DBooks.org Backend Documentation 1; Basic Directory Structure Description

This document describes at full length the details of the DBooks-api in the repository stated above
This is the first piece of documentation in a series of documentation that would help guide the design, implementation, integration and testing of the Dbooks webAPI
As shown in the image above, there are three (3) folders and seven (7) files in the repository.
Of these, those of direct concern to a contributor include
- The controllers Folder
- The models Folder
- The server Folder
- The app.js File
- The package.json file
To get started with development. Clone or Download the repository
On cloning the repository switch to the directory of the application on terminal or command prompt
On switching. Run
npm install
From the project root directory. To install all the node dependencies from package.json
Then run
node app.js
To get the application running on your local device
The folder schema of the application is quite simple
The Controllers folder contains the controllers
The Model Folder Contains the Models
The Server Folder contains the nitty gritties of the server
Let’s get a bit deeper into the each folder
The Controllers Folder
There are five controllers inside the controller folder. They include
- accounts.js:- Holds all account related controllers.
- create.js:- Holds all controllers used for creating things on the backend
- delete.js:- Holds all controllers used for deleting things on the backend
- read.js:- Holds all controllers used for fetching data on the backend
- update.js:- Holds all controllers used for updating data on the backend
The Models Folder
There are currently eight (8) models inside the models folder; and they contain the low level implementations of various functionality. They include
- books.js:- contains models for book functions
- coupons.js:- contains models for coupon functions
- favorites.js:- Contains models for favoriting functions
- ratings.js:- Contains models for rating functions
- rental.js:- Contains models for rental/purchase functions
- reviews.js:- Contains models for review functions
- subscriptions.js:- Contains models for Subscription functions
- users.js:- Contains models for User functions
The Server Folder
There are two (2) documents in the server folder. They include
- configure.js:- contains server configuration
- routes.js:- contains RESTful routes for client communication
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Can you please add the documentation to the repository directly for all the contributions.
Oh.. Ok!