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RE: “Captured” media refuses to defend Julian Assange

in #unity4j7 years ago

I would love to see journalists who support Wikileaks & Assange to write about targeted victims by Intel/police/government who under the guise of blanket surveillance are running illegal voyeuristic torture/harassment/stalking progs which inc. stealth directed energy weapons/neuroweaponry/V2K/hivemind etc. of which directed energy weapons have been exposed by docs in Wikileaks (find almost 10,000 docs on these weapons in the search function).
Here is an investigative journalist who has created a niche of writing about these crimes against humanity & silent modern day technological age holocaust of which she is also tortured by the very crimes and torture she reports on which include sources from fbi, cia, nsa whistleblowers blowing the lid on these insidious "surveillance" practices: