
Thank you for the link. This is good to know.
Apparently the idea is in the air :-D

However, I am still convinced this tool will still be useful. In fact it will be even better with a shorter delay between comment once this change becomes available ;-)

I agree that this tool will still be useful, because it's a nice interface to get one comment at a time, making it a lot easier to go trough every single one without missing it.

Mmmh that's sounds interresting @isnochys 😎 It was a real problem we were all facing. Happy to read that they are changing it ! 😎

Sent with Fast-Reply

Hmm, I wonder how this will affect the copy-paste spammers. We will probably see a lot more of it now. It's a good thing that most of them has limited bandwidth.

I have to disagree on this one. Fast-Reply is only providing an easy way to stay in contact with people who have already interacted with you. Therefore, It is not possible to create unsolicited messages (aka spam).

Even if it was the case, spamming on Steem would be 1000 times more efficient using automated scripts to react to blockchain actions without humain interaction.

Keep in mind that I wrote that comment as a reply to someone pointing out that the 20 second limit for comments will be removed, not as a reply to a comment about Fast-Reply.

It's my bad @valth !
Then we totally agree, reducing the limit will definitely make it easier to spam the network with automated script I was mentioning.

Yep, then we agree completely, @oroger :)