Ancap-ch/from-en - I translated and proofread from English to Filipino part 14

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

Project Details

Ancap-ch/from-en, this open source project is about the translation of a book about libertariansm, its content and articles to all other languages to understand the message this book is all about.

Links related to the translation

Crowdin link

Crowdin Activity link

Gtihub link

Crowdin Profile link

Source Language


Translated Language

FLAG PH 1.png

No. of words remaining 57,591 Link
remaining words.png

Number Of Words

I have translated 1,057 words from English to Filipino

Number of words translated on this contribution: 1,057

Start Link

NO of words finish.png

Finish Link
No. of words.png

Percent Link

Proofread Words



Activity 1.png


activity 2.png


activity 3.png


activity 4.png

Previous translation on the same project

Proofread from English to Filipino

Proofread from English to Filipino part 2

Proofread from English to Filipino part 3

Proofread from English to Filipino part 4

Proofread from English to Filipino part 5

Proofread from English to Filipino part 6

Proofread from English to Filipino part 7

Proofread from English to Filipino part 8

Proofread from English to Filipino part 9

Proofread from English to Filipino part 10

Proofread from English to Filipino part 11

Proofread from English to Filipino part 12

Proofread from English to Filipino part 13

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


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