Tackling the Vaccination Debate
A dear friend asked me to write about vaccinations and to be honest, I avoided the topic like the plague because this topic is wrote with opinion, violence, coercion, misinformation, skewed facts, death, destruction, etc. It seems that everyone has found a war camp on the topic which polarized the debate. So what can possibly come from shaking the debate tree? Well, you know me. I love shaking trees, so let's see what falls out.
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It is important that we first explore who is responsible for the health of my vessel. If you are a long time follower of my blog, you will already know my views on that point. For the benefit of clarity, I AM a spiritual being in command of my physical vessel. It is 100% my spiritual responsibility to ensure the health and safety of my vessel. I also acknowledge that each spiritual being in my life is equally responsible for their own vessel as well.
However, there is a problem in that the vast majority of people have surrendered and granted their own personal authority and control to their feudal master and lord; the state. The state is now utilizing their authority and control, backed up by the states monopoly on force and coercion, to deliver a program under the guise of protecting the "public". They can never take responsibility as the responsibility for the vessel will ALWAYS rest with all you beautiful spiritual beings! The public is a fictional construct and the goal of protecting the 'public' is an impossible fairy tail quest.
The majority of the vaccination debate rests with people who are feudal serfs fighting other serfs to try to change the policies as prescribed by the statutes and regulations that govern them all. The problem most people refuse to infuse in the debate is that a group of psychopaths have taken over control of those institutions and are using the power and influence to push their own agenda. That agenda is to maximize profit and control for themselves and their corporate buddies. However, I also believe there are other hidden agendas to kill 95% of the people on this planet.
Vaccinations are one of many ways that agenda is being rolled out. Yes, I see a major conspiracy at work here and I urge caution before participating in that conspiracy. But even if you don't believe me, there is one point that must be taken seriously.
If an individual does not want a vaccination and somebody uses the states monopoly of force to coerce or force that individual to have a vaccination, that action is violent and abusive. It does not matter whether the vaccination is helpful, safe or harmful. The very fact that one resorted to using coercion or force to administer the vaccine is a violent act. The problem is that people are now passing laws to legalize that act, essentially using the morality of the state to engage in violence against others. Tyranny at it's worst.
If an individual wants the vaccine of their own free will, with full knowledge and informed consent on what the true risks are, then that is their right to do that. But we better make sure that people have ALL the information they need in order to make that "informed choice". The pharmaceutical industrial complex is so corrupt and greedy, I doubt very much that they are fully disclosing the risks and benefits of their products. So how can anybody make an informed choice in this matter? They cannot!
Then there are the youth, all of which are too young, naive and ignorant to make an informed choice. They do not have the physical, mental or emotional maturity to make the choice or the life experience to know what the short or long term consequences would be. That is why the parents and their tribe have always been and always will be responsible for the health and safety of their young offspring. The problem is that the parents have handed over the control and authority to the state and the state has done everything it can to destroy the tribe and are now turning their sights on the family. Parents then feel helpless and out of control when the state uses force and coercion against their wishes or the best interests of their off spring. Ever been under investigation by Child Protective Services, a School Board, Police or other bureaucracy?
Please remember that violence can never be justified, despite the attempts of individuals to argue the alternative. The state is working hard to be the moral and ethical standard upon which our relationships are founded. Not only is this a huge mistake, but it is also a glaringly violent attempt to usurp our freedoms, liberties and spiritual sovereignty over our vessels and all our relationships. Fear must not be allowed to govern these issues.
What I do to sort through the cloud of confusion
I don't trust politicians nor the owners and operators of the multi-national corporations. There is a conspiracy among them to engage in activities for the purpose of power, wealth and control. I would go as far as to state that I don't trust the scientists either as their research can be bias based on who funds it. As a result, any information coming from these sources is tainted and I do not trust.
There is also a group of people who have stood up to testify to the harm that has occurred to family, friends and loved ones. They share their stories, pictures and results of their interaction with the medical industrial complex cartel. People attack them with shame and guilt in order to protect the status quo of the institutions. To me, this speaks volumes and I would rather trust thousands of individuals testifying to their own truth than to trust politicians and the corporate slaves and slave owners.
Another group will infect people on purpose and those individuals are the most violent. Yes, individuals have been known to do that, but most of the mass infections are a result of governments and the medical industrial complex. They do this shit to scare people to take their medicines. These people are actually more dangerous to our health and well being than any disease.
So what is a Spiritual being to do?
Mother Earth governs with a set of natural laws that have not changed since the beginning of time.
I acknowledge and accept that there are risks in life. Illness and disease are a part of those risks. When I find a balance within natural law and utilize my own knowledge and experience, I can deal with those issues in a way that is in harmony with those natural laws. My first step was to come to terms with my own mortality. I'm not afraid to die and as such I will do all I can to ensure that I live.
Accepting 100% responsibility and accountability for my life also required that I not willingly spread disease around when ever one of us gets sick. Living out in the country, away from the masses of people is a strategic and deliberate act to minimize our contact with others.
This violates Natural Law. I refuse to participate in this!
The modern social, political, agricultural and environmental models wipe out diversity in favor of specialization and high density farming methodologies. As a result, the development of herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, antibiotics and even genetic manipulation was seen as the solution when dealing with disease and other problems. It does not matter if they are dealing with a genetically modified canola crops, cattle in a feed lot or people crammed in cities. The solutions have been the same and we are now witnessing the collapse of these methodologies. Super bugs, accumulation of bio matter resulting in toxic conditions for life, the collapse of whole regions on this planet and other such problems violates Natural Law. I know in my heart that these methodologies will fail catastrophically and only those who work to live within the structures of Natural Law will have the knowledge, skills and experience to survive.
It is the very thing that we are destroying that will save us from destruction. The diversity of the biosphere is what brings balance, health and prosperity for life on this planet. Yet we are destroying it at alarming rates in favor of man's own model. My wife and I have found health and prosperity by removing ourselves from that destructive model. We use natural remedies, knowledge of how to break disease cycles naturally, natural medicines and we listen to the testimony of others who have first hand knowledge and experience.
I believe my current struggle is a result of living within the old model. Moving off grid 11 years ago may not have been soon enough to prevent the illness that I'm currently working hard to heal. My addictions to pharmaceutical drugs, alcohol, junk food and even the ECT treatments that I took prior to my mental and emotional healing, had left over impacts on my physical body. I have no doubt about that. I see this as my final healing and I accept the consequences whether it works or not.
I stand here as a witness to testify that vaccinations harm people in horrible ways. My son experienced that and there is no way I would use force, shame or guilt to make people take a vaccination. I also testify as a witness to what the feudal system did to me for 40 years of my life. I've taken back command of my life in the last 10+ years and I know deep down my life is better for it. Despite all that, my spirit has grown and healed as I work hard to find non-violent ways of living my life, healing, forgiving and loving.
In the end, each one of us must make up our mind where we stand on the issues. Yes, we have a right to share those views. HOWEVER, we do not have the right to engage in violence, shame, guilt or any other overt or covert form of violence to force our will on somebody else. Use of the current political systems is violence and we should dismantle those systems and never use them again. But to live a life without violence requires an evolutionary revolution within.
That is the spirit and intent of my work for the last 10+ years. That is why most people reject my work, because they are not able or willing to go through that evolutionary revolution themselves. I'm still in the process myself and as such, I can only testify to what I've experienced.
My vessel is a temple. It is sacred as it is the seat upon which my spirit sits in order to command my vessel. As such, it is my duty to ensure that I don't put anything toxic into it as I do not ever want to violate or desecrate something that is holy. I refuse to use vaccines or any other drug made by the pharmaceutical industrial complex. I just don't trust them at all.
I chose remedies that Mother Earth provides and I accept the consequences of that choice. I chose to stand up and testify against the establishment and institutions that govern this planet. I chose to trust Creator and Mother Earth while I work hard to learn the Natural Law that governs this planet and my vessel. I chose non-violence along my journey and hope that others are influenced along the way. Rebuke me all you want, but I will never let the institutions violate my vessel ever again and I will not sit idly by while others engage in covert violence to convince people otherwise.
We have seen first hand the coercion and violence used to vaccinate people. Almost monthly we have the public health show up at the gate to vaccinate the children because if they aren't they can not attend school. We refuse them entry and they aren't sure what children may or may not be living here. As far as school goes, there is a law for that here too. No homeschooling allowed. Needless to say, we are not following that rule either. I am waiting for them to challenge us in court, but we know under the circumstances that is not likely to happen anytime soon.
What you are doing for your children takes tremendous courage. I can only imagine the stress that this must cause you. Your children will grow strong because of your courage. Much love.
Thank you, @angelfire808. Somedays it is tough but making sure the children are safe and healthy is paramount.
A very nice post.
I loathe debating about vaccines. Because most people have to be educated on what immunization means. If they knew, than what is their fear that another child has the disease? They are already immunized, right?
Then you have to tell those same people that vaccines make you sick. You are made sick, in hopes that you will get better, and thus develop an immunization.
So, a debate is never had, they bleat that we must all go along with the herd. While i try to tell them facts that they do not want to hear.
The worst one being... why do hospitals demand that you have a flu vaccine shot before visiting? Hospitals who have air scrubbers and UV lights to kill any air born disease. And, would you really want to make someone sick, and get them to the infectious stage before allowing them into a place of the sick? That is really sick.
You write some good articles mister...
Thank you. I'm glad you are enjoying them. Thank you for the support!
I would imagine quite a bit of the vaccination furor has an additional layer of obfuscation due to people being unable to separate what is "evil" and what is not.
Are vaccinations inherently evil? Not in my opinion... some may be helpful, some may not, but I doubt very many of the original developers of vaccinations worked in lab with the intent to harm people, rather than help them.
So, to the extent that "someone" or "something" is evil, it would have to be the desire for power and control, and the people/organizations who would use vaccinations in that context.
My point here being that I feel that the field of medicine often gets tarred with the same brush as immoral violent humans. Is a drug that moderates your blood pressure "evil" or is the TRUE evil the fact that the same drug, made in the same pharma plant in India, with the same brand name worldwide... has a street cost of $3 in India, but in the US of A is costs $100 simply "because we can get away with it and the patient has no choice but to pay or die?"
If I have dissected your excellent piece more or less correctly, I think that is pretty much also what you're suggesting?
Bright Blessings!
To most, it isn't clear that this has happened. Getting that message across is nearly impossible to most. People, in general, are gullible and believe what they're told by their rulers. And now that the majority of the population has been trained to become offended when they hear something they don't like, it's become even harder.
"Vaccines are safe. There's no risk at all. Herd immunity. Blah blah blah."
The simple fact that there is a law preventing lawsuits against vaccine companies in Canada (and the US, and probably other countries) should be the only evidence needed to realize there is something else going on. Never mind the many, many other facts that also point to the dangers. The fact that vaccine companies probably spent millions and lobbied enough governments in multiple countries to get this "rule" implemented means there is a strong chance that people will be injured from vaccines. So when they say, "Vaccines are perfectly safe," to the general public but you have no chance of legal action against them if something went wrong, there is a problem.
Rice Crispies are also said to be perfectly safe and a healthy breakfast (even though they probably aren't), but if they were somehow contaminated and people died, lawsuits could be filed against them. This applies to every other company - except for vaccine companies. Something is clearly not right with that and should be the only evidence one needs to come to the conclusion that it's all a trick.
Indeed. I would suggest that breakfast cereal and other cereal products are laced with glyphosate and are extremely toxic. Soon that chemical will be protected as well. I weep for those who do not believe that there are people out there trying to make them sick, enslave them or treat them like cattle. However, that is their path and journey. I cannot change them. All I can do is walk my path, testify and do my best within my own life. My blog is my testimony. Thank you for seeing it as such and for participating! Peace to you.
Although I usually have some awareness of the topics you write about, I always value the spiritual slant you put on them. The lenses of Natural Law and the Pacem Arts is something we can all learn from.
I am honoured and humbled. Thank you.
I would firstly like to send my apologies in not reading your post in good timing to send you support by upvote. You took the time to write this for me and I wasn't there.
Reading your entire post and comments included, I agree with all this being so violent and harmful. It helps with making my decisions and yet it remains to be a scary world for me. My problem is that I lack the knowledge and probably the proper capabilities to fight the system that would threaten my family and to properly heal my children in the case of something happening. Weeks ago I had to result in bringing my daughter to the hospital to have inhalers prescribed to her so she can breathe. I know certain things that help like mullein, which I have tried and I will always try that first but perhaps it is not strong enough for her, or perhaps I am just not doing it right. And I am left without power to help her breathe. I know a vaccine won't help her in this case but just pointing out that it is still pharmaceuticals. I don't want to be dependant on them but yet I feel like I need a huge strict lesson, a how to incase of this and that. There is so much that I just have no way of knowing.
So much to tear away at, wanting to push through walls for the capacity needed to just be ok. Is there someone that can just take my hand and show me the magic of it all? lol I'm laughing because I am frustrated, with myself and with the system. And the only person that I personally know that can teach me is Tammy. She has already taught me so much but it feels like it takes a lifetime to know what she knows and at the level of experience, when now this lifetime needed is the life of my kids. Gah, I'm so stuck lol. Is there like a school for this? Is there something I am missing?
With @cecicastor's comment, I wish I could be that person. But I fully believe that in order to have that life, it has to come with the knowledge to follow through. If I were to have CPS at my door because of not vaccinating my children, I feel as though I wouldn't have the power to defend and keep my children safe. I seen Tammy do it, and being 100% honest, I didn't understand it all. I would fail if it were to be my turn to go through all of that.
In schools we are taught math, science and all that but we are never taught was is really true and nor was I given the knowledge, the smarts whatever it is called to have this life. Thank you government for taking away my kids before I even knew I was going to have them 😞
I don't even know what to search for.
I am sorry for this reply. It is my feelings on where I stand at this moment.
My dear sister, I forgive you and pray that you find within yourself to forgive you as well.
I think Tammy would be more than willing to teach you. I am willing as well. What Tammy did is not magic, but it does require seeing the world from a different perspective. Spiritual instead of physical or fictional. My book is a good start if you really want to explore how she did it. It is the principles that I've been talking about for years. Once you comprehend those principles, then you can stand up against those who engage in violence or bulling, including CPS and other government thugs.
You can start with my book and then I'm open to having private conversations with you. But I would also encourage you to reach out to Tammy. I think she is ready and perhaps willing to help people learn what she learned through the process. Tammy and I have spent a lot of time over the last year or so. She has a good grasp of the basic concepts. The mistakes she made were fixable and that taught her a lot.
Also know that I'm holding a class in the next month or so and it will be recorded. I will be putting the video up here on the blockchain as well. It is focused on people like yourself who are struggling with the concepts of what I speak about. It is my hope that this event will fill in the gaps and provide you with some confidence to do what your heart is telling you, but your brain is screaming nooooooooo. ;)
You have the support around you, not like me when I went down this path alone. I hope this helps you.
I know that Tammy does so much for me when she teaches. I want to say so much but I have a tired brain right now. Your book will be part of my beginning. I have gaps that restrain me from certain things and I am looking forward to finding out what those are and how to fix, follow through and advance. I look forward to your videos as well and if time allows it, I will be honored to have conversations with you. I know you are a busy person and your time is valuable.
You have the perfect way of describing it
Look after yourself first. The rest will come. I'm not going any where. :) Peace to you.
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