Fear is our greatest enemy! Eek!

in #upvoteforupvote7 years ago


Fear is our greatest enemy. What is the biggest obstacle in most of the decisions of our lives? Why, fear of course! We all have our own fears... Ranging from the rational to completely and totally irrational. Poor Mr. Bratteam is scared of onions and eggs and flying and, more recently, submarines??? Poor Mr. Bratteam! Ms. Bratteam is afraid of driving and back-stabbing bitches. So I am going to tell you a story about poor Mr. Bratteam... Get the popcorn.

Bratteam were on holidays in Tenerife, beautiful place, check it out...


So on our last day, we decided to do a submarine to pass the time. Poor Mr. Bratteam is afraid of flying so, Ms. Bratteam thought it would take his mind off it. Here is the submarine...


We innocently stepped onto the submarine, got settled into our seats to dive 40 feet under water. Ms. Bratteam was excited and do was Mr. Bratteam at first... But the moment the submarine went under water... That was real genuine terrified unending fear that was etched on Mr. Bratteam's face. The look of horrror! The horrror progressed with...

"I can't breathe".
"I need to get off"
"We are going to die down here"
"How long until we get off"
"Oh Jesus, 44 minutes to go"

Which progressed into,

"Aw look at that fishes".

All the while Mr. Bratteam was clutching his throat and rubbing his face in complete in utter anguish. In her bid to calm him down, Ms. Bratteam gave Mr. Bratteam a puff of her inhaler... "It's like a mini oxygen tank" she told him. Poor Mr. Bratteam. Poor Ms. Bratteam having to listen to him.

Well needless to say, that was a very long journey for Bratteam. And needless to say Bratteam will never be getting a submarine again. But we can laugh about it now! We all encounter Unknown fears in our lives. But we need to stay as a team and face our fears together.

Bratteam x