your blog. I've been talking on this subject for several years as well. "Treaties" are also a piece of contract that people need to comprehend.

thank you. Yes, I have several blog entries talking about treaties as well. Thanks for finding me and commenting. I hope you enjoy my blog!
There was a time long ago, when a person's word was an honorable bond worth more than a person's weight in gold. Keeping that Word could add the trust value to a name for generations to come except when broken. Now it's impossible to bank on a person words, it takes years to build that reputation and seconds to be obliterated. As can be seen with the banking sector, early pioneers of the banking system through cultivating trust managed to get people to consider keeping their money in the bank. But Nowadays banks are even worse than the bank robbers that patronizes them.
You said it! I agree. Time to bring back the honour of our reputation, where our word carries weight once again! But it takes years to do that. Now is the best time to start. <3
It is indeed.
Totally second you. I myself often think about these agreements. Its a total surrender because sometimes we don't even want to sign but the things and the environment around us force us to do so.
Interesting perspective on the domesday book!
Thanks to @ecoinstant, this post was resteemed and highlighted in today's edition of The Daily Sneak.
Thank you for your efforts to create quality content!
Wow. It is an honour. Thank you. May Creator bless you as well. I'm glad you are enjoying my work.
Highly rEsteemed once again @wwf.
Thank you for the post and the share.
I strongly agree with your opinion sir. Thanks for sharing us.
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