Education Need Not Be Forced - Only Allowed And Supported

in #unschooling7 years ago (edited)


Dana Martin is rad. If you are not familiar with her, check her out

This made me think about the biology behind what she's saying too. If you think about it; we don't have to direct the formation of a human in the womb. We don't have to intentionally force the development of hands and feet, digestive tract, or the complexity of each neuron being formed. We just allow it to happen.

Nor do we have to prompt the baby to grow. Care for it, yes, but the biological development simply needs resources- not intervention (in normal healthy cases)

Why would it change at some certain age? Peoples' belief that cognitive progress must be directed with force seems to run counter to the rest of the biological processes that we take for granted.

Free the mind.


The call it programming for a reason.

Govern-cement schooling is about indoctrination. It is about breaking the will of those little people who wind up locked within its death grip.

Govern-cement schooling has nothing to do with teaching truths. It teaches what to think, not how to think.

Everything I learned is school, I now know is wrong. And I am having to unlearn it.

I agree. I spent about 15 years feeling guilty and regretfull for dropping out of school. Now I look back on it as one of the best decisions I made in my youth.

Teach your own. Grow your own. Make your own. Do not comply.

Right on.

Own it!