I'll be mourning on July 1st, not celebrating

in #ungrip6 years ago

Tomorrow is 'CANADA' 151 birthday and my alleged 51st anniversary as spiritual master of my vessel from the point where it started breathing air on it's own.   While millions turn to celebration, I will be mourning as I stop and reflect on the violence and genocide that seems to slip peoples minds as the fire works are bursting in the air.  

By John Woodruff [Public domain domain]  Residential School Regina 1908

For most of my life I enjoyed watching fireworks on my special day.  I was proud of the idea that I came into this world on the day people were celebrating the centennial.  I was even given gifts and awards from the Province of Alberta and Government of Canada.  Now that I've looked into what 'CANADA' actually is and discovered the violent, abusive and genocidal actions of it's members, I cannot in good conscience participate.  

People all over this country are going to reflect on all the great things they associate with this day.  For me, when I look at this relationship, it is mired in conflict, violence, abuse, lies, slavery and genocide.  Much like being a witness to a violent and abusive marriage between husband and wife, how can I celebrate the successes when one is beating, yelling, manipulating and controlling the other?  That darkness tarnishes the accomplishments.

Castle Mountain Internment Camp (1915) [public domain]

I've worked very hard to love myself and establish boundaries to ensure that I am not embroiled in the violence.  I absolutely refuse to participate in abusive relationships.  While millions fail to see the abuse, I see it clearly.  As such, I walked away over 10 years ago and decided to build a relationship directly with Mother Earth and Creator while reaching out to those on the receiving end of the abuse.  Despite the objections of many family, friends and 'Canadians', I said good bye and set my boundaries.  Ohhhh, how people hate that I did that.  They think I'm crazy and call me all kinds of names and still try to place labels on me as well.  

But I stand on my decision.  I see violence in all aspects of the state.  People not only fail to see it, they found ways to justify or legalize the violence.  I see the original stewards of this land being marginalized, abused, discriminated against and even killed.  I see the use of coercion and violence to maintain control, the greedy raping and pillaging the land.  Many more are homeless, poor, losing their homes or enslaved by debt.  How is any of this okay or worthy of celebration?  Canadian's are not free, they are feudal slaves too blind to see the chains around their necks.  I've spoken about the violence and slavery for over a decade, yet tomorrow will still witness millions throwing a party.  

Source: Michelle Caron [CC license]

I cannot change others.  I fully recognize that they are on their own path and journey.  I've influenced a few to make changes in their lives.  I refuse to go to war to make the point as that violates spirit.  All that I have left is a strong rebuke for those who continue to participate in the fiction called 'CANADA'.  Your participation means you consent to all the suffering that results from the march of colonialism across this land.  It could not happen with out your support.

The problem with my rebuke is that withdrawing from that relationship is a huge and monumental change.  99% of the people will refuse to make that type of change and as such we continue to be a witness to events unfolding that are dark, painful and wrong.  

I've said it in the past, this planet will need to experience a catastrophic event to put us into dark times.  This type of event is necessary in order for people to surrender their addictions to their feudal masters and learn how to govern and take care of themselves.  The feudal lords are working hard to bring about prophecy and with billions believing it as well, they will create it to happen.  

I see civil war breaking out in the USA and the violence spreading as the corporate control net is thrown over everyone.  Mother Earth will literally be the only place where we can get our needs met.  I urge people to start building a relationship with her as it takes years to reconcile that relationship.  

Yes, I am very aware of how dark this post is, but I cannot express enough how important it is that we learn to love ourselves so that we can see just how violent ALL our relationships actually are.  This type of behavour has been justified for generations and I refuse to participate in this shit.  People are sick and in great pain as a result.  We all see the manifestations and symptoms of it, yet struggle to figure out the root causes.  The root causes are clear, if we only take a moment to be honest and blunt with ourselves.  The solutions are also clear, but will require a lot of work to heal and change.  

We cannot afford to dismiss these issues any longer.  Participation and silence means we consent to it, even if we are consciously aware of it or not.  Our spiritual growth depends on our ability to be consciously aware of the darkness around us and take action to confront and heal it.  We cannot avoid that pain or work.  It must be done.  Those with the courage to love deeply enough to confront the darkness, heal it and work through that process are going to be the leaders of tomorrow.  They will inspire others to do the same.  The spiritual rewards is why we are here.

LIFE IS ALL ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS!  The sooner we acknowledge that, the sooner we can find peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love for ALL on this planet.  I don't celebrate abusive relationships, I rebuke and confront them.  This is no exception!  

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A lot of people who are in abusive relationships do not realize that they are in them. They attack each other and then defend and believe they deserved to be attacked. Then they attack others. They are caught in a vicious cycle, tend to have problems with sex or drugs, and can't pull themselves out. If you try to help them, they attack you too. Sometimes you can help them and sometimes you can't. They have to want the help and they have to want to change.

LIFE IS ALL ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS! The sooner we acknowledge that, the sooner we can find peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love for ALL on this planet.

Amen! Relationships are so important. We can not begin to tear down the walls of violence and hatred that have been built up over the generations. We can not begin to heal without them to build on. A quick example that I will expand on in my next blog: In the area where I live there are many very poor families. They can not afford a great deal, even for the necessities. Many are hooked up to the power grid illegally since the cost of having power to their houses would be worth more than they could possibly earn in a month of work. Everyone knows this happens, including the electric company. They make a half-hearted effort to control this but most ties turn a blind eye. The day before yesterday, we lost power to the grid. For almost 24 hours. The power company refused to come out because of the blockades. My friends and I usually repair it by paying for an electrician to hook it and square it away with the power company later. Yesterday something happened that I have not witnessed here before. The people working together to fix the problem and taking up a collection to pay for the repairs! This is a first for this are where people tend to wait until someone else fixes the problem. Next step is to get them to pay for the services or find a way for off-grid...This would never have happened if we had not tried many times over to develop a relationship with these folks.

They way you see the things is exactly opposite of the common viewpoint and we know how this common viewpoint is created right from the beginning of very early days of an individual in this world. The world is an insecure place full of competition. It's like a race, if you stop, you lose sort of things are what lay the foundation for majority of us so that a tiny minority could control us. They divide the land into pieces because divide and rule works best when it comes to controlling someone. Just like you, I am also on the side of the oppressed ones. I never celebrate special days at all as they look so fake to me. I live life freely because I'm a free man. The suppressors suppress because majority of the oppressed class accepts it. It reminds me of a great quote:

The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people. - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Let's keep spreading our viewpoint and I'm sure it will help. Good reading @wwf.

I couldn't agree more. Though am not as brave as you @wwf in taking steps towards freedom. There's a sick feeling in my stomach. I will likely choose to become slightly intoxicated with my friend mary jane, definitely not in celebration. In sadness. Mourning as you call it. It's hardcto fathom the depth and breadth of the suffering and lies. It makes my heart ache and tears well up. I am grateful you're born. That you're alive, thriving and being the change our world needs. Much love & many blessings to you and your beautiful wife ❤❤🙌❤

While I honour your choice to mourn, I would encourage you and your friend to process the sadness and pain rather than use spirits to detach yourself from spirit. <3 May my life journey inspire you to find the courage to do similar work my dear friend. May Creator bless you with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love as we all explore these relationships and make things right!

Oh, it's nice to take the edge off on occasion. It's more a matter of intention then anything. My friend mary jane is a plant! An herb, also called cannabis. I assure you it's just a few tokes. And, a few hours contemplating the moments. It's about as wild as I get these days! Haha! That and riding my bike around town -- wind blowing, birds singing-- so wild LOL. Otherwise, i spend my time a clear & perfect channel as much as I can ❤🐳🌅
Do you still enjoy a glass of beer on occasion? Or scotch? I find i am too sensitive for alcohol but can feel the enjoyment of it in my dna. Lol. Maybe someday i will be more tolerant no biggie till whenever that is.

I agree. Though am Nigerian, we are often distracted by mundane things grabbing our attention like holidays and political drama to take our mind off the actual horrors in the Country. It really pains me just imagining

Sorry for the late reply here. But as a vessel who was also born (and lived most of its life) in Canada, I largely share you sentiments even if I am not of the original peoples.

For quite a while now, I do believe Canada (when I say this I am mostly talking about those in government and the related institutions) is a highly hypocritical nation that is following globalist/socialist agendas while being financially irresponsible (annual billion dollar deficits, huge external debt, money printing galore,no gold holdings whatsoever).

Trudeau (and most of his precedessors) are puppets in the truest sense of the word; they are unquestioning and subservient to their globalist/banking cabal masters while destroying the fabric of society and the family unit.

I became a non-resident in 2008 and have not regretted it a bit, as I was their tax slave long enough.

They will loot upcoming pensions big time as they have in the past by raising the retirement age, reducing benefits, taxing those benefits more, limiting the monthly/yearly pension amounts, and through huge inflation (that's why I got most of mine out early).

Perhaps the most sad thing, though, is that the vast majority of the Canadian population is asleep at the wheel, unquestioning, and unswervingly dedicated serfs to their schemes. Rinse and repeat on a daily basis.

I was referred over here by @cecicastor to check you out, now I see why, today is the 4th of July , America's birthday, and like you with Canada's birthday, I am not celebrating either and wrote a sort of similar post as you have here, we share a lot of the same thoughts on situations evidently and even though we are in different countries the end results are the same as far as how things are.

Deep sentiments and hard to argue with

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I feel the same about the 4th. Celebrating one group freeing themselves from another group, neither of whom should have been in charge in the first place? Its madness. Then with all the abuses going on now?! What in the world are we supposed to celebrate? So glad i dont live there anymore.