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RE: Utopian Particle Physics In A Weekend

in #utopian-io7 years ago

While this is an interesting post, to those with the technical savvy to glean information from it, it is not quite what we're usually looking for in the Blog category. It deals with an open source project, but doesn't really tell readers much about it. You have the exercises, but you don't go into what they are in any great detail.

As a layperson reading a Utopian post, I'd be more interested in reading about the open source project itself. This, obviously, was not what this post is about. I get that. But it does make it harder to consider as a Utopian blog post.

In Utopian's Blog category, we're looking for editorial content. Especially when the post isn't by the project's creators. As it is, it's not quite a tutorial, and not quite a blogpost. There's a great deal of content, and it is well written, but it is entirely opaque to people who aren't already in the know.

More explanation and elucidation would have really helped this post, to my mind. I'll give an example:

  • "Viewing these analyses helped solidify the concept of cuts and how/where to add them." Is a sentence that is entirely opaque, and none of the text preceding it is any help in understanding it. You then refer to "Section 3 (Event Selection)," but you don't say section 3 of what. Earlier in the post, you mention a section of the MadAnalysis5 website, as well as a research paper.

I'm sure your intent wasn't gatekeeping, but writing in this way is gatekeeping. It keeps the potentially interested out. To me, that is the opposite of Utopian's purpose.

All of that aside, this is certainly a worthwhile post. I would certainly be interested in reading more posts from you, especially if you made them more accessible.

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Thank you for your review, @didic!

So far this week you've reviewed 24 contributions. Keep up the good work!

Thanks for your time and thoughtful feedback @didic. I went back and clarified the areas you pointed out. I'll keep an eye out for potential gatekeeping and opaque sentences in future articles.

I'll also add more rigorous analysis. I suspect my follow up articles will end up in the tutorial category since I plan to dive further into technical details.