Decolonizing the mind - Confronting the parenting style of the state

in #ungrip6 years ago

Over the years I've seen many people struggle with the stress and anxiety when state authority decides to flex its muscles.  The state takes on a parent role and views the people as children.  They really do believe that people are vulnerable and need their protection.  Their parenting style is to use punishment as a means to control and dictate behaviour.  That is the whole purpose for statutes and regulations.  Control behaviour and punish disobedience or violence with the use of violence (jail) or coercion (forcing payment of fines).  Their style is abusive and violent.

The problem is that the state never accomplishes the goal of raising adults as everyone is encouraged to be perpetual children.  It is also clear that this approach to parenting causes a lot of trauma on the children.  One of the most difficult things for any child to do is to stand up their their parents.  Parents claim authority over their children and don't let that go even after they grow up.  As a result, they fail catastrophically in their duties as a parent as they fail to raise adults and instead work to keep everyone as perpetual children.  

When people stand up to the state, those that wear the masks of authority view it as a threat to their authority and they react violently.  How many of us are willing to deal with the anxiety, stress and violence in order to stand up and confront these people?  How many of us are willing to do that when those people act violently with the full weight and authority of the state?  

Confrontation is not a comfortable process, even when it is done peacefully and with love.  If we avoid confrontation, we end up stunting our own growth as spiritual beings.  In this world, peaceful confrontation is required if we are going to grow physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  However, confronting people who engage in violence and coercion is a whole new level.  How many of us are willing or able to stand up and say no to authority?  Did you know that it is necessary in order for us to come into our own as being a mature, self-governing, responsible accountable adult?  

It may seem strange to hear from a guy like me, but I love those people who wear the masks and flex their authority muscles.  They gave me the most beautiful gift one can give another.  They made life so uncomfortable, it pushed me to wake up and do the work to be a self-governing adult.  For that I am grateful.  

However, it also required that I do the work to heal from all the trauma, violence, anxiety and years of indoctrination and programming that I went through.  The brain washing that happens during our informative years (0-7) was so intense that it may take me the rest of my life to deconstruct it and heal from the trauma.  It is no wonder that the state wants our kids so early.  They need them young so that they can train them to be obedient to authority.  That is the root of our anxiety and stress when we try to go against that programming.  We were programmed to shut down in fear and anxiety if we decide to stand up and confront authority.  

I've found that my efforts to participate in a tribe to be the best way to decolonize my mind from the authority programming I received when I was a child.  Standing up to authority in the full power and authority of spirit has also been a tremendous experience.  While it may be hard to comprehend, spirit does trump the state and they know it.  The problem is that it takes a leap of faith and a whole bunch of courage to do that type of work.  

What the world needs right now more than ever is people to heal themselves, look within and find the courage to make that leap of faith.  When we do that, we have the capacity to influence the state to change.  Their job is to raise adults, not keep people in perpetual dependency and childhood.  I don't advocate bringing down the government.  I advocate a whole new way of interacting with one another, where spirit is the highest authority, not some fictional constructs.  I encourage independence rather than dependency.  The use of punishment to mold people rarely works and only perpetuates violence in our relationships.  

We won't be able to make this shift with the current form of governance.  That is why we must work towards a new form of governance, one rooted in spirit, peace, freedom, prosperity, respect, honour, compassion and love.  That requires that we decolonize our minds, deprogramming the life time of brain washing that we all went through and focus on rebuilding the tribes so that we have the customs, ceremonies, support and wisdom of multiple generations to guide people through the full journey of life.  That will bring prosperity to the world as it will no longer be possible for any single group of people to enslave the world.  

So while I don't advocate violence against the state, I do advocate confronting the state and replacing it with a whole new model.  The current state is designed only for slavery and control.  It is time for us all to build our tribes for prosperity and peace.  It will take years to accomplish this goal, but over time the new form of governance will take over and make the old guard obsolete.  The state will be replaced and no longer required.  

It is time to tribe up and decolonize as the old model no longer serves our spiritual, mental, emotional or physical needs and growth.  We don't need to attack the state.  All we need to do confront them on their violence and work on our own to make them irrelevant and obsolete!  

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The problem is that the state never accomplishes the goal of raising adults as everyone is encouraged to be perpetual children.

This is so obvious in third world countries. The people are kept poor and uneducated. They are given handouts that they don't understand how to use and are not given the education they need to use these gifts. For example, in one election year families in the countrysides were given livestock. Some were given cows, some were given pigs and others were given sheep. Instead of learning how learning how to increase their flocks and herds they butchered the animals for meat and sold off what they personally could not consume.

Another example, in another election they were given propane gas stoves. But they were not given the tank in order to buy the gas to use. Here you must buy an empty tank and take to the outlet where they exchange the new empty tank, for a full used tank. Someone thought this was a good deal. No so much when the used tanks have faulty valves.

The feeling of the politicians is that you can keep people under thumb if you can control everything including how they can handle money. I don't think this is working terribly well here now. People are waking up and don't want to be controlled any longer, but because they have been indoctrinated for so long they don't know how to do anything but fight the violence with violence which is not working well either.

The folks in these countries have a long journey ahead of them. It will take a long time to heal the trauma. Perhaps even generations.

The state takes on a parent role and views the people as children. They really do believe that people are vulnerable and need their protection.

Government agencies MAKE us THINK we are in need; that without them, their services and hand-outs that we wouldn't be able to survive.

I know here in the US, the general mass of population sees how people received things from the government (whether food stamps, college tuition, cash, grants, etc) and are eventually reliant upon all these things. And we can no longer see ourselves as independent. They (the government) have instilled upon too many people that they need all of this. The Instead of doing for yourself, let us take care of you mentality the government has inflicted upon some people has made people lazy and looking for the next hand-out.

Indeed they do. That is the primary focus of their indoctrination and brain washing. Sad really. Once I became consciously aware of these issues, it is astounding how easy it is to see it all now. Really tough to deprogram though. That may take generations! But first we need to make the changes so that the healing can take place. That will require people with courage to lead the way through example.

It takes a lot to de-program from such a high level of this type of brainwashing.
This almost could be parallel to Pavlov's classical conditioning; but at a higher level in my opinion.

I really needed to read this today. Thank you.

You are welcome. <3

An especially beautiful piece. Lets get the message out and liberate one mind after the other

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Interestingly enough the new Gen Alpha generation has a built in calling to deal with unjust authority, while at the same time will have deep spiritual roots. The Gen Alphas are born between 2013-2025 and will come to adulthood around 2034/35. What you/we are doing now will directly fuel their revolutionary calling: to challenge and change governance. Our job now is to set the stage and to let them stand on our shoulders, so to speak. Blessings.