Update: The State of Smart Media Group - 09/11/2018

in #updates7 years ago (edited)

Latest Weekly Updates

The latest updates from projects and communities within the Smart Media Group Project.

Smart Media Group

After the recent incident to our Discord server, @smartmediagroup was on a bit of a hiatus to regather on the direction of the project as the server is an important part to the project and to a few that have been actively a part of SMG.

It acts not only as an information hub, but also a place to keep communication with those that support the project, and the people within them.

It was a bit of a blow to a few that have been working over a year to build the Discord server and the project to get it to roughly 1700 members and built relationships with them. To only have almost all the members wiped from the server couldn't have come at the worst time possible.

What Now?

We have made many changes to the team and as you can see a brand new logo to represent a new fresh start. I'm sure there will be criticism on the color choices but feel free to google the meaning of what each color can represent.



Currently, we are rebuilding the server and filling up the channels with information and get some activity going with the current members we do have.

This will be a long slow process once again as we do it brick by brick.

User engagement and retention has always been a crucial part in building a community on such a platform like Steem.

There will be a regular open discussion held on Sundays at 4pm PST.

The discussion will consist of various topics from the SMG project itself, Steem, crypto, tips, and so on. Generally, a place where questions can be answered or help to find the answers.

We invite those that were once in the Discord server and those that weren't. We look forward to having great discussions on voice, or in text chat.


Logo Designer:

The SMGroups Curation project continues on with our curators. They have been wonderful as the price of STEEM as dropped, so has the reward amount that gets paid out to our curators and we thank them for sticking through with the project even with the recent Discord server incident.

Slowly we will make changes to the project to create more engagement with curation and ways for monetization.

SureShot Bid/Upvote Service

@sureshot service continues on but of course, if affected by the low price of STEEM but we see this as a temporary thing with Hard Fork 20 coming up in a couple weeks from now.

We are working to get the curation part of the service going again to maintain any abuse to the upvote service or the Steem platform.

Block-Buster Witness

Logo Designer:

The witness has been running smoothly, however, we lost support and have fallen in the rankings.

Apparently, we were voting on a particular witness so our support was removed...

With the recent incident to the Discord server, support for the witness was expected to drop.

We continue to continue with our initiatives and have possible big news to share in the near future.


RankWitnessApproval%Missed BlocksLast block
URLReg FeeFeedBiasAPRBlock SizeSteemd version


Vote for @block-buster via SteemConnect



Use the link above, and look for block-buster in the list and UPVOTE!

We are looking for more moderators in the SMG Discord server(Serious inquiries ONLY).


We are looking for fellow Steemians, that are serious, and want to join the project and build communities while working with them to help with growth on multiple platforms, while tokenizing the web.

Interested in becoming a moderator?

Join the Discord server to learn more!!!


Follow us on other social media platforms and let's tokenize the web!

Twitter: @smartmedia_smg

Instagram: @smart_media_group


Starting a job again, after having the building built will always be difficult. But little by little and with each brick you will build a new building, based on the true allies of the Smart Media Group team. It is necessary to maintain the hope that the work achieved in a year has been solid enough to resurface again. Maintain the hope of recovering the solid bonds that you once achieved, all that will come back, just do not lose faith. In the meantime, keep doing what you do and recover your energy to continue confident that better times will come. A big hug and although sometimes I do not know what to do, count on that there, we will be making community together.
Good vibes.

Thank you my dear. It has been wonderful having you a big part of Smart Media Group :)

You will make me cry with your words, sincere thanks @bitcoinparadise everyone has been very special with me and with everyone who comes to Smart Media Group.

we will get stronger~! i love the new logo
all the best to everyone!!

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