Life After Dead

in #universe7 years ago (edited)

In this post I want to talk about a controversial issue for humanity, at present many people create their own beliefs, some stop believing and others simply keep their distance, there are too many religions in the world among them we can find such as Judaism, Christianity , Islam, Buddhism, Rastafari, Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, among many others, this is just a preamble, what I want to share with you is something that goes beyond, something different, something bigger and more mysterious, the dilemma between something After death, what will we be? It's over? What will happen ?, Many people who know that their time is ending are not at all calm, some of the questions already mentioned hover and haunt the tunnels of their thoughts, in addition to thinking things like "Will you miss me? What will happen to my children, my family, my pets?

It is difficult when we put ourselves in this situation, because we think of something similar as if we had not really had life, earth, water, atmosphere, planets, stars, clusters, galaxies, if we had not had, there really was Nothing, more than a Deep empty, maybe, that I can give you a new vision, maybe new answers, maybe other ideas, some people come forward for this reason, do not understand it because they do not have that "Why" that inner, intimate, spiritual need it is not satisfied, something is missing, today I want to leave something, a hypothesis that would give room to the existence of "God", in an unknown dimension in which to think when you close your eyes.

The Universe dates from approximately 13,000 million years, but the question fortune is How was it created? There are several theories, "Big Bang" "Continuous Creation" "Pulsation", many scientists believe that it emerged from a singularity, but many will think What is a singularity? Well, it is an area in which the physical magnitudes can not be defined, it is a curvature between space and time, a singularity that probably formed part of one of the greatest and most dangerous phenomena that the universe can offer us. Black holes.

The black holes are objects that do not even let the speed of light escape, since it has a gravitational field that exceeds the speed of light, that is, exceeds the exhaust speed of 300 thousand km / s, in them there is something that is the temporary dilation, all bodies that are accelerated do not run time equal to those that are not accelerated, time is relative, humans have given values to quantify, stories, payments, events, everything.

Albert Einstein's equation affirms that the more the matter accelerates as it reaches the speed of light, it will become energy, this is what exactly happens inside the black holes, once this horizon of events has passed, we we find the Singularity, this is related to death and the beginning, not all universes have to have matter, there will be universes where there is only energy.

Although before the beginning of the universe there was no space time because there was a singularity and in the singularity there is no time space, then it means that God did not have time for the creation of the universe, but ...

Why it does not exist? According to universal laws, gravity is universal, it affects all of us, it is a very weak force, but on a large scale it is the strongest among the four (4) existing, imagine that you travel with your best friend in different ships, you in one and he / she in another, then you encounter a black hole that is absorbing large amounts of matter and energy, then you are curious to approach the black hole (Thing that can not and should not be done ), but suppose you can approach, then your friend mistrusts the idea and decides to keep his distance, then your friend will be sending you signals, as if you were waiting for someone to answer a call, that typical sound of waiting, what happens is that as you get closer to the black hole, your time starts to slow down and the sound starts to spread, each "pi" lasts 1 minute more, 3 more minutes, 1 hour, 4 hours, 10 hours, let's say that you can hypothetically evivir the colossal and crushing forces of the black hole, then that is where your time stops and that "pi" becomes eternal.

Your time has just stopped, because gravity is affecting time, it is curving, if at some point, when it comes out of the black hole, when you get out of the black hole, your time is different, the person waiting for you . Outside, it's gone, so you know what I can do with the hypothesis.

We live on the surface, in each singularity, in each black space, in space and time, we imagine that everything is a universe, I am a person who believed in the multiple, in each singularity, at each point there is a connection , with another zone is where "God" is, because he is out of time, he is part of the whole universe, it is said that this area is where our conscience when our life ends, is called the Albatic plane, it is important that they know that life is energy, energy is not destroyed, that it is transformed, that energy that we have had in life, not only you, miles of people, other species that are not, all that when it passes to Dawn, it is called God.

Let's not look for God here, he is out of our time, in another dimension, we are all part of him, our souls, our energy, our cosmos, our life, there is no time, pain, waiting, no magnitude, we are entities that are part of a whole, we go through these singularities, through these portals to the material world, where our souls, that energy, would wander through the universe, to join a new body.

This theory is based on scientific and philosophical pillars, which tries to explain what could be behind the end of time, we can have another life in another universe or in it, why do some people remember their past life and others do not? Because we can transform ourselves into another life that has no conscience, for example plants, for a living being like a silver, death does not exist, it does not have the conscience to say it, it only experiences the change and it's over.

Hameroff and Penrose, Consciousness is a form of energy that is carried by a neural micro tubules that is in our brain, accumulate quantum information of the person and when it dies, this energy is drained elsewhere in the Universe or the Multiuniverse in a Quantum state.

Carl Sagan "We are a small grain of sand on the shore of the cosmic ocean"

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