Feature Request on Edhita: Text Editor by Tatsuya Tobioka | OPEN SOURCE
My Suggestion and Request on Edhita: Text Editor by Tatsuya Tobioka

Edhita is a open source text editor for IOS.
- Manage direcotries and files
- View files in built-in browser
- Download files by HTTP
- Input symbols by accessory view
- Send files by e-mail
- Preview markdown

I would like to suggest and request the following:
- An additional of layout for the Text Editor
- The layout has contents of the Margin, Orientation, Size, Column and Breaks.
Mockups / Examples
This is the edited photo of my request:

The benefits once my proposal for this application will be fulfilled:
- An additional of layout on the Edhita: Text Editor, the users will have more option on how they will make a layout for their text.
- Having a layout option on this software, the users can adjust the margin of the sentences, can choose if they wanted it on landscape of portrait, can choose what is the size of the paper, can choose how many columns they like and can mark the point at which one page ends and the next page begins.
- The software will become more updated and enhanced.
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